Astrology of a cold blooded killer


Well-known member
Hi Leo Moon,
Alec Baldwin, IMO acted in arrogance. He's got a Aquarius Venus and Aries Sun. Most with this combination are so completely full of themselves. I do believe it was an accident, but he's another reckless one. I haven't had time to really look over his chart, but quickly glancing and knowing some of his prior history-an arrogant, impulsive man. I know in particular the combination of Aires with Aquarius creates somewhat of a ruthless individual. I can see him not faulting himself at all for using more caution.


Staff member
Leo Moon;
YES, Scorpio Mars at 21 degrees is a reckless and impulsive character.

My mother has mars @ 21 Scorpio. She is not perverted, nor reckless and impulsive. She is 90 years old, healthy enough of mind snd body to live in her own little apartment in a retirement community.


Well-known member
My mother has mars @ 21 Scorpio. She is not perverted, nor reckless and impulsive. She is 90 years old, healthy enough of mind snd body to live in her own little apartment in a retirement community.

What house and planet does the 21st Scorpio reside in? I don't buy the description you make however when speaking of the 21st deg. of Scorpio.

I've explained I have it in Jupiter in my 5th. I've been impulsive at times in my life from which I've learned a great deal and I've been reckless in that impulsivity, but I've NEVER been perverted, lol.

I think the older Astrologers simply carried down and recorded the writings and findings of past astrologers of course, and critical degrees are part of that - in which the 19th, 21 and 22nd of Scorpio are all a part.

Did mother lose anything in that house (does she take life long medication for a specific loss of something or others? Did she lose loved ones she simply never will recover from? (aside from her current age?) Since it's Mars that is affected by this vibration, did she lose her temper easily when younger?? under stress?

My maternal grandmother lived to 101, but that doesn't mean she didn't have issues either with her health.

This is a theory only and one that I and countless other Astrologers who have studied the critical degrees (vibrations) ascribe to. But of course it takes a lot of honest feedback to come to the final conclusion of any theory one espouses.

Is your mother very secretive? As you can tell I am rather married to this theory now after all these years of study.


Well-known member
Hi Leo Moon,
Alec Baldwin, IMO acted in arrogance. He's got a Aquarius Venus and Aries Sun. Most with this combination are so completely full of themselves. I do believe it was an accident, but he's another reckless one. I haven't had time to really look over his chart, but quickly glancing and knowing some of his prior history-an arrogant, impulsive man. I know in particular the combination of Aires with Aquarius creates somewhat of a ruthless individual. I can see him not faulting himself at all for using more caution.

My suggestion to consider at least, the theory postulated by "Winslow Astro" takes us beyond what is "seen easily as obvious".

We "obviously" see and buy his belief it was an accident.

But sometimes those accident prone have "issues" that are psychological too.

That is where this astrologer in the link I posted is headed. Its only a consideration not scientifically concluded. I found it interesting enough to consider at the very least.

And I've watched Baldwin for decades including his marriage to Kim Bassinger which was indeed violent at times.

As I said earlier, I had believe the marriage to Hilaria, was soothing, teaching, calming and very helpful for him since they had all those 5 ? new children now to care for since they married in 2012.
The Winslow link suggests we take another look at the charts she posted.

I love being open minded with most new or seldom discussed theories; and at least hearing out the other's ideas before casting my own judgement nay or pro. or casting dispersion s.

The charts she posted include the natal and the Directions

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Well-known member
continued : REF Alec Baldwin postulated theory:

When "Winslow" says Baldwin's spouse is Venus in Aquarius, I think he is doing as we'd do in horary., checking the 7th house in his chart, seeing Venus rules the house of marriage, then taking it farther to say, "Venus in Aquarius" (but in HIS chart not her's.
Hilaria has Venus in Sagittarius, but we'd need to see their mutual Junos too as a description of the other when it comes to spouses.

For example: Spouse #1 which was rather a toxic relationship, producing one daughter with Kim Bassinger. Ironically she too has Venus in Sagittarius, a fire sign like Hilaria's Venus. We don't know as much about Kim's personal lifestyle, because she was much more private then the new spouse Hilaria, who is on Instagram everyday and puts here life out there for all to see with videos, talks, etc. Hilaria for example, is a Yoga teacher and takes her exercises very seriously. Her likes, her dislikes are all easily seen because she tells you. But Kim is the opposite - I only know about the serious setback of monetary losses she had when they were married.

I don't think she has water in her chart (Aquarius is air, likewise, intellectually driven) perhaps a bit like Hilaria may be seen by many. Possibly takes chances because Aq is ruled too by Uranus.,_Kim

Kim Bassinger never remarried after Alec Baldwin.

Ironically, her 7th of spouses is in Leo, (the star sign) with Pluto in the 7th, (he was very controlling she said) Perhaps stifling so.

It "appears" now that spouse #2 - a Capricorn Sun Hillaria, is wearing the pants in that family. There may be more to the Winslow ideas to at least muse over under the surface. (see video of him telling her to be quiet during a stressful interview on a country road)

The synastry charts of Alec & spouse #2 Hilaria: no tob known in Hilaria's case.

(she doesn't have water planets in her chart)

unlike his first wife Kim who has only water in harsh locations in Scorpio. Her Mercury opposes Algol; and right on the MC which is 27 Scorpio.

Kim B. doesn't suffer fools - so divorce was the answer.

Hilaria, is then a whole nother' kettle of fish: I think as I said, she wears the pants whereas, Kim could not do so successfully. She had 5 children in a short period of time when he didn't want anymore and said so.

Kim Bassinger actually lost tons of money buying a whole town in the South where she was born in Athens Ga. that may have set him off quite a bit, as I think it ended in bankruptcy however it was titled or deeded trying to remake that town.

Kim's Juno (spouse she was attracted to enough to marry) is conjunct "Regulus" in Leo.

Hilaria's Juno ( " 0 Taurus, critical for marriage imo, the opposite of what others wrote)
Now HER Juno, is square Mars & Pluto - but has trines elsewhere in her chart. This may suggest
that there are rumblings under the surface that might explode (Mars-Pluto squares?)
and during an interview on the road in Vermont where they are holed out until the press lets up -
Alec said to Hilaria' "Quiet, I'll take this" as Hilaria attempted to tell off the reporter asking questions with Alec taking the lead.

There may be something we can learn with the Winslow ideas of the "accident" looking beneath the surface a bit.
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Premium Member
Yes. What do you make of it? Tons of people have Chiron affecting their births but don't turn to murdering others.

I'm curious what can be made of it then? Perhaps as Opal's post infers, a connection to one's sun might suggest the "students" of Chiron - and the myth of it's psychological need for greatness?

I have a Chiron book, one of the first ones, so I'll double check this idea of the students which I had not considered before.

Opal: Is the idea sort of like Pallas Athena? Pallas being what one looks up to and admires for the boldness Pallas depicted seen as heroism?

Yeah, I can agree, but Chiron leans more to the medical and Pallas is more of a negotiator. Special talents are of her too.


Premium Member
Sun-Chiron aspects are very important in the birth chart. They can unfold either as becoming wise and helping others or going down the path of self-doubt and alienation, what hurts both you and those around you. It’s important that you can only help others to the extent you helped yourself before.

In a conjunction, the energies of the planets that take part in the aspect completely merge. If you have the Sun conjunct Chiron natal aspect, it suggests that Chiron is an organic part of your sense of self.

Chiron is connected with pain, trauma, your deepest wounds in astrology.

With the Sun conjunct Chiron natal aspect, this blends with your sense of self, represented by the Sun. Planets conjunct the Sun are an integral part of your identity.

Often, you find mere existence painful.

In the natal chart, the Sun shows your inner personality, your ego, who you really are. When Chiron is conjunct the Sun, there is a deep wound related to them. Perhaps you were denied to right to be who you really are in childhood, or there were some other events/conditioning that shook your sense of having the right to exist.

People with their natal Sun conjunct Chiron are often lonely. You feel that you don’t belong to this world. There is a strong and disturbing sense of being an outsider no matter what you do. Often, this stems from a damaged core identity, what makes it hard to show up in the world as the real you.

Nice to make your acquaintance mj66. Interesting post!


Staff member
What house and planet does the 21st Scorpio reside in?

Mars @ 21Sc38 in her 9th

[11/26/29 1:03 pm, st louis MO] time could be from 12:30 to 1:30

I don't buy the description you make however when speaking of the 21st deg. of Scorpio.

I didn't make that description. I quoted a post above, describing it in that way, which I disagreed with. I have my Asc @ 21 Taurus so I am familiar with the 21 degree fixed controversy. lol

My mom has mars in her 9th and it is nicely aspected, considering. Maybe her Spica conjunct Venus in Libra has saved her all these years? She has had a very nice life and continues to say so, even now, at the end of her long journey.

I've explained I have it in Jupiter in my 5th. I've been impulsive at times in my life from which I've learned a great deal and I've been reckless in that impulsivity, but I've NEVER been perverted, lol.

here is the above description which I don't agree with:

Yes, but Kyle has his Mars at 21 Degrees in Scorpio.
This reads as:
Perversions, lack of self control and danger of poisons.

YES, Scorpio Mars at 21 degrees is a reckless and impulsive character.

My mother has never been desribed in any of the above ways. She does not lack self control, is not reckless or impulsive, nor perverted in any way.

Never has been poisoned as far as I know...

Maybe because she is a Scorpio sun with Cap Moon, she is reserved and cautious and not impulsive or reckless.

But if this 21 degree 'dire warning' is correct, then shouldn't it over ride her other placements?

Did mother lose anything in that house (does she take life long medication for a specific loss of something or others? Did she lose loved ones she simply never will recover from? (aside from her current age?) Since it's Mars that is affected by this vibration, did she lose her temper easily when younger?? under stress?

My maternal grandmother lived to 101, but that doesn't mean she didn't have issues either with her health.

I'm not sure how to answer that question about her 9th house. She never took any life long meds---in fact she never used any medications routinely until she was in her middle 80's and got a bad case of shingles. That created some side effects from that as she even had shingles inside and in her throat. So her ability to swallow was debilitated for awhile. This didn't happen until age 83--I think it was connected to her uranus return, perhaps. [uranus, r of Asc]

She did lose loved ones of course. Her older brother died injury the Korean War. She was very close to him. But she did recover as she was pregnant with my older brother---she named my bro after her lost older bro---which was always a comfort to her I think.

No, she was and still is very even tempered. She was one of 10 Irish Catholic kids and was the eldest daughter---so she had a lot of patience as it was tested since she had so much responsibility as a young person.

Her Mars does not have any really difficult aspects. It trines Pluto in Cancer but is separating. And it is in a separating conjunction from the Sun @ 13 Scorpio.

She was married young, at 19, to my father. Had her 1st child at 21---which corresponds to 21 Scorpio mars perhaps as it is her oldest child, her son.

But there divorced early---luckliy he became a successful attorney and he always was grateful that she helped him make it through law school---so he always paid a very fair child support and alimony, until her 2nd marriage---which was the love of her life.

When she was 30, she met her amazing Taurus man, whom she was happily married to until his recent death.They were exceedingly happy and in love for over 50 years.

I think that is why she feels she had an amazing and happy life. She had 3 kids and my older brother and I have been 'easy' for her to raise. But my younger brother was much more difficult. He had some run ins with the law and did some coke and a lot of pot and made life difficult sometimes. But I dont think it was a curse or an especially fated, karmic horrid experience.

This is a theory only and one that I and countless other Astrologers who have studied the critical degrees (vibrations) ascribe to. But of course it takes a lot of honest feedback to come to the final conclusion of any theory one espouses.

Is your mother very secretive? As you can tell I am rather married to this theory now after all these years of study.

My mom was not super secretive, but she was a scorpio/Cap so she was guarded and cautious. She had a small inner circle and with those people she was very open, not secretive. She loves deep discussions and had a lot of heart to hearts with us as we were growing up.

Sadly, her memory is fading is hard to have the same deep conversations.

However on my last visit, we did speak about her 'upcoming journey' to be with her husband. :pouty: She wanted me to know she was not afraid and she was looking forward to it. :love:
She even said that she knows it is up to her when she takes that journey and she is feeling ready...:ninja:
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I wrote often about the critical degrees in astrology. That means I felt confident enough, talked to others like Anthony Louis about questions I had before publishing. I studied what the late Diana Rosenberg said about the ones she too studied which matched my own long research, so I felt confident as I said based on just a decade of watching carefully, noting behaviors seen and unseen, checking with people, and then confirming my theory. 21 Scorpio, cannot be fixed or worked on. IMO, it's fated.

Most vibrations in one's natal chart can be altered (my theory), but not this one. People can change their minds, work on themselves and eventually outgrow some of the vibrations turning them into something far more beneficial to their soul. Only ego keeps people from doing this en masse.


People are entitled to their own theories of life and Astrology. Please don't take a theory personally as though you yourself are being attacked.

I don't know your natal chart.

I have Neptune at 21 deg Scorpio in the 8th and Sun at 26 deg Leo in the 5th. I've never really heard of the fixed 21 deg thing...what does it signify?


Premium Member
Mars @ 21Sc38 in her 9th

[11/26/29 1:03 pm, st louis MO] time could be from 12:30 to 1:30

I didn't make that description. I quoted a post above, describing it in that way, which I disagreed with. I have my Asc @ 21 Taurus so I am familiar with the 21 degree fixed controversy. lol

My mom has mars in her 9th and it is nicely aspected, considering. Maybe her Spica conjunct Venus in Libra has saved her all these years? She has had a very nice life and continues to say so, even now, at the end of her long journey.

here is the above description which I don't agree with:

My mother has never been desribed in any of the above ways. She does not lack self control, is not reckless or impulsive, nor perverted in any way.

Never has been poisoned as far as I know...

Maybe because she is a Scorpio sun with Cap Moon, she is reserved and cautious and not impulsive or reckless.

But if this 21 degree 'dire warning' is correct, then shouldn't it over ride her other placements?

I'm not sure how to answer that question about her 9th house. She never took any life long meds---in fact she never used any medications routinely until she was in her middle 80's and got a bad case of shingles. That created some side effects from that as she even had shingles inside and in her throat. So her ability to swallow was debilitated for awhile. This didn't happen until age 83--I think it was connected to her uranus return, perhaps. [uranus, r of Asc]

She did lose loved ones of course. Her older brother died injury the Korean War. She was very close to him. But she did recover as she was pregnant with my older brother---she named my bro after her lost older bro---which was always a comfort to her I think.

No, she was and still is very even tempered. She was one of 10 Irish Catholic kids and was the eldest daughter---so she had a lot of patience as it was tested since she had so much responsibility as a young person.

Her Mars does not have any really difficult aspects. It trines Pluto in Cancer but is separating. And it is in a separating conjunction from the Sun @ 13 Scorpio.

She was married young, at 19, to my father. Had her 1st child at 21---which corresponds to 21 Scorpio mars perhaps as it is her oldest child, her son.

But there divorced early---luckliy he became a successful attorney and he always was grateful that she helped him make it through law school---so he always paid a very fair child support and alimony, until her 2nd marriage---which was the love of her life.

When she was 30, she met her amazing Taurus man, whom she was happily married to until his recent death.They were exceedingly happy and in love for over 50 years.

I think that is why she feels she had an amazing and happy life. She had 3 kids and my older brother and I have been 'easy' for her to raise. But my younger brother was much more difficult. He had some run ins with the law and did some coke and a lot of pot and made life difficult sometimes. But I dont think it was a curse or an especially fated, karmic horrid experience.

My mom was not super secretive, but she was a scorpio/Cap so she was guarded and cautious. She had a small inner circle and with those people she was very open, not secretive. She loves deep discussions and had a lot of heart to hearts with us as we were growing up.

Sadly, her memory is fading is hard to have the same deep conversations.

However on my last visit, we did speak about her 'upcoming journey' to be with her husband. :pouty: She wanted me to know she was not afraid and she was looking forward to it. :love:
She even said that she knows it is up to her when she takes that journey and she is feeling ready...:ninja:

Hi Katydid,

As I read this, I have admiration for your Mother. I have to add, that when a thread is about cold blooded killers, we aren’t talking about her.

The energy is emitted in each chart differently. Sometimes the energy is positive of nature, and sometimes a person becomes a victim of the energy.

Your mother’s first marriage? did not work out, maybe the energy was released before you were aware or alive.
Excellent work as an astrologer to predict that truth will be known at a later time. I recommend people to remain neutral when evaluating a chart.As you can see, your lack of personal bias in a reading led to the ability to predict with more accuracy. Those who judge are blinded and the chart is interpreted with too much sway, ultimately disregarding and disrespecting the truth of a soul's journey. You nailed it!
I don't see anyone scary.

I see someone who takes his civic responsibilities and moral obligations quite seriously.
[sun/moon/merc/Chiron in Cap, Venus/Mars in Scorpio. ]

Mercury sextile Venus---he wants to. protect and serve

His Venus/Mars is the midpoint of a Jupiter/Uranus opposition. He got caught up in a sudden social event that was bigger than he could handle.

His Jupiter is in a close trine with Pluto. I think the authorities will see the truth of what happened to him. And will likely understand the self defense aspect. [Saturn trines the T-square that got him into this mess]

That Jupiter in Leo is opposed the midpoint of Uranus/Neptune.

I think that^^^ describes this teen's situation. Some see him as a killer, others see him as a Hero. The court system will have to decide. Luckily there are plenty of live-streamed videos that show the people that tried to kill him, before he shot in self defense. :ninja:


Premium Member
The man I knew had some very good qualities. He had some very bad qualities too. Most killers are not evil to everyone. This one always wanted to be a hero. Stopped to assist at accidents, knew first aid well.
I guess, he was trying to overcome what he had lied about for so many years. He was a great storyteller. Great with children.

He lied about a lot. He was a thief. In the end, serving life with no chance of parole.

Whatever the truth was, he should have been honest about it when it happened.


Well-known member
I'd agree with this synopsis. However, when we assign "cold blooded killer labels" or even a murder on to someone, we usually do so with the understanding it's "easy" to see, as "obvious" (i.e. serial killers or Little Nancy having a true purpose, easy to see with her gambling addiction and she didn't deny it)

For Alec Baldwin, I'm suggesting that Winslow astro might have something here, -= an "under the seen or obvious"....whereas he was the one holding the gun (not part of the script someone said), actually pulled the trigger (to practice his cross-draw) but sadly, pointed to a person. That's ignoring everything safe.

I don't believe anyone will charge him with murder, but it does make me wonder IF we do not get what we want at home, (center stage is uprooted by 5 little ones ) or inability to act out when our personality calls for it, being instead, more willing to take 2nd place, the subconscious mind may work itself out into what is called an accident and for all intents and purposes, really IS accidental in our world.

We can't understand that well, the inner world. Just like psychiatry, we can only muse over it. :pinched:

He was saving money because of that large family he now is forced to provide for. (Perhaps forced is the wrong word), but you all know I mean, "have to". Its can't be cheap either. They have a few homes.

How does the bullet

go through Halyna's stomach


end up in Souza's shoulder
if he is looking over her shoulder?

Was it another magic bullet?

Baldwin is supposedly a hunter
a person who uses guns
yet didn’t check his weapon.
Someone hands you a gun, the first thing you do is
break it open and check to see if it’s loaded.
It really makes no sense why there would be a live round in the stunt gun.

When characters get poisoned in a movie
do they have to check to make sure there is no actual poison
in what they are eating?
Its a gun on a set
it should arrive on the set that way
no live bullets should be near the set. So strange.
Spin it like the narrative needs but
what it boils down to is
Alec was behaving arrogantly for days
and was effing around a possibility of a loaded gun.

He aimed it, shot it and to his narcissistic surprise, it went off
didn’t care about that poor mother and wife
they were all dressed up for Halloween
and smiling the day that lady was being buried!
happily posting those pics on Instagram for the world to see.
Be '...normal...' around your kids for their sake, but keep it private.

Baldwin cocked the hammer
aimed the firearm at another human being
and pulled the trigger without 1st performing required safety protocols
to ensure the firearm was in a safe condition.
the lionshare of culpability falls on alec.
had any one of them performed the required safety protocols
this wouldnt have happened

Baldwin was the one using the firearm

Baldwins was the most important safety check


last line of safety defense.


Alec Baldwin stunt double was shot in the foot on Rust set
They had multiple incidents with guns on the set of Rust
most responsibility goes to the trigger puller
who was not authorised to use the gun without the armorer present
but still insisted on using the gun
Alec was supposed to check the gun b4 pulling the trigger
wasnt even supposed to pull the trigger
it wasnt in the script to pull the trigger
but still proceeded to pull the trigger
also skimped on gun safety expenses

Alec tweeted in 2017
"...How it must feel to wrongfully kill someone..."

fast forward few years later he's allegedly accused of doing same thing
that is eerie as hell.
eerie coincidence
I don't even believe that coincidence .


Head armourer at 24?
Thats a red flag in itself!
Most professions you’re only an apprentice
newly qualified at that age
not a master





Well-known member
My mother has mars @ 21 Scorpio. She is not perverted, nor reckless and impulsive. She is 90 years old, healthy enough of mind snd body to live in her own little apartment in a retirement community.

katydid: Your mother sounds like a truly loving soul. Perhaps she is one in a million for whom the 21st deg of Scorpio, did not truly resonate as a definite loss for her as it does for so many others.

My mom likewise, is seen by me as a almost perfected soul in heaven.

I'm glad you took the time to share a bit of her life with us.

I always LOVE dreaming of my mom too. :love:


Well-known member
We needed something more than a sunrise chart for Rittenhouse, but, that said, there are a lot of Sun in Capricorn/Moon in Capricorn killers. (Think Ian Brady, who has a Taurus Rising, which just makes it worse).

"Sociopath" is the word Moon in Capricorns use for each other!

That said, the verdict was probably the correct one. The Rosenbaum molester whom Kyle shot had just gotten out of the psychiatric hospital after a failed suicide attempt, went to his ex's house who told him to leave because she had a restraining order on him, she told him not to go downtown to avoid the BLM protests, so he went right down there, started screaming the N-word (which is on video) to a bunch of armed protesters, and dared them to shoot him (so he was no white "ally" -- he was trying to complete his suicide assignment)... So he saw an underaged boy with a big gun (his usual preference) and made a dash for him. And once Rittenhouse shot him, the others thought Kyle was an active shooter and descended on him.

Yes, Kyle shouldn't have been down there, and today he agrees with that. But the verdict, though uncomfortable, was the right one.

His real crime was being such a ham in court.


Active member
Please see below, the chart of a 17 year old boy who came to our town and killed 2 people in a planned out assassination. I just had to look up his birth details-what drives a person to do these things? I found a very scary chart. Lots of Capricorn and Scorpio. Wondered what other's thoughts were. I don't know his time of birth.
His DOB is: 1/3/2003 in Kenosha,WI
**The chart is linked below in PDF form.**

Interesting....I got Scorpio in my chart...attracted to killers most of my life, but I don't think I could ever be a killer though it's not in me. I am not a sociopath so I don't think I could actually ever do any serious harm to anyone. I certainly have been very attracted to killers most of my life and the darker side of life. Always loved reading about all the serial killers ever since I was a very little boy as early as oh say age 10. In my 40's now and still completely clean criminal record. Although had an obsession with killers as a kid, joining occult clubs .... at one time of my life at the age of 18 I even was a member of the Church of Satan (Christian these days).


Well-known member
Re: Atrology of a cold blooded killer

I don't see anyone scary.

I see someone who takes his civic responsibilities and moral obligations quite seriously.
[sun/moon/merc/Chiron in Cap, Venus/Mars in Scorpio. ]

Mercury sextile Venus---he wants to. protect and serve

His Venus/Mars is the midpoint of a Jupiter/Uranus opposition. He got caught up in a sudden social event that was bigger than he could handle.

His Jupiter is in a close trine with Pluto. I think the authorities will see the truth of what happened to him. And will likely understand the self defense aspect. [Saturn trines the T-square that got him into this mess]

That Jupiter in Leo is opposed the midpoint of Uranus/Neptune.

I think that^^^ describes this teen's situation. Some see him as a killer, others see him as a Hero. The court system will have to decide. Luckily there are plenty of live-streamed videos that show the people that tried to kill him, before he shot in self defense. :ninja:

Well, I guess he could be scary to criminals & thugs who try to murder him & then when he defends himself, they call him a killer!
I haven't read the entire thread but did anyone mention that he shares the EXACT same chart as Greta Thunberg. Is she a cold-blooded killer too since they are astro-twins! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The full acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse is now in. The result was hardly a surprise to many of us who watched the trial rather than the media coverage.
The jury spent days carefully considering the evidence and could not find a single count that was supported beyond a reasonable doubt.

Greta's chart attached, astrology twin of the brave Kyle.


  • 1190-greta-kyle.png
    53.7 KB · Views: 54


Well-known member

From Kenosha riots to Kyle Rittenhouse trial, biased media coverage makes everyone angrier​

In our age of rage, Rittenhouse had to be convicted to fulfill the narrative.​

Acquittal has to be evidence of a racist justice system.​

:neptune::pisces: H3 in Sibley chart (communications, news,) has been dishonest during the entire time of this transit in the US chart.
The public doesn't trust the Fake News, Big Tech & they are all being exposed as the propaganda machines they are.
They tried to destroy Kyle who is not racist, never hurt a black person in his life & defended himself against violent Antifa
thugs who tried to kill him. One was a convicted pedophile out on bail. The other two were criminals too.
Kyle was the victim yet the corrupt media turned :neptune:upside down to make the thugs/pedo the victims.
THANK GOD the Jury was unbiased & rendered the right decision; he was facing life with no possibility of parole & he was
only 17 at the time.

:pluto:played a big role in his illegal arrest & charge but he emerged victorious when the jury saw the evidence & acquitted him
of all charges. But it changed him. Pluto will do that. It can destroy you. Last I heard, he was suing the cable networks &
big tech for defamation. Hope he wins big from these demonic entities that tried to kill him.