Astrology for pay, how to do it


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Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Osamenor, I've seen your interpretations in various threads and they are quite good. If you need feedback from test subjects with an astrological background I'd be happy to offer my chart for interpretation. :happy:
I'd be happy to interpret it!

That said, many professional astrologers I know have certifications of some sort. NCGR certification is popular, and the classes go over everything you might need, including modern natal, also transits, progressions, and traditional. It isn't cheap but you might feel more prepared if you complete their curriculum. In any case, if you charged much less than some of the astrologers who are now charging hundreds, that could help in gaining more clients.
I checked NCGR's website at this suggestion, and my first reaction was, good information, but the way they're teaching it will probably just frustrate me and waste my time. I have a very hands-on learning style, not at all compatible with the traditional lecture route.

Online learning is an even bigger problem for me because it doesn't include any in-person interactions. If I'm learning anything from anyone, it works best when we meet in person. Online interactions in a forum are somewhat different... that's more personal and less attached to expectations... but not being able to interact with a teacher in person, when it is a predetermined student/teacher relationship, is detrimental to my learning in a way I can't quite explain. And then there's the exams. I can take them, and do well on them, but not if they're timed. NCGR doesn't give any indication of accommodating disabilities, which I would need... in school, I qualified for extended testing time because of my ADD/nonspecific learning disability.

If my sense is correct, that their program is built on the assumption that everyone learns best from lectures and competence is best assessed through written (and timed) tests, it's definitely not for me.

I can see myself doing an apprenticeship program in astrology, if I find one that's a good fit. But not right now. I'm focusing on herbalism for this year at least. The rest of my time is taken up with working at a more regular job and other commitments.

My current plan is exactly what you suggest: charge less than full fledged professional astrologers, and what you didn't suggest: include a non-monetary compensation option for people who can't comfortably afford my rate. I'm not building a whole practice right now, just a side line at most.


Well-known member
[...] I can't give the full range of services that a seasoned professional could [...] need to work out the how much to charge detail

Incompleteness is the peculiar trait of all astrology, and there is an in-depth motive for this trait.

[...] when it is a predetermined student/teacher relationship, is detrimental to my learning in a way I can't quite explain. And then there's the exams. [...]
If my sense is correct, that their program is built on the assumption that everyone learns best from lectures and competence is best assessed through written (and timed) tests, it's definitely not for me [...]

This is a problem of all astrology, for it cannot be teached as we are teaching factual knowledge: not just your problem. What happened here in Italy, confirms that. Incompleteness remains necessary for astrology.
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Well-known member
Hey again! It definitely sounds like you've got things mostly figured out. So far I like your ideas. Taking some time to really get to know the motives that you have (i.e. your goals, desires, methods, etc.) is great. The monetary vs. non-monetary payment methods are very great, and while I admit I have not seen too much of your work as I don't get on all too often, I think that other members have agreed that you are experienced. Getting some practice on this forum and with your classmates will be a great warm up for the real deal. Good luck with this idea. You sound like you will do fine. :)


Staff member
Thanks, everyone, for the votes of confidence!

Another question: what would those of you who read charts for others irl recommend in the way of software for drawing and storing charts? Is there a good cloud service for that? Since most of the computer stuff I do is online, my main computer right now is a Chromebook, so cloud service is best.

I suppose I could set up a separate Astrodienst account and use it for clients, if nothing else. If there's something out there that shows planetary stations as well as retrogrades in a natal chart, that would be great.

And does anyone have recommendations for a good ephemeris, online or in print?


Well-known member
Just get started.
I am in astrology from 10 years of practice. I can assure you that the problem is not that much about what "you know" about astrology... or about the software... the largest problem is the aptitude with the consultants, which are particularly receptive while dealing with astrologers.
For, the search for "exact knowledge" of astrology, is astrologers own undoing, not a presumed zenith to which to aspire. About ethics: not-written rules have their importance. You will understand them as your way goes on: hardly they are integrated in the beginning. At the same time, they are eluded just from the ones who are entirely lacking in commonsense.
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Well-known member
the first not-written rule, is that it is unconvenient to judge your own chart or to judge the chart of your blood-related or affection-related persons.
It is no rule de facto obviously: but has its sense.
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"if you want to make money - you have to spend money"

number one rule in advertising and marketiing.

knowing your market, demographic is important - diversifying too.

consider spending some time, resources in 'new accounts' - such as small business endeavors of others - people who are looking for advancement in their careers, education, business, marriage, planning weddings, etc, based on event timiing.

mundane and event astrology is under-utilized and if you know what 'something looks like' when you see the chart - you can tell them yeah or nay and chances are, unlike heart-emotion-astrology - they will consider you the advisor that has no emotional linkage to the question or answer.

think of building contractors - they are asked if a deal for development is good or bad - based on a variety of factors - and they have no interest usually in the emotion attached to the project. they spend their money wisely for the sole purpose of creating revenue - hence - they are likely to spend their money on things that will make them money.

i imagine it helps if you have business acumen to spot the subtleties of what the business is seeking to do - but it's so in-line with astrology - 'go this way' 'don't go that way' - that it shouldn't be a difficul translatable skill.

you got the herbs and the healing and now the astrology -

sounds like you have a solid plan.
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Staff member
Thanks, everyone, for the votes of confidence!

Another question: what would those of you who read charts for others irl recommend in the way of software for drawing and storing charts? Is there a good cloud service for that? Since most of the computer stuff I do is online, my main computer right now is a Chromebook, so cloud service is best.

I suppose I could set up a separate Astrodienst account and use it for clients, if nothing else. If there's something out there that shows planetary stations as well as retrogrades in a natal chart, that would be great.

And does anyone have recommendations for a good ephemeris, online or in print?

Just get started.
I am in astrology from 10 years of practice. I can assure you that the problem is not that much about what "you know" about astrology... or about the software... the largest problem is the aptitude with the consultants, which are particularly receptive while dealing with astrologers.
For, the search for "exact knowledge" of astrology, is astrologers own undoing, not a presumed zenith to which to aspire. About ethics: not-written rules have their importance. You will understand them as your way goes on: hardly they are integrated in the beginning. At the same time, they are eluded just from the ones who are entirely lacking in commonsense.

"if you want to make money - you have to spend money"

number one rule in advertising and marketiing.

knowing your market, demographic is important - diversifying too.

consider spending some time, resources in 'new accounts' - such as small business endeavors of others - people who are looking for advancement in their careers, education, business, marriage, planning weddings, etc, based on event timiing.

mundane and event astrology is under-utilized and if you know what 'something looks like' when you see the chart - you can tell them yeah or nay and chances are, unlike heart-emotion-astrology - they will consider you the advisor that has no emotional linkage to the question or answer.

think of building contractors - they are asked if a deal for development is good or bad - based on a variety of factors - and they have no interest usually in the emotion attached to the project. they spend their money wisely for the sole purpose of creating revenue - hence - they are likely to spend their money on things that will make them money.

i imagine it helps if you have business acumen to spot the subtleties of what the business is seeking to do - but it's so in-line with astrology - 'go this way' 'don't go that way' - that it shouldn't be a difficul translatable skill.

you got the herbs and the healing and now the astrology -

sounds like you have a solid plan.
If your posts are meant for me, please read my latest question. What I'm asking now is a logistical question. I'm not asking for detailed instructions on how to build a business, because that's not what I'm doing at this time. I'm also not asking about dealing with clients. I'm seeking software recommendations just to make my work go smoother.

To be able to do this work, I have to have a system in place for keeping client charts and readings organized, and I have to have it set up before I start. If I don't do that first, I'll be way too disorganized, and it will be way too difficult for me to get organized later. So "just get started" isn't an appropriate answer to my question, either. I can't get started without working out these details first.

I also need ready access to a good ephemeris, because there might be times when I need to look information up. For example, my client knows the approximate time of day they were born but not the specific clock time, and they were born on a day when the moon changed signs. What time did the moon change signs? If they know they were born in the evening and the ephemeris shows that the moon changed signs around 11 am in their time zone, we know their moon sign. Without that information, we don't.

Maybe not everyone works this way, but for me, it's absolutely necessary to have all the logistical details in place before I start.
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Well-known member
Okay, editing again here because the link is wonky. is good. You may need to use IE to run it, though.

The Swiss ephemeris is available in PDF at and probably other places - it's public domain. Bookmark as well, as that's good on keeping up with time zone changes.
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Oso -

You have it all sussed out, so I won't bother to re-read any post. "Astrology for pay. How to do it" was what I read and what I offered up.

You have responded this way several times to me, dismissing sincere offerings and suggesting I 'read further' into your labryinth.

Good luck with that.


Well-known member


from THE PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE OF ASTROLOGY - a series of recordings of 2015 lectures including:
the different business models, legal and tax matters,
the basic principles of earning, investing, and spending,
essential to healthy and productive function of the astrologer’s practice

Georgia Stathis BS in Communications Northwestern University
MBA Pepperdine University.
An astrologer since 1978 extensive business and communications experience
having worked in the real estate and investments markets as well as in the public relations field.

Georgia Stathis is a respected international lecturer on Cycles and Symbols,
Business Trends and their Corresponding Mythical Archetypes,
Economic Astrology and Stock and Commodity Market Cycles.
Author of numerous articles on these subjects for various professional journals and magazines,
co-authored Financial Astrology for the 1990's, Civilization Under Attack.
publisher and author of Starcycles Calendar Series
as well as the Starcycles Audio Cassette Learning Series.
taught at Kepler College in both academic and certificate programs


Staff member
Oso -

You have it all sussed out, so I won't bother to re-read any post. "Astrology for pay. How to do it" was what I read and what I offered up.

You have responded this way several times to me, dismissing sincere offerings and suggesting I 'read further' into your labryinth.

Good luck with that.

I'm sorry you feel dismissed. That wasn't my intention.

Please be aware, though, that it really annoys me when people post in my threads without reading more than the title and/or the first post. Later posts usually take the thread in another direction, and the original question isn't always relevant anymore by the time you post. To know if your answer is appropriate, you need to read the whole thread before you respond--or, if you've posted in the thread before, at least read all of the posts after your last one. I always do that when I post in other people's threads, and I expect the same courtesy from others. Is that really too much to ask?


FYI....while the title of the books I suggested, at least the Blaschke one, seems like how to build a business, Blaschke covers all aspects of it from how and when to charge and how much and all those things, possible software to buy, etc. Blaschke is dead now, but he had to work his tail off to do it, and he wanted everyone who was interested to know every in and out of doing it.

The best thing about Robert Blaschke was that he really wasn't into astrology for profit, but for helping others and figuring out the world through planetary movements and potentials.

He was such a helpful soul. Never asked, only gave.

Not sure if he made money - but he sure did put a heart-spin onto the astrology of helping - using ancients, moderns, vedic and other knowledge.

Sometimes I wonder if their should be financial profit in astrology or human development. Continuization of connected spirit and all.

Blaschke never sold snake oil, that's one thing for sure. He probably died from other's, though.

When I first met him, first reading, in Lake Oswego Oregon in 1994 - a very posh community - he was into a scad of different healing methods, even before his own cancer -

He used his hubrus to help others - never leading them astray in his own plights.

A great recommendation, Samantha -


Well-known member
I'm wondering how far I should delve into astrology
before it's okay to start doing readings for pay.
Opinions vary and obviously it is your own choice
I had an "aha" moment today:
I'm currently studying herbalism, and last week, we had a class on herbs and astrology,
taught by a professional herbalist/astrologer, and as part of that, she gave everyone their birth chart.
Most of my classmates have little or no experience with astrology,
while I love to share what I know, so I end up just rattling stuff off.

Today, we were just hanging out having lunch,
some people started asking about their charts,
and since I could answer their questions, I did...
and joked that I ought to charge for this.
Many a true word is spoken in jest
Seriously, should I start charging people to interpret their birth charts?

That's your choice, astrology is not regulated
so anyone may charge for what is loosely termed as 'astrology' :smile:

that is why astrology has little credence in the public mind
and is often dismissed as "fairground psychics reading"


Well-known member
I think enough people want me to read for them
that I could spend a lot of time and energy on it

if I chose

and while I love astrology
and love telling people about their charts,

I'm afraid that
if I do too much of that for free
(outside of this forum),
I'll sell myself short.
On our forum we 'learn astrology'
not in any regulated way
but by reading posts at random
from multiple individuals
and then practicing our chart reading skills
often there is no feedback from the OP

and so there is no way of validating astrological theories/opinions
resulting in an haphazard, incoherent way to learn
that is often contentious due to members presenting with multiple perspectives

you have mentioned haveing a feeling of having to "do it all for free with no return"

and yet
you do not have to read charts at all
if you do not want to
just because your classmates are simply understandably keen to discuss astrology
and you seem more knowledgeable than they
and so they gravitate towards you
does not mean you have a duty to read their charts


it's a matter of your 'not wanting to' read their charts
then give your classmates the information that our online forum is where you learned/are learning astrology
and advise your classmates that multiple members of our forum daily
from choice, are "doing it all for free with no return"

any of your classmates are interested
to learn some astrology for themselves the same way you have learned astrology
without having to depend on you for the readings that you clearly feel are onerous

your classmates would then have the choice to learn independently
by having access to the same wider pool of information that you have

and would then possibly even themselves at some stage
be sufficiently motivated to qualify as astrologers via NCGR certification or similar
and so on ad infinitum


Well-known member
As long as you are open to feedback from the ones you do the readings for, I think you could start charging for it. As a newbie I wouldn't mind getting a reading from someone less experienced. Of course I'd expect a difference in pricing between someone who has been around for decades and someone who just entered the field, but you already know that :joyful: Sometimes I may actually prefer someone who isn't too professional - it becomes more familiar.


Well-known member
I started my practice about a year ago. It's still growing, but I don't believe in certs. Why? Since being a good astrologer imho is about respect, empathy, connection, and nobody needs to sit in a classroom to understand a natal chart, what each sign, house, or aspect means, or to make charts that resonate with people.

It's like everything else, practice, practice, practice. This imho (though others will and are free to disagree) is enough to be competent.

Note astrology has not been academic in history, and even with things requiring formal education since it's been a learned and studied art. Doctors, teachers, etc. get certified, but then they aren't competent because of that. certs are pieces of paper, and I would not dismiss a reading if it made good sense if the astrologer learnt his or her competence.
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Staff member
I started my practice about a year ago. It's still growing, but I don't believe in certs. Why? Since being a good astrologer imho is about respect, empathy, connection, and nobody needs to sit in a classroom to understand a natal chart, what each sign, house, or aspect means, or to make charts that resonate with people.

It's like everything else, practice, practice, practice. This imho (though others will and are free to disagree) is enough to be competent.

Note astrology has not been academic in history, and even with things requiring formal education since it's been a learned and studied art. Doctors, teachers, etc. get certified, but then they aren't competent because of that. certs are pieces of paper, and I would not dismiss a reading if it made good sense if the astrologer learnt his or her competence.

I completely agree. I only looked at certification because someone mentioned that possibility.

Having done an apprenticeship with a particular well known astrologer or people they've mentored might raise my credibility, though, because people who know a little about the astrology field will conflate who you've studied with, with the kind of astrology you do. If someone is telling clients, for instance, that they did an apprenticeship with Steven Forrest, I know they're an evolutionary astrologer, and it's probably a good match if I'm seeking astrological advice from them.

It's the same way in my other field, herbalism: certifications exist, but no uniform standards, and it's not an academic field, not taught in universities. Herbalists learn the trade through a patchwork of apprenticeships and self study and maybe a course here and there. But there are some big names in the field, and if you have studied or apprenticed with any of them, that adds to your credibility.
I started my practice about a year ago.
How long did you study astrology before starting your practice? Did you have a teacher at any point, or was it all self study?