I'm 31, I don't have any desire of getting married or having children. I thought to research this maybe there's a problem connected to it (or not).
The Lot of Children falls in the 12th at 0 19 Aries, the lord would be Mars in the 7th, conjunct Desc and Lilith! (and more loosely Pluto). What does it mean, when the lord is conjunct Lilith? It has something to do with children but not in a good way... I have noticed until now that Mars/Lilith and Pluto maybe meant people who become threatening in intimate relationships (opposing the Asc). Would that mean that a child would be threatening maybe to my health, like a difficult pregnancy/birth or in other ways?
The Moon is also in the 12th in Pisces, intercepted. The sign on the cusp of the 5th is Cancer. In the 5th is the Sun in Leo. I have read somewhere that the Sun in the 5th could mean troubles with sons.
The lot of sons is in the 6th in Libra conjunct Mars.
The lot of daughters is in Cancer, tightly conjunct Mercury in the 4th!
So does it look like if I have sons they'll be troublesome and daughters talkative and intelligent?
The Lot of Children is very close to the Asc but the other way around. Does this mean children very early in life (not the case) or very late?
I'm just guessing those so a better opinion would be appreciated.