Re: following up, to scorpio
The thing is though if she wants out why doesn't she tell me that? I have asked her if she is happy with us and if she still wants to be with me and she always says yes and that I make her very happy. I don't think she's cheating I just think she wants to party and I've kind of been there and done that.
Scorpio, maybe it is a conclusion you are jumping to, when you she might want 'out'. Perhaps she is not meeting up to YOUR EXPECTATIONS, so your frustration has made you say that (when you read further into this post, you will understand why I am saying this). I mean, she did tell you that she is happy with you (that is what she has said, not what you have thought she may want). You also love her for her honesty and seem convinced that she is not cheating. She is happy perhaps because you haven't put her under much pressure as to how you want things to be uptil now. I said in one of my earlier posts that she takes things in a more casual and friendly (not deeply emotional manner). That is just her 'natural' style. I don't know if you are following the astrological part I have been trying to explain in many posts. If you can understand that, you may be able to handle things better.
A Gem Moon per se is not unemotional, not at all. How can the Moon ever be unemotional, when that is what it rules, emotions. It is just that it expresses its emotions in a more casual, uncommited, playful manner, using them to liven up interpersonal relationships through mental stimulation and talks (that is the Gemini part). Had she had other contradicting factors like Sco or Pisc energy through personal planets/Asc, she would have been more towards what you want, and a bit more 'balanced' in your eyes. However, her Sag Asc and Aqua planets only support her Gem Moon to live her playful Moon out to the fullest, in a more casual (Gem) and detached (Aqua) and world/group-oriented (Sag+Aqua) manner. She LOVES people, remember I called her a social butterfly earlier on. She thrives on talks and mingling with many people, being amongst them and planning and simply chatting, etc. The combo she has projects a more outward energy, and your combo with all that water is a more isolated and inward energy.
You, on the other hand with your Sco and Pisc energy are more drawn towards the inside, one-to-one thing, just the two of you holding hands and spending time with eachother; all of which is perhaps alright with her once in a while, but will get too suffocating, if a compromise is not found. I also don't think that she is against commitment and it is VERY wrong to say that a Gem Moon is uncommited and unpredictable, (otherwise we could not predict a Gem Moon at all, and we have done a lot of it). How many Gem Moons are in steady relationships. However, the problem is the difference in approach. That is exactly why I said in my first post that your relationship is a challenging one, and you will HAVE to find a mid-way, if you want to continue, or it may not come to a commitment at all, and that will NOT just have to do with her Gem Moon. It will have to do ALSO with what you want. A tango is never danced alone, and that is what a relationship is.
Sco energy is a very fixed and adamant one. It may want alot of commitment, and exactly when it itself feels ready and wants it (this does not have to do with her not having picked you up at 10 am or whenever). This is the general trend. You have a lot of water, and Piscean+Sco energies in combo are as different as night and day in comparison to a combo of Gem+Sag+Aqua. Both parties want commitment at some stage, but their way of expression and approach is very different. Hence a difficult match, as I earlier said. Solution = be more relaxed yourself; and talk to her gently about how she sees things for both of you, and how you would like things to be. Communication is the key. Then try to meet eachother somewhere in the middle, or as close as it gets to the middle. There will always be a party compromising a bit more than the other. After all, love/relationship is not a product you buy at the general store, where you can exactly measure the ingredients. Depends on how badly both want the 'product'.