Ascendant and Appearance - do they match up?

Do your Appearance match your Ascendant?

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Well-known member
I'm a Virgo ascendant who really doesn't have the neat and tidy, well put together appearance either. The thing I can relate to that's Virgoish is that I like to take care of myself. Granted, sometimes I go in the complete other direction, but I feel best when I'm taking care of myself, my skin, my body, my mind, etc. People tend to say I look younger than I am. I'm 24 and people think I'm 17 or so

I have a tendency to change my appearance a lot and I've gone through many phases. I'll get bored and change things up. If it matters, I have Mars and Moon conjunct my AC, Pluto and Merc sextile, and Neptune and Uranus trine, and Venus square. So I guess I have a lot of other forces there acting on it, but I'm too new to know exactly how. I'd assume the Pluto and Uranus can give me a penchant for change in addition to my Gemini Venus. I do have my Mercury sextile to my Moon and Mars, opposing my Uranus and Neptune, and trine my Pluto too

I've had phases where I'd purposely go against the grain fashionwise in absurd ways. At one point I'd go around in slippers just bc they were comfy. I had a phase where I'd only wear grey dress pants and a skintight, black zip up hoodie. I had another brief period I'm probably gonna return to where I wore red makeup around my eyes to make myself look dead lmao. If I get really bored, I'll feel like getting a new piercing or tattooing myself
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Well-known member
One thing,...For Virgo ascendant, I notice people tend to think I look innocent. I look innocent and I am sweet, but it doesn't take long for people to realize I'm not innocent at all and there's a lot more to me. People always say I smell good and I like to pay attention to the little details. If I'm gonna be with a lover, I take extra care as I like to give them a pleasing experience just as I wish to have


Well-known member
One thing,...For Virgo ascendant, I notice people tend to think I look innocent. I look innocent and I am sweet, but it doesn't take long for people to realize I'm not innocent at all and there's a lot more to me. People always say I smell good and I like to pay attention to the little details. If I'm gonna be with a lover, I take extra care as I like to give them a pleasing experience just as I wish to have

Virgo adds the kinky freaky factor to anything it touches in my opinion.
Even more than neat organized or innocent. They are def the devils disguised as angels !


Well-known member
I'm a Virgo moon but it's in the eight house and it's a hades moon (aspects Pluto). I also have a Capricorn sun and AC yet im as orginized as a rabid squirrel. This may be because of Pluto coruling the AC (MC/AC mp in Scorp. conj. Pluto via 11th house) and Pluto the rules MC via Venus in Scorpio (also part of 11th house conj). Pluto also rules the spiritual rising sign (through Scorpio and the Pluto decan). Next ruleling planets are Saturn then Mars. I act like a Scorpio most of the time, having some Capricorn, some Aquarius, and the even rarer libra moments. My Virgo moon is fairly consumed.