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Fixed star (& galactic) conjunctions:This little boy is only 12 years old, but he will start college at ASU this fall:
he will begin studying biochemistry at Arizona State University. Monty is a "twice exceptional" child, his mother said. He’s been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, seizure disorder, and has a connective tissue syndrome.
“I also have a dilated aorta, which could possibly kill me if it gets too big, but honestly, I don’t care as long as I try my best,” Monty said.
The article said he celebrated his 12th birthday on Thursday, which was January 6th:
I used transits for September, although school may start in August in Phoenix -
His natal Mercury conjuncts Etamin: 27 Sagittairus, (which is also the Galactic Center), often connecting one with the "greater Collective of consciousness) Perhaps his studies will eventually take him there.
the star Etamin
In the “right eye of the Dragon”, gamma Draco has a Saturn-Jupiter nature with Martian influence. According to tradition, the Saturnian predominance will give a liking for solitude. Good mental concentration. Dishonor and downfall and loss of prestige. Esoteric and philosophical studies. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.74, under Ettanin]
SUN CONJ. VEGA: (THE LYRE) often called a lucky star to have in your natal chart-as it helps give a person some musical acumen etc as mentioned, a "more developed nature":
Influences: “According to Ptolemy Lyra (a musical instrument) is like Venus and Mercury. It is said to give an harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art
Jupiter conj. Mirach
Moon conj. Rigel
Juno conj. Hadar
NN conj. Great Attractor
Mercury conj. Gal. Center (Sgr A)
Sun conj. Vega
Pluto conj. Facies