Am I bipolar,or just very troubled?


Well-known member
I am not sure if this thread belongs here or in the 'Astrology and Psychology' sub-section,in case I have put this in the wrong section,my apologies to the moderators:eek:

I've been having a hard time with depression for about one year and a half now.I've tried suicide twice,one in last December and the other in early May this year.This January,I was diagnosed bipolar by a pedopsychiatrist,and I am now going through ocupational therapy and being highly medicated with an antidepressant,a mood stabilizer and two antipsychotics.

The thing is,I am not at all sure if I'm bipolar,because I never was never in a manic state.I do have my 'up-times',where I feel on top of the world,but I'm not sure if they qualify as hypomania.I think the doctors diagnose was mainly based on my mom's descriptions of my behaviour(sometimes I get very energetic and do very silly,childish things,but I never lose control),plus our genetic tendencies:eek:f my mother's two siblings,one is schizophrenic and the other was bipolar.One of my cousins on my mother's side of the family is also bipolar and my mom has a schizophrenic aunt too.I know there is a lot of debate going about wether or not mental disorders can be spotted on a chart and,if so,what aspects indicate them,but I must admit I've read all of sorts of things about the subject and didn't get to a conclusion.But I have a tight Jupiter/Saturn opposition and I've read that maybe a factor,so I really don't know...



Well-known member
Lissa, I almost finished with my explanation and then I lost my post. AAHH!! Why does this so often happen to me?

Anyways, I started by pointing out that everything leads back to that Jupiter-Saturn opposition. Mainly that your Sun, Moon and Mercury are traditionally in a house ruled by Jupiter and your Ascendant by Saturn, so you get that opposition there already reflected.

Then modernly, that 3rd house (of the mind) is ruled by Neptune, very nervous in conjunction with Uranus, a most sensitive conjunction, ruled by Saturn opposed by Jupiter. On top of that this conjunction opposes Chiron, which makes me believe that the mental upset could be strongly related to relationships in your life, be it with family or others.

Ruler of your house of illness, the 6th, is Mercury, placed in 3, pointing to "an illness related to the mind". So I dont think that you are just feeling troubled at times.

I do believe that there is a strong possibility of you having a mental disfunction. Three of the most important planets in the 3rd, most of them very stressed, do, i.m.o. show this . But of course I am not a psychiatrist. I do know that when I see a chart like yours, I would have come to this conclusion as being a strong indication of such an illness unfortunately.

If your psychiatrist comes to that conclusion (I dont think he would just take this as a certainty just because your mother mentioned it, that would be too superficial if you ask me) then I would say that indeed you could suffer from this illness. Maybe not as severe as other cases, you seem to be very coherent in what you write and in what you tell us (which is not at all the case with my brother who is also suffering from this illness, probably due to his medication of course). This is maybe due to the Mercury-Saturn sextile, keeping things a bit within limits.
This is all I can tell you I'm afraid. I would have put it differently if you yourself had not already mentioned your own suspicion (and the psychiatrists) as this is a delicate question of course .
I hope you will find a way to live with this, as my own brother has. He is 52 now and he is enjoying life. The illness has made him into a very wise and spiritual person. You seem to be someone who also can be like that so dont ever give up on yourself again please. With the adequate medication, a lot can be done.
Cheers, Starlink
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Well-known member
Hi Star,thanks for your reply.It's nice to know that your brother has learned how to cope with his disease.I wish I could do the same.

The connections are all there,I just refused to see them;I have a very mental chart,and my6th house of health seems to be deeply connected to my 3rd house of the mind.And,by a Mars-Mercury mutual reception,my3rd house of the mind connects with the6th house of health.And all the Uranus squares couldn't be any good.

I hope I too can find my way through this,maybe through my water grand trine.For now on life is just too confusing.

Thanks again Star.You really are a Star,and I think I speak for all when I say you have been more helpful to a lot of people on the forums.


Well-known member
Lissa, (I'm sorry about the length of this!)

As you noted, you have a classic bipolar-tendencies aspect: Saturn opposite Jupiter. I have the same thing, and I am not bipolar. BUT:

I did suffer from depressive tendencies for a good deal of my life: the first 36 years! AND I did go through a sort of manic phase for about three years, although at the time it didn't feel like it. I was misdiagnosed as just 'depressed' and was put on anti-depressants for two of those years (which, as you can guess, only helped with the depression part, but did nothing for the rages!:rolleyes: ).

I decided to get a grip on the problem without the drugs, took myself off (not recommended without medical supervision!!!), and it took another three years of steady effort before I licked the whole thing. I am totally depression/rage free now, and because I recognise the things that might trigger a depression, I deal with the issue immediately...and avoid the depression. Depression, as you may know, is internalised anger. So is self-harm.

This is not to diagnose you with bipolar disorder; but your chart tells us that you have a tendency to swing between elation and despair, and with your Moon and Mercury both in Aries and a Sun/Mars square, you have trouble with remaining objective about yourself, and with telling the difference between thought/emotion. Especially with the Neptune/Uranus squares.

The thing with bipolar disorders is that it is in part a biochemical thing (which you may or may not be able to control without medication) and in part an emotional/psychological thing: people with bipolarity have trouble, for whatever reason, expressing emotions appropriately at the time they feel anger gets delayed and internalised and becomes depression: or becomes *externalised* inappropriately in the form of mania, risk-taking, etc. Either way, you are trying very hard to express something that you don't quite know how to express in a 'safe' way. And this does you damage.

I would be careful to avoid 'pigeon-holing' yourself into a fixed diagnosis. I am really against this, because a fixed diagnosis ('Oh, I'm schizophrenic') can ruin a person for life and lead to feelings of fatalism and helplessness. This is why I say 'I have depressive tendencies', because I'm NOT depressed all the time, and I refuse to accept that I have to be depressed forever and ever. Schizophrenics can recover; so can people with bipolar disorders. It takes time, and patience with yourself, and hell of a lot of hard work (counselling, getting help with anger issues) but you can get there.

You are still quite young in years (compared to me, for example:) ) and as long as you refuse to give in to it and give up, you will eventually learn methods for expressing yourself more appropriately AND for coping with the inevitable mood swings.

Having a family history of mental illness means you may have more challenges here; but again, you don't have to accept that just because Family Member A and B and C had this, you are doomed to have it forever. Drugs might help; but IMO drugs are a 'band-aid' over a problem that goes far deeper. Our moods and our emotions are intimately tied to our biochemistry; and when our emotions are not expressed appropriately for an extended period of time, the body begins to respond by changing the delicate chemical balance. It is a vicious cycle.

You have spoken of your family issues; and your chart, with Pluto in the 10th, certainly indicates that your relationship with one of your parents (probably your mother) is very significant, especially since Pluto trines your Sun: how you express your ego drives.

And Mars in the 6th house says clearly: anger = illness; how you deal with this part of your emotional makeup will definitely affect your health.

These are things to note, and to consider for future use.:)

1. You need to exercise. Every day, for at least half an hour; an hour is best. Preferably outside in Nature.
2. You need to drink lots of water and keep your system flushed. A tonic of lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil in hot water (it tastes nice!) will help your system cleanse.
3. You need to have a good, strong belly-laugh every day. This sounds ridiculous, but there is such a thing as 'laughter therapy', where you make yourself laugh out loud, and then laugh as long as you can. Eventually it becomes a real laugh; and it changes your brain chemicals. Laugh at how stupid depression is; laugh at how absurd life is; laugh at how seriously we all take it, when nothing about it is as serious as we pretend it is.
4. You need to be patient with yourself and others.
5. Suicide attempts are a poor way of expressing rage. Find a better way to be angry. Paint. Go on a run every day. Beat your bed with your pillow until you are exhausted (this worked well for me. Better a pillow than myself or someone else!). Most of all, learn how to express what you're feeling at the time you feel it, no matter how unpleasant it might be. You are not responsible for their feelings; only your own. If someone makes you angry, tell them. If you feel love for someone, tell them. If someone does something that worries you, tell them.

Get counselling, if you haven't already; not a psychiatrist, but a counsellor. Counselling is hard work, but I think you have the willpower to do it. You don't have the chart of someone who is weak, Lissa. But you are young and come from a family where problems seem to turn into mental health issues because they're not dealt with in a healthy way. You can change this; you can change how you respond to the difficulties of life, and make it work well for yourself.

Speak to your doctor about your concerns with the medication. You are too young to be doped up on several different meds unless you are seriously, and truly, disordered. Get a second opinion. Get a third opinion. Remember, most of the medical system will treat your symptoms, not the causes. Get to the root of the anger problem and you may find that, eventually, you won't need medication at all.

You're a smart girl; you are smart enough to come to a site like this and tell us your troubles and ask for help. This means that you are also smart enough to find solutions to this. Trust your instincts. YOU will know your body better than anyone else.

Don't give up. Life is truly beautiful, and worth the effort.:)


PS. And as for silly, childish age 38 I still enjoy splashing in mud puddles after it rains, I still jump out of swings at the playground, and I regularly chase Mr. Archergirl around the house and wrestle with him in the living room. I still spend far too much money eating cake in restaurants. Silly, childish things can be a part of a well-balanced life. It sounds very much like your mother is projecting a lot of her own anxieties on you...that 10th house Pluto/Sun aspect again, maybe. You are not your mother, and you don't have to be.
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Active member
Just want to add I once thought I might be bipolar and went and had extensive testing (all tests, but no chemical type tests or brain scan) and it found I wasn't bipolar. I was going through divorce and felt extreme emotions was likely all that was going on. However I have a sister who became bipolar or scizo-affecting in middle-age. The point I wanted to make is did you have extensive testing? One, if you did, then beleive them and take your meds as you could spin out of control at some point. Also, the sooner one takes the medicine after diagnosis, the better it is for the person. JJust a few thoughts. Hang in there.


Well-known member
I enjoyed reading your post Archergirl, even though it wasn't for me, I still found it very insightful. I've got a depressed kind of personality and hearing that you overcame a depression of your own speaks of hope.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that you have been having a rough time of things Lissa.

Jupiter and Saturn aspects are the indicators for cyclic highs and lows. Although I have seen some charts showing planetary patterns which form polarities in meanings. For example in Fredo Kahlo's chart the Sun Jupiter and then the Mars Uranus Neptune configurations.

Jupiter and Saturn emphasis along with other considerations that might lead to the cyclic nature of these two going high and low. One needs to map out and take note of the patterns over time. Well, that is what a good counsellor would do to make such a diagnosis. Some of my best friends are Bi polar people, they are either self medicating or taking their meds.



Well-known member
Thanks for your kind words Lissa.

I really believe you can live with these moodswings, be it bi-polar or not and Archer Girl has written a truly magnificent example of how to do it.

Interestingly, my own brother does much of what she prescribes. He walks or bikes for miles every week. He drinks at least 3 liters of water per day, but that could also be because his medicins make him thirsty.

He writes poems, one after the other. That for him is the best outlet, this creative thing.(he even had some published)

He is a Leo Sun, 10th house and a Scorpio Asc. with Saturn there squaring that Sun but trining Mars. He does not have the classical Jupiter-Saturn opposition, nor square. His Jupiter sextiles his Ascendant, hence his no ending optimism I guess, but he has Chiron in the 3rd opposed to Uranus and both in T-square to his Ascendant. He has a YOD between Sun (apex), inconjunct Moon in 3 and Mars (ruler of his 6th house!) And he has a Yod: Chiron(apex)Pluto and Venus.

So Chiron has inconjunct connections with his Sun and Asc. ruler. A yod has to do with illnesses & transformation as the 6th and 8th houses of any chart are inconjunct to any Ascendant.

Maybe the manic side is triggered by transits to his Jupiter (sextile Asc.) and his depressions come from transits to his Sun square Saturn (or vice versa) and at those times he has to go to the clinic. He once thought he could do without his pills because everything was going so well and he stopped taking them. Within 2 days he was in the clinic again (usually up to 1 year!, sometimes longer, sometimes less).

Personally I do not see anything that jumps out (like in your case with that grand square) related to his illness and the fully occupied 3rd house. Maybe it is his Mars (ruler 6) opposed to Mercury (traditional ruler 3). Mercury rules his Jupiter and his Asc. ruler Pluto, that shows this.

His Moon in 3 makes a wonderful trine to Mercury, a sextile to Mars and to Saturn as well, so I honestly dont understand it. Mercury rules his 8th, his Moon is in Capricorn. He is highly intelligent.

Apart from the opposition between Mercury and Mars (ruler 6) I do not see illness connected with the mind. Mars, ruler 6 trines Saturn, ruler 3. Moon in 3 sextiles Mars and Saturn. Could it maybe the triangle between Moon, Saturn and Mars?
He also has Neptune in 12 square Moon and Uranus.
This (and other charts I have seen) show me that you cannot pinpoint this illness from a natal chart. You can see of course that there are mental problems, but which one's is up to a doctor or psychiatrist to establish.

He became ill when he was 21, apparently a very common age for this disease the psychiatrist told me, because a certain chemical in the body should by then be functioning (or developed) and with him (and others I presume) it did not.
So this illness is physically as well as emotionally related. Emotionally it could be the repressed anger, physically it is the lack of this chemical which has to be administered on a daily basis.

So it is possible that you wont need medication if it turns out that your mood swings are just emotionally related, but if not, then you just have to take the medicins I think, like it or not. So indeed, have it tested and do go for more than one opinion as AG suggested.

All the very best, Starlink


Well-known member
Hi Archergirl,

Once again,you've amazed me with your words.What delights me more about your posts is not only your astrological knowledgment but,most of all,your life experience.You always sound like a wise person,someone who has been through a lot and learned her lessons.I am grateful that you're willing to share your experiences with us and help us along the way.

The small changes you mentioned make a lot of sense;I think it was Waybread who has also recommended me to take baby-steps to change my life.

This is not to diagnose you with bipolar disorder; but your chart tells us that you have a tendency to swing between elation and despair, and with your Moon and Mercury both in Aries and a Sun/Mars square, you have trouble with remaining objective about yourself, and with telling the difference between thought/emotion. Especially with the Neptune/Uranus squares.

The thing with bipolar disorders is that it is in part a biochemical thing (which you may or may not be able to control without medication) and in part an emotional/psychological thing: people with bipolarity have trouble, for whatever reason, expressing emotions appropriately at the time they feel anger gets delayed and internalised and becomes depression: or becomes *externalised* inappropriately in the form of mania, risk-taking, etc. Either way, you are trying very hard to express something that you don't quite know how to express in a 'safe' way. And this does you damage.

You are right.My heart and my mind can't function separatly;I don't think I've ever known when one ends and the other one starts.And you are soo right with that bit about having a hard time expressing my emotions at the time I feel them-I rarely do that,I bottle up and it eventually pops out later.And when it does,the bottle was already so full and with so many different stuff I can't really adress every separate problem.I think I have lots of individual problems that need to be adressed quickly,but they are all coming up together as one main problem:depression.

You have spoken of your family issues; and your chart, with Pluto in the 10th, certainly indicates that your relationship with one of your parents (probably your mother) is very significant, especially since Pluto trines your Sun: how you express your ego drives.

My mom.For a long time she was a big part of my pain;I felt a great ressentment towards her for being 'weak',vulnerable and making me go through some horrible stuff like watching her throwing dishes at my dad.Since December,we've been very close.I saw another side of her,and discovered she is quite tough actually.Her Pluto opposes my Sun;maybe her issues are projected on to me,and,through some kind of 'mirror effect',she will work out her issues through me(my Sun/Pluto trine).

I think I have the chemical thing covered.I actually think the medication helps me a great deal;ever since I started taking it I realized I wasn't functioning like a *normal* person before.My mind was always somewhere else,I could barely focus,there was always so many stuff going through ym head at same time:eek:ne minute I felt like dancing,the next I felt like studying history,at the third minute I felt like singing,at the fourth I was crying.It's a hard thing to explain,really.And you are right.What's missing in my treatment is getting counseling;but I don't want my parents to have more expenses with me,so I'm applying for a part-time job(will have a job interview tomorrow).But getting a job is hard when they run blood tests and find out you're on five different pills!:eek:

Starlink,I have the feeling your brothers' problem may have to do with the Yod involving the ruler of his6th house or health.But it's really hard to tell it without having an image.

Sharyn and Kingsley,thank you both for your atention.I really am doing better these days,last Summer I had days where I could barely get out of bed!I didn't go through psychological testing though.


Well-known member
I think I have the chemical thing covered.I actually think the medication helps me a great deal;ever since I started taking it I realized I wasn't functioning like a *normal* person before.

This is fantastic news! Score one for biochemistry!:D

You are clearly going through a very tough patch. Keep reminding yourself that it will NOT last forever (and I do promise that it won't!). It is difficult to remember this when you are 'in the thick of it'; but troubles pass.

I think I have lots of individual problems that need to be addressed quickly,but they are all coming up together as one main problem:depression.

This is normal. This is also what counselling can help you with: to pick apart the issues so you can deal with them one at a time without feeling overwhelmed. Take it step by step. You'll get there.

And Lissa, I know you are concerned about your parents' finances (and perhaps feel a little bit guilty about 'costing' your parents so much), but as a parent, I can tell you: I would MUCH rather have a happy daughter and less money. So try not to worry; you don't need something extra to think about!:p

Don't worry about the drugs testing; if they ask you (I'm unsure as to whether any of these sorts of drugs will actually show up; usually they're testing for 'recreational' drugs), tell them that you were having a hard time and "I am now sorting out my life."

You'll be fine. You have what it takes. Be patient.


Staff member
Lissa, you have gotten great advice from everyone here!

Just one thing I might add is the suggestion that you take some yoga classes. It is all about mind-body balancing. Some people with depression or bi-polar disorder have found it very helpful. And I don't think it can hurt.


Well-known member
But getting a job is hard when they run blood tests
Holy smoke, do they run bloodtests for a job ????? I have never heard of that, I must be very much living in the past or something. For a part-time job I really dont think they will go into such detail Lissa. But these days, I dont know, anything is possible I guess.

franklin taylor

Well-known member
Sorry to read about your situation here Lissa,
Hope you are getting the help you it bipolar illness or otherwise. You do have some astrological markers for nervous disorders in general which would include such illnesses as you describe.
Your Mars is in Gemini..Mercury is in Mar's home sign Aries and you have a perponderance of planets in the third house ..Gemini's traditional this gives and emphasis in Gemini by proxi... an indicator of possible Nervous disorders. An afflicted Mercury in Aries is a marker for nervous disorders in of itself let alone it being in Gemini's home house.
An angular Uranus conjunct your Ascendant is malefic and is another marker for nervous disorders. Your Mercury squaring Uranus is yet another for this is two lively planetary symbols in a stressful position of one another signifing a need for balance. Transiting planets trigger these points. An Aries Moon is in conflict with a Pisces Sun's complete expression. They are fairly close to one another this gives a degree of "willfulness" to the native. A nerve wracking thing to adjust to. Planetary afflictions from the third house is also a sign of nervous disorders. Aries is not a "happy" place for Venus to be either, and with it being near Nadir it is something that you keep more in your inner world as well to begin with. It will all depend on how you deal positively with these engeries. It appears you have recieved plenty of sound advice to consider. All the best
Take care


Well-known member
Lissa said:
The thing is,I am not at all sure if I'm bipolar,because I never was never in a manic state.

How many times have you been terminated from a job, arrested, or hospitalized (excluding the 2 suicide attempts)?


Well-known member
Very good thread, and I'd like to add my bit that bipolar is often a generic diagnosis slapped on people when professionals either can't or are too lazy to consider all possibilities of why a person has mood swings.

As for me, I have been given this diagnosis, and to really put my heart on my sleeve, it was given to me when I was hospitalised for one of several suicide attempts I have had. I was put on Lithium, and it made me so epilectic(sp?) that I couldn't function properly, plus is can damage your kidneys if you're not careful. Do a search on threads started by me if you want to know more about my story as I know if I type it again here I will be way too emotionally drained to do some important things that need to be done today. As far as medication goes, I was on it, and then stopped taking it the last time I tried to kill myself, I swallowed the contents of all 3 bottles, and somehow I survived without medical intervention. So now, I am on these supplements called Stresstabs Advanced, as well as Gingko Biloba to help my brain function, and I highly doubt that overdosing on them can be fatal, plus I find they're helping just as much if not more so anyway. Right now, untill I can get past this depression, it's best to keep any and all pills out of the house that can be fatal.

In fact, I wonder if there really is a such thing as bipolar, or any other mental illness for that matter. I say this because life experiences get so ingrained in our subconscious that when we have attacks of rage, we often aren't aware at the time of why we lost emotional control, but in hindsight it often makes perfect sense.

Anyway, Lissa, I myself am on the road to recovery, but feel free to PM if you need moral support.

And Archergirl, I think I may steal some of your advice!


Well-known member
Hi everyone.I really think I have gotten some great advice in this thread,and I need to thank you all for that.Now the work is up to me,really.I guess I will survive;I usually do,and hopefully rise from the shadows as a better human being.

And Bob,to your question,I have never been hospitalized,and never been fired from a job because I was never actually hired from one.And I've never been in jail!:eek:

But why do you ask?:)


Well-known member
Lissa said:
And Bob,to your question,I have never been hospitalized,and never been fired from a job because I was never actually hired from one.And I've never been in jail!:eek:

But why do you ask?:)

You don't sound bi-polar. If you ever see a manic your first impression would be that they're on speed or meth. The pupils/eyes, fidgeting, squirming and talking about anything and nothing to anyone or no one, constantly changing the subject. They're belligerent and combative, especially if they're on drugs or alcohol. They usually end up in the back of a cop car or in the hospital because they've injured themselves or someone else. They typically go 2-3 days without little or no sleep and border on the delusional (although they are not delusional), and engage in really risky behaviors.

A test like Wexler or MMPI should have been part of your interview if it was done right. My mother gets a lot of bi-polars who aren't really bi-polar and it aggravates her. Most people are just so severely depressed that when they aren't depressed, it appears to them that they're manic, especially if it isn't a proper interview and the psychiatrist is leading them along.

It certainly sounds like you were severely depressed. They should have tried to determine if that was chemical, dietary and/or emotional. Some people suffer depression because of a chemical imbalance and anti-depressants really work for them, but other people do not have chemical imbalances and pumping them full of chemicals makes them violent and they end up killing people. If you test them and conduct a proper interview, you can usually discern the difference right away.

You're posting on an internet forum and you seem quite lucid, so I hope everything continues to go well for you.


Premium Member
This posting has nothing to do with Astrology, other than I am a bossy Capricorn!

There are some serious misconceptions about bipolar on this thread, I would urge anyone interested in a better understanding to please visit the Depression, Bipolar Support Alliance website.

Manic episodes may only happen once in life.... for others it is rapid cycling that will last from a few hours to sometimes years. I am bipolar, as is my daughter, my mother, and my ex husband. I have only been arrested once and I am still proud of it, since it was protesting the Iraq war prior to it's beginning when Bush visited our town. None of the rest have been... nor any of us ever fired from a position. I can not recall any of us, nor the clients I have worked with in my position of board director with the DBSA locally, ever looking wide eyed and crazy. The easiest way to "diagnose" bipolar is to have someone diagnosed depressed and prescribe anti depressants. If after 2 or 3 different kinds have been tried and the reaction is always an agitation and aggressiveness (that is the manic that is flipped into by those antidepressants) then a mood stabilizer should be added and the diagnosis is usually changed to bipolar.

Bipolar and Clinical Depression is an imbalance of brain chemicals and the receptor activity being blocked. It is not something that can be wished away, fixed with home remedies, and especially not ignored... suicide attempts or thoughts should be taken extremely seriously. The better educated a diagnosed person and their family are makes a big difference. A bipolar can ride through the mood changes and remind themselves the next day will be better... it is only chemicals in the mind that are causing the depression at the moment. The bipolar should become aware of their triggers and try to avoid them. I can't listen to certain music as it will cut me to the core, yet others will make me manic. A strong daily routine is suggested especially for bipolars that opt not to be medicated.

Medication at this point can be prescribed by Doctors of any type and some prescribing nurses. Many doctors are just educated by what the pharmaceutical companies tell them. It is important that a bipolar realize he/she is their own advocate and question everything. This last month my gereral practitioner Dr wanted to put my daughter on Lamectal. I pointed out that Lamectal is over $500 a month and not as effective as Lithium. He thought about it and agreed and wrote the prescription for that ($4 a month) and she is doing better than anyone would have expected. I have opted to go without medication and have a prescription for Prozac since I become very depressed once or twice a year and 2 or 3 days of it is enough. It is important to find a doctor that will work with you as an individual, bipolar is a life long diagnosis.

Some famous bipolars with many more out there!:)

Ned Beatty, Jim Carey, Rosemary Clooney, Robert Downey Jr., Patty Duke, Carrie Fisher, Connie Francis, Shecky Greene, Linda Hamilton, Margot Kidder, Vivien Leigh, Kristy McNichols, Burgess Meredith, Ben Stiller, Tracy Ullman, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Robin Williams, Jonathon Winters, Ludwig Von Beethoven, Tim Burton, Francis Ford Coppola, Norman Wexler, Ted Turner, Buzz Aldrin, Larry Flynt, Phil Graham(owner of Washington Post), Ray Davies, Peter Gabriel, Jimi Hendrix, Axl Rose, Del Shannon, Sting, Tom Waits, Winston Churchill, Kitty Dukasis, former First Lady of Massachusetts
Thomas Eagleton, Theodore Roosevelt, Darryl Strawberry, Dick Cavett, Honors de Balzac, Art Buchwald, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Virginia Woolf



Well-known member
Crickey Bob, your interpretation of bi polars and doubting Lissa's position is a surprise. Sounds like your mum gets a few phonies?



Well-known member
Transiting PLuto is in square aspect between your Sun and your moon at present.
Your Sun & Moon are square your Capricorn ascendant. Transiting Pluto is only a few degrees behind your ascendant

Natally you have Qute a bit of Mars / Aries energy with Mars in the sixth, Moon in Aries and Mars square your Sun.
And Your Mars is quincunx your Pluto and Pluto is trine your Sun.
This Mars energy (including it being in the 6th) can elevate quite a deal of impatience in feeling angry when our ordinary day to day life does not go to plan.
THese Mars aspects and placements can get us frustrated and burning up a lot of resource energy which can burn out the adrenals and we can then feel very anxious.
I know someone who had a similar experiace (they have Aries on the 6th house cusp) going on for years using up a lot of energy over day to day annoyances. Then when a big transit occured the person started having anxiety attacks. They went to a herbalist (who gave them Skullcap) and a lifesyle counsellor who got them to make a lot of changes to reduce stress. The result is that they are the best they have been for years and improving.
I see a similar theme for yourself from the health point of view so perhaps a visit to the herbalist and or some skullcap plus consultation with a lifestyle counsellor to help change some day to day routine and patterns could help you change the corner towards a calmer must more relaxed future. Good luck there.