Asperger's / autistic traits in the chart


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This little boy is only 12 years old, but he will start college at ASU this fall:

he will begin studying biochemistry at Arizona State University. Monty is a "twice exceptional" child, his mother said. He’s been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, seizure disorder, and has a connective tissue syndrome.

“I also have a dilated aorta, which could possibly kill me if it gets too big, but honestly, I don’t care as long as I try my best,” Monty said.

The article said he celebrated his 12th birthday on Thursday, which was January 6th:
I used transits for September, although school may start in August in Phoenix -

His natal Mercury conjuncts Etamin: 27 Sagittairus, (which is also the Galactic Center), often connecting one with the "greater Collective of consciousness) Perhaps his studies will eventually take him there.

the star Etamin

In the “right eye of the Dragon”, gamma Draco has a Saturn-Jupiter nature with Martian influence. According to tradition, the Saturnian predominance will give a liking for solitude. Good mental concentration. Dishonor and downfall and loss of prestige. Esoteric and philosophical studies. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.74, under Ettanin]

SUN CONJ. VEGA: (THE LYRE) often called a lucky star to have in your natal chart-as it helps give a person some musical acumen etc as mentioned, a "more developed nature":

Influences: “According to Ptolemy Lyra (a musical instrument) is like Venus and Mercury. It is said to give an harmonious, poetical and developed nature, fond of music and apt in science and art

Fixed star (& galactic) conjunctions:
Jupiter conj. Mirach
Moon conj. Rigel
Juno conj. Hadar
NN conj. Great Attractor
Mercury conj. Gal. Center (Sgr A)
Sun conj. Vega
Pluto conj. Facies


Well-known member
I can't upload my chart, for some reason, but here are my details: I'm female, born 5/26/1962, in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at 10:37 am.

okay - so here's your chart created for you :)


I am Autistic, have ADHD, plus OCD. I believe I was born at Mercury stationery.
Would love to know your thoughts.

& can confirm that Mercury IS stationary



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I think that's worth studying. If we see charts belonging to neuroatypical people that do not have Uranus accentuated, then there's the answer.

But my thought is that Uranus would be accentuated in most or maybe all cases. What better way to suggest there's something markedly atypical about this person?

My chart does have Uranus accentuated--at the midheaven, most elevated planet, decent amount of aspects--and I can't think of a single case where I've seen a chart whose native was known to have ADHD or autism and Uranus was in a quiet spot.

Something I have noticed is that in those cases, more often than not, there's a Uranus/Sun aspect. Mine is a wide orb sextile, but it's applying, so I think I can count it. TamaraL has a Uranus/Sun sextile too!
I have my natal Uranus at the midheaven too, and also the most elevated planet too. Uranus is kind of afflicted for me, since I have Sun square both Uranus and Ascendant... (Misdiagnosed ADHD and ASD).
I normally only lurk around here, but since I have so many of the aspects mentioned I thought my story might be interesting/relevant to others.

1H Uranus at 29 degrees (Scorpio)
Uranus square Mars conj Mercury
12H Pluto(r) in aspect to every personal planet
T square, asc opp 7H Chiron with Sun conj S Node in the middle
3H Capricorn Moon conj anaretic Venus, both sq Pluto
Pisces Mercury (5H)
Sun Mars and S Node in Aquarius (4H)
Pluto(r) Trine Mars and Mercury
Saturn(r) conj Jupiter(r) trine Sun conj S Node

So I am heavily Pluto dom, Pluto ruled, Pluto in aspect to everything, but the Saturn energy is near equal in intensity. All personal planets (except mercury) in Saturn-ruled signs, but my only Saturn aspects are Saturn conj Jupiter, both retrograde, trine Sun conj S Node. My Mars conj Mercury is sq Uranus and trine Pluto.

(For anyone wondering about Neptune, it is in Sag 2H at 24 degrees; aspects to Neptune include exact sextile pluto, exact semisextile moon (all three stationed at 24 degrees), also Neptune sextile Mars.)

I have been evaluated for autism/adhd (and numerous other things) at several points across the lifespan, ages 5 and 9, then self requesting to repeat the full eval about a decade ago in my mid 30s. Since early childhood it has been clear I think and operate quite differently than most…but at every point I failed to meet any diagnostic criteria. I’ve had some extra testing done which reveals my brain has more connections than average between the two hemispheres, and I have a super fast “near instantaneous” processing speed.

From my perspective: I see things others simply don’t, systems of connections everywhere. I think on a level that others rarely, if ever, access. I’ve never had to “try” at much of anything from music to sports because most things come extremely easily. Learning is the easiest of all, I seemingly passively “absorb” information and it always sticks. I have intense hyperfocus and can complete complex tasks in a quarter of the time it takes others. Everything in regards to “learning” is simply easy and natural to me. Requires no effort.
But much like those on the spectrum I look out at the world and it makes very little sense to me. I see manipulations, deceptions, a lot of “bullshit” everywhere, especially within social norms. People blindly following rules norms or trends to their own detriment. Overall lack of awareness. Most people fall very short of my standards.

What I understand about myself is this.
My Sun conj S Node is the “key” to everything! Both are situated right on the IC. I was born with greater awareness intact than is typical and some past life recall. As a teenager I was part of a John Hopkins’ study on children who remember past lives. I do (still) have some past life recall although it was significantly greater as a child. I have memories of being institutionalized as well as being held captive and then abandoned in the place of captivity. In my case, the S Node presents a massive “boon” or gifts I carried with me to help me through this life. I was born into a long line of matrilineal abuse and suffered a tremendous amount of trauma growing up. The greater awareness (and sensitivity! Moon conj Venus) allowed me to understand what was happening to me as a child, the patterns and mechanisms of generational trauma, with no outside knowledge. Which allowed me to “cycle break” and begin healing much earlier than average. The emotional component is equally important to the mental, for me BOTH sensitivities are dialed way up. It’s a lot to handle, but I was made for this, haha.

I associate the Sun conj S Node on the IC…with the all-retrograde 12H stellium (Saturn Jupiter Pluto). Meaning: everything affected or afflicted by my 12H retrograde Saturn, Jupiter, or Pluto is carrying/reflecting energy of “the past” and is actually of great benefit to me in this life. The real meat of my healing work is clearing the emotional side, bringing that forth, and merging the two sides to optimally function as one. In recent years I have written much about childhood trauma from the perspective of the child and am in the process of working out a deal with my publisher. The perspective I bring to the topic…will irrevocably change every single reader. It is powerful and truly revolutionary.

Therefore what may look like affliction or indicators of autism CAN be the total opposite. Just saying. It has taken me 43 years of life to stop trying to “diagnose a problem” and simply acknowledge that I am gifted and on a very serious and important life mission.


Well-known member
To PrettyKittyHappyCat:
Hi, Raphael's here. I've been here for 3 years, and I posted here a lot. I'm not that active here anymore, but I still have something to say to you about my life. I also have autism and ADHD characteristics, too, but it's most likely either none or only ADHD, as I can pick up social cues well, and I have an ability to hyperfocus on things. I have Mercury conj. Pluto in Cap (wide), Sun, AC in opposition (Sag Sun, Gem Rising) square Uranus in Pisces. I'm Jupiter/Neptune dominant in planetary dominance, and in terms of zodiacal dominance, I'm Aquarius/Capricorn/Sagittarius dominant (most prominent is Aquarius, as the planets there: Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron are all heavily aspected, only without aspects to Saturn, because it's only 1° orb off the normal orb for a sesquisquare), and so I have so many things to do to help people around the world. In my class, I'm the most gifted and active student in class, especially regarding Chemistry and English, and outside of the classroom, the subjects that I'm gifted on are astrology, numerology and spirituality. And I also began healing way earlier than average, as I'm halfway through my healing right now only at the age of nearly 15 years old (Heavily aspected Chiron helps me to heal way earlier, as I realized it when I was 11 years old (almost 12). I'm extremely sensitive, thanks to my partile natal Moon-Pluto quintile (which also makes my maternal trauma heavier, as I was born without breathing enough oxygen to begin with, causing brain damage in regions that control motor responses in my hands, and subsequently causing a disability which made me not being able to write until grade 3, when I did some exercises and reconnected my hand to my brain a little bit. And for my past lives, I remember that I lived as a Spanish/Scottish/Jewish CNT-FAI disorder, a Selk'nam/Ona native ambassador and shaman who travelled all across the Americas for diplomacy, who got killed in the Amazon rainforest, whose family got killed by a magnitude 8,5 earthquake, a female Maori carpenter who migrated to the Chatham Islands and became a Moriori, an Aleutian woman who got killed by a Russian commander, who is now my mother (Moon-Pluto quintile, Moon in the same sign as Saturn, Moon square Nodes, Moon opp Eris), and a life in ancient Israel. And I've been suffering from school bullying for years, so much that I had to fight with my bullies (fight trauma response) and sometimes please them to make them love me (fawn trauma response) and it has just ended this year, when I enter high school (Chiron in Aquarius, Chiron opp Mars). My life feels like a live action movie, really.