Astrology Quotes,


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In a Kindle book I wrote about the poet Sylvia Plath, I wrote about her husband Ted Hughes, also a poet in England. They both dabbled a bit in Astrology, he more-so than she. However, I do think he made errors in the chart for Prince William.
from an excerpt:
“Her Selected Poems” was published in 1981 and won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.

In February of 1985, he was asked by the Sunday Times of London, to write a christening poem for Prince William. The poem was titled, “A Zodiac in the Shape of a Crown: What the Starry Heavens Sang to His Royal Highness Prince William on 21st July 1982”.
(I'll have to see if I can find it again) Meanwhile: this - article -
Like at least three of the poems Ted wrote for the Royal Family, ‘The Zodiac in the Shape of a Crown’, takes the form of a Court Masque. And whilst other Laureate poems refer simply to astrological birth signs in the Royal birth-charts, this poem describes the Prince’s horoscope in detail. It also conjures the gods of the Zodiac to appear and gives them voice. Just as Prospero calls forth Ceres, Iris and Juno ‘from their confines to enact [his] present fancies’ (The Tempest IV: 1) and to bless the union of Miranda and Ferdinand by their presence, so Ted commands

Sun and Moon and all their family stand
Around an
[sic] new-born babe, in England.
One by one the Sun and Moon and Planets appear, speak their parts and present the gifts they bring ‘For one born to be King’.


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Lois Rodden rated Ted Hughes natal chart as a "B" based on a poem he wrote to Sylvia Plath about when he met his 1st wife (Sylvia) - This is the poem:
Speculative chart, deduced from his poem which refers to his date of meeting Sylvia Plath.

"Our magazine was merely an overture

To the night and the party. I had predicted

Disastrous expense: a planetary

Certainty, according to Prospero's book.

Jupiter and the full moon conjunct

Opposed Venus, Disastrous expense

According to that book. Especially for me.

The conjunction combust my natal Sun,

Venus pinned exact on my mid-heaven."


"That conjunction, conjunct my Sun, conjunct

With your ruling Mars. And Chaucer

Would have pointed to that day's Sun in the Fish

Conjunct your Ascendant exactly

Opposite my Neptune and fixed

In my tenth House of good and evil fame.

......That day the solar system married us

Whether we knew it or not."

Using wide orbs, on the date they met, Jupiter at 25 Leo conjunct the full Moon at 4 Virgo were conjunct his Sun at 24 Leo and Neptune at 3 Virgo; conjunct her Mars at 21 Leo. "That day's Sun in the Fish .... in my Tenth House," puts his Neptune in the 4th house.

The only planet that does not fit is "Venus pinned exactly on my mid-heaven" as transit Venus was at 17 Aries. The Astrological Journal 5/1988, "time estimated as 3:30 AM" gives an MC of 17 Ari



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Avraham the Spaniard, otherwise known as Ibn Ezra
tells astrologers that astrology does not contravene natural law. :)

Ibn Ezra explains
a personal chart falls under quite a hierarchy of other considerations.
From Nativities and Revolutions:

"...The third way is the rule that comes from

the effect of the Great Conjunction on each country.
Thus, if within the influence of the Conjunction upon the nations
war is supposed to befall a certain nation,

even if many of those born in it do not have an indication of death by the sword
in their nativities,
when the time for war for that country comes, they will all be killed...."



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“..The message
boldly blazoned across the heavens :)
at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasize fate
the result of past good and evil
but to arouse man's will
to escape from his universal thralldom.
What he has done, he can undo.."



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"..People should not minimise the value of astrology.
Astrology is a branch of science
that studies and intepretes human behaviour.." :)



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Based on the nautical metaphor of the life (birth chart) as a vessel on the sea of its destiny. :)
The horizon at birth is shown by the sea level. What is above the horizon is above the water
and visible on the sky. What’s below the horizon – is below it.
The degree of horoskopos (ascendant) is shown as οἴαξ (oiax, the helm)

as it is at the back of the ship and the head of the ship is going towards the horizon of the destiny/destination.
The ship of life is swimming from the direction of the Sunrise (birth)
to the destination of the setting horizon (Descendant in ancient astrology describes the old age,

other people and far places, as well as – in the earliest sources like Hermes Trismegistos – death).
10th place (midheaven) is our praxis (action/karma, career,
something we are know for and our professional life direction), like a mast on a ship, that is the first thing seen from afar.
4th place (ὑπόγειον, hypogeion, below the earth) is your home and your ties with your ancestors,
and your death (hence the anchor – all those things are unmovable)

The orange symbols are the Lot of Daimon (Spirit) and the Lot of Tyche (Fortune).

The dark circle is the syzygy (previous new moon).

The outside circle shows the divisional 12th parts (dodekatemoria,
or technically, for Greeks, the dodekatemoria of the dodekatemoria,

as dodekatemoria means just the 12 parts, i.e. signs, of the zodiac).
Gregory Rozek

