david starling
Well-known member
That's the literal definition of a night chart!
(I have an Aqua Moon.)
That's the literal definition of a night chart!
Every little detail matters in astrology. And every little detail matters in real life too.
Declaration and Constitution Link
As I have mentioned many times, you simply have to READ the Declaration to understand that the PURPOSE of the Declaration was to DECLARE that the US would set up a NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT that focused on people's RIGHTS and on a Government that PROTECTED THOSE RIGHTS:
If you just read THAT MUCH it is VERY clear that the Founding Fathers are talking about the rights of people and to set up a government that PROTECTS those rights. This is a NEW IDEA of Government: instead of being a TOP DOWN Government as the REST of the world was, this would be a BOTTOM UP Government with individuals CONSTANTLY being able to CHECK the power of Government. This is an ASPIRATIONAL IDEA for Government, that suggested that a better, limited Government WAS possible IF the people's needs (individual AND collective) were put first.
BTW, this is the DEFINITION of a "Republic": a governmental system WITH a Constitution that LIMITS the power of Government and provides a series of checks and balances so the minority is protected from the possible tyranny of the majority (so as NOT to get the sort of "mob rule" as went on in France).
BTW, a "Democracy" is the OPPOSITE. A "Democracy" is the PEOPLE RULE (i.e., mob rule). "Democracy" DOES occur in LIMITED places in the US in the Northeast where the ENTIRE TOWN gets together to decide how to run the town.
Saying you have a "Representative Democracy" is like saying you have "dry wetness": you are combining two OPPOSITE things.
Back to the Declaration. If you DON'T understand the Declaration's PURPOSE at declaring that Government is there to PROTECT people's rights you CAN'T UNDERSTAND the Constitution that was BASED on this NEW idea: People's Rights OVER Government Power. You INSIST on looking at the Constitution by ITSELF as if there was NO Declaration of Independence CLEARLY STATING the purpose of ALL GOVERNMENT in the US. Certainly if you IGNORE the Declaration's CLEAR words you COULD get the idea that the Constitution is SIMPLY about all the things Government is in power over.
But that is NOT THE CASE. The Constitution is designed to LIMIT Government power by CLEARLY describing the LIMITED power Government has AND LISTING the rights PEOPLE have OUTSIDE of Government (the Bill of Rights).
As to the NATURE of those rights, as has been famously said, "Your rights end at the end of my nose". While you CAN'T physically attack others (since that would interfere with a person's Life) you CAN DO things others don't like, SAY things others don't like, and THINK things others don't like. YOU don't define what I can do. I define what I can do (as long as I don't interfere with someone ELSE'S "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness"). It is this special US FREEDOM TO DO that sets the US apart. It means the US can experiment with LOTS of different ways of doing things to see which way works BEST.
BTW, you CAN yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater IF the theater is on fire.
There WERE automatic weapons available during the Revolutionary war. The "belt and flintlock" rifles which can fire 20 rounds with the pull of a trigger in 5 seconds. There was also a high capacity air rifle which could be fired in 30 seconds. There was also the Puckle gun (similar to the Gatling Gun) that was an automatic weapon. Pepperbox revolvers could handle 20 rounds. Heck, by Revolutionary War standards you SHOULD be able to have an automatic weapon (which IS currently illegal in the US).
A LOT of the confusion over the 2nd amendment comes from TWO WORDS in the description: "Well-Regulated". This confusion goes away when you learn that "Well-Regulated" at the time simply meant "functioning". So, when you REPLACE Well-Regulated" with "Functioning" you get:
A WELL-REGULATED Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
A FUNCTIONING Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
VERY CLEAR what that means now, right? It means the people NEED to KEEP their guns OR Government will TAKE OVER. As has is seen in EVERY DICTATORSHIP: FIRST they TAKE AWAY ALL THE GUNS. It DOES NOT mean "dump as many regulations on guns as you can": "Well-Regulated" DOES NOT MEAN "create lots of regulations".
I have ALWAYS said Socialism is about Government ruling over Society. And your professor was CLEARLY describing the American People as simply being a type of "Society", which IS Socialist-type thinking. "We the People" HAS to be read IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DECLARATION that says the PURPOSE of Government is to PROTECT PEOPLE'S RIGHTS. So "We the People" means the people's rights come FIRST in THIS government. As mentioned previously, IF you IGNORE the CLEAR WORDS in the Declaration about the PURPOSE of Government you CAN'T understand the PURPOSE of the Constitution. The PURPOSE of the Constitution is to provide the LIMITED GOVERNMENT with LOTS of checks and balances FOCUSED ON PEOPLE'S RIGHTS described IN the Declaration of Independence.
About the Link Between the Declaration and the Constitution,
neverthelessMy disagreements with Tim's )interpretations of American history and the Constitution are posted previously.
Agreed-- something I stressed a long time ago.
Agreed-- something I stressed a long time ago.
It looks like you're talking to yourself and answering yourself!
Yes, David-- there is an echo in here.
People are individuals and deeply socialized by groups.
Some cultures suppress individuality. Some cultures promote it.
the current transgenderism thread reveals just how anti-individualism the extreme rightwing really is.
I'm the "Piscean Aquarian" here (Aqua dominant, heliocentric Pisces stellium), so I'm understoodYeah, astrological signs are like a ZOO!
I'm the ONLY leftist in the transgenderism thread, and I wonder if anyone else here is a radical leftist like me (I'm a communist with a small C, the anti-Marxist-Leninist anarchist type)People are individuals and deeply socialized by groups.
Some cultures suppress individuality. Some cultures promote it.
Sadly, the current transgenderism thread reveals just how anti-individualism the extreme rightwing really is.