Astrology for pay, how to do it


Staff member
I'm wondering how far I should delve into astrology before it's okay to start doing readings for pay. I had an "aha" moment today: I'm currently studying herbalism, and last week, we had a class on herbs and astrology, taught by a professional herbalist/astrologer, and as part of that, she gave everyone their birth chart. Most of my classmates have little or no experience with astrology, while I love to share what I know, so I end up just rattling stuff off. Today, we were just hanging out having lunch, some people started asking about their charts, and since I could answer their questions, I did... and joked that I ought to charge for this.

Seriously, should I start charging people to interpret their birth charts? I think enough people want me to read for them that I could spend a lot of time and energy on it if I chose, and while I love astrology and love telling people about their charts, I'm afraid that if I do too much of that for free (outside of this forum), I'll sell myself short.

But I'm not at professional level yet. I know birth chart interpretation pretty well, but barely have a sense of transits, and I certainly can't rectify charts. I don't know much outside of modern psychological astrology, either. There's lots and lots to learn before I can comfortably turn pro.

I guess my question is, is it okay to charge money for this, as long as I make it clear that I'm amateur, and I don't charge as much as a fully qualified professional?

And on that subject, how do you know when you're a fully qualified professional astrologer? There's no specific certification you have to get, no government standards, so what's the deciding factor?


Well-known member
I'm wondering how far I should delve into astrology before it's okay to start doing readings for pay. I had an "aha" moment today: I'm currently studying herbalism, and last week, we had a class on herbs and astrology, taught by a professional herbalist/astrologer, and as part of that, she gave everyone their birth chart. Most of my classmates have little or no experience with astrology, while I love to share what I know, so I end up just rattling stuff off. Today, we were just hanging out having lunch, some people started asking about their charts, and since I could answer their questions, I did... and joked that I ought to charge for this.

Seriously, should I start charging people to interpret their birth charts? I think enough people want me to read for them that I could spend a lot of time and energy on it if I chose, and while I love astrology and love telling people about their charts, I'm afraid that if I do too much of that for free (outside of this forum), I'll sell myself short.

But I'm not at professional level yet. I know birth chart interpretation pretty well, but barely have a sense of transits, and I certainly can't rectify charts. I don't know much outside of modern psychological astrology, either. There's lots and lots to learn before I can comfortably turn pro.

I guess my question is, is it okay to charge money for this, as long as I make it clear that I'm amateur, and I don't charge as much as a fully qualified professional?

And on that subject, how do you know when you're a fully qualified professional astrologer? There's no specific certification you have to get, no government standards, so what's the deciding factor?

Hi !
Check your nakshatra as per vedic chart. If its primary motivation is Artha (money) then you may charge when you have attained mastery. If the star's primary motivation is Moksha(liberation) then you may charge the fee only as donation.


Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

I'm wondering how far I should delve into astrology before it's okay to start doing readings for pay. I had an "aha" moment today: I'm currently studying herbalism, and last week, we had a class on herbs and astrology, taught by a professional herbalist/astrologer, and as part of that, she gave everyone their birth chart. Most of my classmates have little or no experience with astrology, while I love to share what I know, so I end up just rattling stuff off. Today, we were just hanging out having lunch, some people started asking about their charts, and since I could answer their questions, I did... and joked that I ought to charge for this.

Seriously, should I start charging people to interpret their birth charts? I think enough people want me to read for them that I could spend a lot of time and energy on it if I chose, and while I love astrology and love telling people about their charts, I'm afraid that if I do too much of that for free (outside of this forum), I'll sell myself short.

But I'm not at professional level yet. I know birth chart interpretation pretty well, but barely have a sense of transits, and I certainly can't rectify charts. I don't know much outside of modern psychological astrology, either. There's lots and lots to learn before I can comfortably turn pro.

I guess my question is, is it okay to charge money for this, as long as I make it clear that I'm amateur, and I don't charge as much as a fully qualified professional?

And on that subject, how do you know when you're a fully qualified professional astrologer? There's no specific certification you have to get, no government standards, so what's the deciding factor?

When I first started, I was 18, and living away at school. I did charts for my 2 new room mates, mostly because I wanted to know who I was living with. But soon everyone in our dorm wanted their charts too. This was before computers so it was time consuming.

So I began charging 25 for drawing up the chart and also an hourly rate of 15 for a general reading. [ this was in 1970] People usually have lots of questions after they hear just a brief summary of the Sun/Moon/rising and major configurations. So you don't need to do their progressions or rectify their chart. They usually just want to understand the basics to begin with.

I think that if you are truly, sincerely helpful, and can guide them in some positive directions then charging a fee or making a trade/barter is totally fine.

Obviously the main thing is to NEVER make any medical claims or any kind of diagnosis or any kind of solid, predictions that can be misconstrued. And do not let anyone try and steer you in any of those directions. :annoyed:


Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

When I first started, I was 18, and living away at school. I did charts for my 2 new room mates, mostly because I wanted to know who I was living with. But soon everyone in our dorm wanted their charts too. This was before computers so it was time consuming.

So I began charging 25 for drawing up the chart and also an hourly rate of 15 for a general reading. [ this was in 1970] People usually have lots of questions after they hear just a brief summary of the Sun/Moon/rising and major configurations. So you don't need to do their progressions or rectify their chart. They usually just want to understand the basics to begin with.

I think that if you are truly, sincerely helpful, and can guide them in some positive directions then charging a fee or making a trade/barter is totally fine.

Obviously the main thing is to NEVER make any medical claims or any kind of diagnosis or any kind of solid, predictions that can be misconstrued. And do not let anyone try and steer you in any of those directions. :annoyed:

What's the use or objective therefore?


Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Hey! Personally, I think that your confidence is a great sign that you are ready (or almost there). Perhaps you can try to get some feedback on the readings you have done already in order to try to see how accurate you are. You may want to start out charging a relatively low price (and/or offering less), and as you get more positive attention, you can increase the price. Try experimenting with pricing, details, etc. You sound like you are well on your way, however!


Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Everyone: I appreciate katydid and Astronoodles, who have actually answered my question. For the rest of you, as the OP in this thread, I don't mind a little bit of side discussion, but you've gone WAY off topic by getting into a debate with each other. If you want to do that, please take it somewhere else. (Edit: The off topic posts have been moved to another thread.)

I do want to hear from people who have made the transition from amateur astrologer to pro. How and when did you start doing astrology for pay? Any particular advice for my situation?

Please note that I never said anything about making astrological predictions. I just outlined the level of astrology I'm at. I think I can provide a valuable (and possibly billable) service to people who know significantly less astrology than I do, just by sharing what I know. I mentioned my inability to rectify charts because some of the people I would be reading for don't know their birth times, so my not having that skill would be a disadvantage there.

I like the idea of offering my service on a sliding scale, and/or doing trades with people who would find paying me money a financial hardship. In my area, there's timebanking available, even better than bartering, because it doesn't have to be a direct exchange of services. I think my classmates would go for that, and quite possibly, they'd be willing to pay me if they have the money to spare.

I took katydid's figures and ran an inflation calculation to find out what $15 in 1970 would be today. The answer was $94 and change, so going by that, maybe $100 would be a reasonable fee: I wouldn't have to hand draw the charts, so no charge for that, but I would want to spend some time looking over the chart before I meet with the person.

Now I'm trying to decide whether it's a better idea to offer sliding scale--say, $75 - $100 based on what you can afford, honor system, and if $75 would be a hardship, we go to non-monetary trade--or just make it $100 or service trade/timebank.
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Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Hi !
Check your nakshatra as per vedic chart. If its primary motivation is Artha (money) then you may charge when you have attained mastery. If the star's primary motivation is Moksha(liberation) then you may charge the fee only as donation.

This post also answers my question, so my "quit it" isn't directed at you, either, but it's not the kind of answer I was looking for... although it may be right anyway. I don't know Vedic astrology at all, so I can't use it without consulting a Vedic astrologer.

However, I think I see how this might relate to my situation. Without checking anything about my Vedic chart, I know that money is not my primary motivation, although it is an important consideration. If I read charts for my classmates, I'll be doing it primarily out of my own interest and to help them. Money comes into the picture for these reasons: it would take quite a bit of my time and energy, in which case, it's only fair that we work out a compensation deal, and if I do it all for free, I'm undervaluing my own time, energy, and skills. Plus, if I'm going to ultimately become a professional astrologer/herbalist, I'll need to gain some experience with charging for my services, which I don't have as of yet.

At the same time, I know that many of my classmates are on tight budgets. Also, we're all about working together and support each other as a community--that's part of the ethics of our school and of the herbalism profession. So I can't let money get in the way of me helping whoever wants my help.

I think that fits best with liberation, and perhaps the "charge money as a donation" could fit with doing a sliding scale or non-monetary trade.


Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

With no time of birth there is no horoscopic astrological chart to read
so not much to tell those people then


that would be no problem to those who simply read aspects

On the contrary, there's quite a bit to tell them. I could read for signs and aspects, which is presumably what you're talking about, and there's a decent amount of material there. And I could help them make an educated guess about their rising signs. I just can't do a valid rectification, they would need a pro for that.

I would feel a little bad that I couldn't give them the complete benefit of my services, which I could give to those who know their birth times.

But this is still somewhat off topic. JA, if you are a professional astrologer, I would like to hear about your experiences with turning pro. I'm looking in particular for those kinds of stories, and advice that comes from that personal experience. If you're not a professional astrologer, you don't have that experience, so can't really answer my question.

Also looking for feedback from the other side of the table. Everyone, if you were my herbalism school classmate and I offered to help you with your chart for $100, or work trade if you couldn't afford the $100, would you think that was reasonable?
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Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

This post also answers my question, so my "quit it" isn't directed at you, either,
but it's not the kind of answer I was looking for... although it may be right anyway.
I don't know Vedic astrology at all, so I can't use it without consulting a Vedic astrologer.
consider this a good opportunity for you to post your natal in Sidereal format on our Vedic board
there are some dedicated astrologers there who would be able to check your nakshatra
for that specific information RaRohini interestingly highlights
"If its primary motivation is Artha (money) then you may charge when you have attained mastery.
If the star's primary motivation is Moksha(liberation) then you may charge the fee only as donation."

However, I think I see how this might relate to my situation.
Without checking anything about my Vedic chart, I know that money is not my primary motivation,
although it is an important consideration. If I read charts for my classmates, I'll be doing it primarily out of my own interest and to help them.
Money comes into the picture for these reasons: it would take quite a bit of my time and energy,
in which case, it's only fair that we work out a compensation deal,
and if I do it all for free, I'm undervaluing my own time, energy, and skills.
Plus, if I'm going to ultimately become a professional astrologer/herbalist,
I'll need to gain some experience with charging for my services, which I don't have as of yet.

At the same time, I know that many of my classmates are on tight budgets.
Also, we're all about working together and support each other as a community
--that's part of the ethics of our school and of the herbalism profession.
So I can't let money get in the way of me helping whoever wants my help.

I think that fits best with liberation, and perhaps the "charge money as a donation"
could fit with doing a sliding scale or non-monetary trade.

Important to find the middle way of balance then :smile:
perhaps you are being too tough on yourself
by attempting to read so many charts
No one is forcing you to do so many charts after all
Where's the harm of saying to people that you have time for one or two
they would understand as you are all classmates
if you can arrange barter of some kind, then you would definitely benefit

conspiracy theorist

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Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Not a pro (yet) so take what I say as you will.

I'm not American , but $100 might be too much for your herbalist crew, because as you say they might not have the cash to pay the price. If I were a part of your class, I'd probably not want to spend so much on a read. (Then again I know a fair bit of astrology). Because you're starting out, you could be a bit more conservative in your pricing.

What you could also do is have two rates - one for people with their birthtime and for those who don't. Say $75 - $80 for the former and $45- $50 for the latter. A good idea would probably be to list the things that you would do for each category. Tell your class and if possible post up some fliers so people out side your circle knows of your service.

I don't think rectification is necessary for you to become a pro, especially because you have people running around as "professional" astrologers who only deal in sun signs. If the forum posts are any thing to go by, you display professionalism and have people skills and most find what you say valuable. I think you can try your hand in the real world.


Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Not a pro (yet) so take what I say as you will.

I'm not American , but $100 might be too much for your herbalist crew, because as you say they might not have the cash to pay the price. If I were a part of your class, I'd probably not want to spend so much on a read. (Then again I know a fair bit of astrology). Because you're starting out, you could be a bit more conservative in your pricing.

What you could also do is have two rates - one for people with their birthtime and for those who don't. Say $75 - $80 for the former and $45- $50 for the latter. A good idea would probably be to list the things that you would do for each category. Tell your class and if possible post up some fliers so people out side your circle knows of your service.
Good ideas.

I just got a private message from one of the professional astrologers on here, who advised me to charge no less that $100 per reading (and she's American, so familiar with our economy). There is a third option available to me, which I mentioned briefly: timebanking.

There's a timebank in our area--for those unfamiliar with the concept, it's a system where you can pay others for services by crediting them for their time, and the time credits can be used as a sort of alternative currency, within the system. In our local timebank, you don't have to earn credits before you can spend them, so in effect, everyone can afford everything. I think that would make it fair on all counts: people who have the money to spare can pay me the $100 or so, and people who don't can compensate me through timebank. Either way, I'm taking myself seriously enough to get paid, and they're not suffering through a sense of unmet obligation to me (which probably would happen if I did it just pro bono)... and I can help people who have genuine monetary limitations.

I suppose I could give a discounted rate to people in my class, and if they refer their friend/cousin/sister-in-law etc. to me, then charge them the full rate... perhaps? Brainstorming here.

conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Lemme jump in for some brainstorming, if you don't mind.

Good ideas.

I just got a private message from one of the professional astrologers on here, who advised me to charge no less that $100 per reading (and she's American, so familiar with our economy).

Cool. Not sure if the pro charges that flat rate but for those who do have their birthtime you could bump up the prices a bit. Say $20.

There is a third option available to me, which I mentioned briefly: timebanking.

There's a timebank in our area--for those unfamiliar with the concept, it's a system where you can pay others for services by crediting them for their time, and the time credits can be used as a sort of alternative currency, within the system. In our local timebank, you don't have to earn credits before you can spend them, so in effect, everyone can afford everything. I think that would make it fair on all counts: people who have the money to spare can pay me the $100 or so, and people who don't can compensate me through timebank. Either way, I'm taking myself seriously enough to get paid, and they're not suffering through a sense of unmet obligation to me (which probably would happen if I did it just pro bono)... and I can help people who have genuine monetary limitations.

I looked up some more information on this and it seems like a great alternative for those who can't pay.

I suppose I could give a discounted rate to people in my class, and if they refer their friend/cousin/sister-in-law etc. to me, then charge them the full rate... perhaps? Brainstorming here.

Doesn't sound too bad. In a way your classmates are your genie pigs lol. And if you do a good enough job I don't see why people will have an issue with paying the full price. It's there problem if they can't afford it.


Well-known member
back on topic, to all


Please get back on topic. This thread is NOT about the ethics of astrology. I have moved all ethics of astrology posts here and made a note that this is a thread created not a thread begun by the poster:
This thread here is about what to charge for astrology if you decide to set up an astrological practice.

If you want to debate whether or not it is right or wrong to charge for astrology, please go there. If you want to suggest how to charge or what to charge for astrology, please continue to post here.

Back on topic,



Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Good ideas.

I just got a private message from one of the professional astrologers on here, who advised me to charge no less that $100 per reading (and she's American, so familiar with our economy). There is a third option available to me, which I mentioned briefly: timebanking.

There's a timebank in our area--for those unfamiliar with the concept, it's a system where you can pay others for services by crediting them for their time, and the time credits can be used as a sort of alternative currency, within the system. In our local timebank, you don't have to earn credits before you can spend them, so in effect, everyone can afford everything. I think that would make it fair on all counts: people who have the money to spare can pay me the $100 or so, and people who don't can compensate me through timebank. Either way, I'm taking myself seriously enough to get paid, and they're not suffering through a sense of unmet obligation to me (which probably would happen if I did it just pro bono)... and I can help people who have genuine monetary limitations.

I suppose I could give a discounted rate to people in my class, and if they refer their friend/cousin/sister-in-law etc. to me, then charge them the full rate... perhaps? Brainstorming here.

I think timebanking is the best way. Can it be done at distance? I think yes.
This I think can even be used for astrological research.
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Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

I think timebanking is the best way. Can it be done at distance? I think yes.

That depends on the timebank, and we're having some debate/discussion in ours right now, which way to go on that. When it started, the rule was that only people who either live in the local area or come here frequently (as in several times a year for weeks at a time) could join, because people farther away wouldn't be part of the local community and wouldn't be able to give or receive services in person.

Then some of our local members moved away and decided to keep their accounts open and participate in service exchanges remotely. No one ever wanted to tell them they couldn't do that, and no problems ever surfaced around that, so we are in effect allowing long distance participation. The catch to that is that people who don't live locally can't give or receive many of the services exchanged, because so many of them are in person services: walk your dog, babysit, give someone a haircut or a ride to the airport, that kind of thing. Since the credits you earn can only be spent within our timebank, if you don't live in the area, you don't have that many options for using them.

But yes, timebanking can be done over distance if the services exchanged are the kinds of services that can be performed remotely.

As for whether timebanking is the best option for me... I do want to use it as an alternative for people who can't pay money, but I don't think it's a good idea to do timebanking only and never charge money for my services. Someday, I'll need to make my living by charging for my services, and I can't make a living on timebank credits alone. Even now, having another source of income, through something I love doing anyway, would be a great help. So, I think the combination of monetary payment for those who can afford it and timebanking for those who can't is probably the best way....


i didn't read the removed posts, i offer two considerations:

i can presume the "other" discussion went into "are you experienced enough to offer a service" - i amend this with.. i knew someone who offered an oracular service in the 80's from the ads in the back of a popular magazine. you've probably discerned that clientele often have serious, unhappy issues in their lives that there aren't easy answers for, desperate people who may be risking the last bit of money they have hoping for some insight into terrible circumstances. in fact, i once hired a psychic in desperation, who charged me an extra $100 having lured me into an extra half hour with her nonsense. i've never been as concerned about money as eg. justice, well, there we go, ethics again.

when it comes to capitalism, "never let the bull teach you the cloth". << write that on your forehead now. if you are asking other people how to do it, you're on the wrong path for capitalism! do it, so that other people ask you how it's done.


Staff member
i didn't read the removed posts, i offer two considerations:

i can presume the "other" discussion went into "are you experienced enough to offer a service"
No, it didn't. If it had, that wouldn't have been off topic, because that is the other question I asked. The off topic discussion was people arguing over the merits of psychological vs predictive astrology. That had nothing to do with anything I asked.
- i amend this with.. i knew someone who offered an oracular service in the 80's from the ads in the back of a popular magazine. you've probably discerned that clientele often have serious, unhappy issues in their lives that there aren't easy answers for, desperate people who may be risking the last bit of money they have hoping for some insight into terrible circumstances. in fact, i once hired a psychic in desperation, who charged me an extra $100 having lured me into an extra half hour with her nonsense. i've never been as concerned about money as eg. justice, well, there we go, ethics again.

when it comes to capitalism, "never let the bull teach you the cloth". << write that on your forehead now. if you are asking other people how to do it, you're on the wrong path for capitalism! do it, so that other people ask you how it's done.

I appreciate you sharing your story, but if you read through my posts and the direct responses to them, that's really not an answer to my question. I was asking about the feasibility... and yes, I suppose you could say ethics... of me charging for astrology readings at this point in my learning, not about the ethics of charging for it ever in my life. Right at the moment, all I'm considering doing is offering this service to my fellow herbalism students who want help interpreting their charts, but once I start doing that, it's highly likely that I'll hear, "Can you read for my roommate, too?" or some such thing.

The ethical question I'm asking is what it's really ethical for me to charge considering that I can't give the full range of services that a seasoned professional could. Also considering that where I'm starting, many people have financial limitations, and there is a spirit of helping each other as a community, so if I am charging, I need to keep it in line with that. But doing it all for free doesn't work, either, because then I'd be expending my time and energy without really seeing a return, and then there would be some unfulfilled sense of obligation on their part... so it needs to be balanced. I think I have my answer already, I just need to work out the how much to charge detail.
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Staff member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Doesn't sound too bad. In a way your classmates are your genie pigs lol. And if you do a good enough job I don't see why people will have an issue with paying the full price. It's there problem if they can't afford it.

Genie pigs? Do they live in pig bottles?

I love that typo! :biggrin:

Seriously, it's the people in this forum who've been my guinea pigs. That's how I learned to interpret charts. Classmates would just be guinea pigs in the sense that they're the first people I'm working out compensation deals with, regarding astrology.

I just sent an email to the teachers to run my idea by them and make sure that this kind of self promotion in the class would be okay. No one else has done anything like it so far. There's no specific rule against it, but I want to make sure that they don't feel it would be against the ethics of the class.


Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Genie pigs? Do they live in pig bottles?

I love that typo! :biggrin:

Seriously, it's the people in this forum who've been my guinea pigs. That's how I learned to interpret charts. Classmates would just be guinea pigs in the sense that they're the first people I'm working out compensation deals with, regarding astrology.

I just sent an email to the teachers to run my idea by them and make sure that this kind of self promotion in the class would be okay. No one else has done anything like it so far. There's no specific rule against it, but I want to make sure that they don't feel it would be against the ethics of the class.

For how long have you been running your astrology?


Well-known member
Re: Astrology for pay, when to start

Osamenor, I've seen your interpretations in various threads and they are quite good. If you need feedback from test subjects with an astrological background I'd be happy to offer my chart for interpretation. :happy:

That said, many professional astrologers I know have certifications of some sort. NCGR certification is popular, and the classes go over everything you might need, including modern natal, also transits, progressions, and traditional. It isn't cheap but you might feel more prepared if you complete their curriculum. In any case, if you charged much less than some of the astrologers who are now charging hundreds, that could help in gaining more clients.