Astrology Quotes,


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"..People should not minimise the value of astrology.
Astrology is a branch of science
that studies and interprets human behaviour.
It does so through the means of mathematics & astronomy.." :)



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The line about Einstein “Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it." that's mentioned in by the OP at the beginning of the thread is fake. It's a hoax. In all honesty, I don't know who would say that line with a straight face. I even thought "you can't be effing serious" while reading it. Astrology is very very far from being a science. It has a lot of knowledge spanning thousands of years, but it's very far from "illuminating" for scientific purposes. If it were a science, besides being provable, there would not be as much debate and lack of consensus in basic things like house systems, the zodiac or any other thing.