Astrology of fertility and children


Well-known member
Did this lot of children for my mothers chart snice I already know how many kids she had. Her Lot is in Libra which is pretty good for children, the ruler is in 5th which is also a good indicator.

The counting from the lot to the ruler was inacurate. My mother barely has a few degree seperating her lot from her ruler let alone a whole sign.

I'm not sure what that author meant by quartile but My mother did have more males but the sun makes no aspect to the lot. Jupiter is also located in the lot and squares moon, I'm the only girl.

The lot is burried in the 4th house so thats a good place.
Jupiter is in opposition to Eris -she did have mutliple children, three.

I'd say this information is semi-acurate at least in my mothers case.

Also what does it mean when you have a malefic lke mars in you lot of children- trouble conceiving? Male children?
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Well-known member
In equal house I have Uranus,Sun,Mars,Mercury,NN and Vertex in Scorpio in my 5th house but Libra is on the cusp....I don't have any children.

I'm married, but my husband had a procedure in his last marriage preventing him from making babies.

I've always greatly wanted children though, but for some reason it hasn't happened for me.
I'm 34 years old now.

I just wanted to post this for research purposes.
I'm not asking that anyone give me advice.
This is a good topic. :cool:
I hope this topic helps someone out there.


Well-known member
I have calculated my Lot of Children an on my solar return for 2008 (the year i conceived) was in Pisces, my daughter has SUN in PISCES!!!
In my solar return for 2009 (the year she was born) was in Taurus, she has TAURUS ASC !!!!

dr. farr

Well-known member
Thanks for the information. The Parts/Lots are valuable additional indicators of trends-they are not "sure-fire" (nothing in astrology is!) but, taken into account with other astrological factors, they often provide important insights which are not available otherwsie.


Well-known member
Well, I just found where I have my lot of children!! It is in 8th, Pisces, in conjuction with mars. It squares venus in 11th, Gemini and neptune in 5th, Sagittarius... I guess not that good aspects....
But it seems promising that lot of chldren is transiting now my 5th house...

dr. farr

Well-known member
Sagittarius on the 5th is + for fertility (moderately positive) The 8th is one of the 4 houses connected with childbirth (along with the 1st, 5th and 11th) so the highly fertile Pisces there is +, especially so when the Lot of Children is also there; the conjunction with Mars does diminish it somewhat, but it is still a net +1 for the 8th house.
Yes it is quite promising that the Lot is now transiting your 5th house!


Well-known member
More about the Lot of Child. I and my husband both have the Lot of Child in Aquarius which is considering not to fertile sign. Well, i gave birth of my baby on our 40 (and with God and medical's help).

And as i mentioned to my previous post the lot worked for me in my solar returns.

dr. farr

Well-known member
The Solar Return Lot is more "to the fore" while the natal Lot is backgrund; one should always use the current (ie SR) Lot in making estimations of chances for the forthcoming year of life.


Well-known member
i cant caluculate mine properley but if someone could do it for me?? i used to have the program on my laptop. Anyone help please?
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That first Lot of Children theory is shaky.

It contradicts itself. At one point it says I'll have six (six!) kids, then because I have a malefic (Mars) in the sixth, I supposedly won't have any...which one is it? :lol:
Hello please calculate mine also, when will i have children.

My DOB 7.11.1982 time 10.11pm
My husbands DOB is 28.08.1979 time 2.5 am

Please help me, we really want children, all of my reports are normal, and my hubbies also normal. Still we are not able to get..... why.....can you help me


Well-known member
I'm 31, I don't have any desire of getting married or having children. I thought to research this maybe there's a problem connected to it (or not).

The Lot of Children falls in the 12th at 0 19 Aries, the lord would be Mars in the 7th, conjunct Desc and Lilith! (and more loosely Pluto). What does it mean, when the lord is conjunct Lilith? It has something to do with children but not in a good way... I have noticed until now that Mars/Lilith and Pluto maybe meant people who become threatening in intimate relationships (opposing the Asc). Would that mean that a child would be threatening maybe to my health, like a difficult pregnancy/birth or in other ways?

The Moon is also in the 12th in Pisces, intercepted. The sign on the cusp of the 5th is Cancer. In the 5th is the Sun in Leo. I have read somewhere that the Sun in the 5th could mean troubles with sons.

The lot of sons is in the 6th in Libra conjunct Mars.
The lot of daughters is in Cancer, tightly conjunct Mercury in the 4th!

So does it look like if I have sons they'll be troublesome and daughters talkative and intelligent?:w00t:

The Lot of Children is very close to the Asc but the other way around. Does this mean children very early in life (not the case) or very late?

I'm just guessing those so a better opinion would be appreciated.
Funny, there is a real third house emphasis in both my lot of children and lot of sons (I have two boys). Lot of children is conjunct my 3rd house cusp, lot of sons is in my third house about 5 degrees away from Uranus. Kinda makes sense! I have two boys, and they are very close, best friends, almost like twins. They are both outgoing and kinda gemini-esque. Very verbal and excitable. I conclude from this third house emphasis that they will be very important to each other. And quite brilliant and unusual!

Lot of sons also very nicely trining my mars/jup and sextiling my asc/merc. Love them boys!
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Hello please calculate mine also, when will i have children.

My DOB 7.11.1982 time 10.11pm
My husbands DOB is 28.08.1979 time 2.5 am

Please help me, we really want children, all of my reports are normal, and my hubbies also normal. Still we are not able to get..... why.....can you help me