Hello I am new to the site and new to the topic. I feel I may have just jumped in the middle with this reply.My son will soon be 18 and finally was able to diagnos his Asburgers in 2nd grade though I knew at age 4 there were issues for him and I to face together.He refuses meds (for focusing) and although allows himself to be "labeled" for extra time on tests,does not want the world to see him as disabled.He is mainstreamed in school but has a "tick" which is clapping his hands at almost anytime. i noticed he has learned to fan his arms back and forth without making the clapping sound.As a younger child he was teased and being Asbergers he couldn't tolerate defending himself.After all that is Social also.Mostly he didn't want any attention at all.I fought having him on Adderall and the like,but as asingle mother pushing him through school I caved in.it was all tooo much.My son like others with his condition made nomilestones in developement after his MMR shot.When he was older I had a medical asrologer tell me to change his diet to be gluten free,among other very harsh resrictions that any child raised with gluetin would have trouble changing to this diet.my X wouldn't participate and now my son will make his own decisions about his life and diet.
My son is Gemini sun.Uranus,Neptune,Node in 1st house all Capricorn.Someone mentioned Aries IC he has it also.
Like me he has sun ,ASC oppisition.He has Saturn retrograde opposing Venus and Jupiter.
I would be happy to offer more info or qustions or to list his birth info
thanx .............meme16