The dark
comedian, Pete Davidson is dating Kim K. of the "Kardarshians" a family of women who made themselves ultra famous by just being sexy and dressing in that way. Most of them are Scorpio laden charts, many with Scorpio Sun.
Kim K. was married until very recently to
"Kanye" West a rapper who
has mental issues well known by the public. Besides this however, he is probably worth a billion U.S. dollars or so he says. To follow his ex wife (who he speaks
obsessively of in including in his lyrics of his new album ) he insists they must be back together, because they had 4 kids (all very young still)in short order.
Kim to her credit is studying to become a lawyer, and seems to have more on her mind unlike the rest of the family, then making millions and that includes dating Pete Davidson she met on SNL while hosting the show one evening. They hit it off, and have been glued to each other since then.
Bottom Line:
Kanye, has since "changed his name to "Ye" .....(god???) or a facsimile of same.
He is extreme egotist (which did fit into the K family well) , and even
ran for POTUS to help out his good buddy, the ex POTUS take black people votes from Joe Biden (was the idea) .
This was the final straw for Kim so it was reported, and divorced him as it was the "straw that broke the camel's back" as they say.
The mental health issues were very public then during that period of time in 2020. He put down her mother, (a BIG no-no in the Kardashian family) as the mother is all the family's mentor and manager.
He is
NOW writing lyrics for his new album, trashing Davidson and
speaking of beating him up in the lyrics. Very violent of course. IF I were Davidson, I think I'd be inclined to see a lawyer and not just joke and laugh this threat off with a "stay away" order within so many feet.
"Ye" is quite serious and may even be on a deeper warpath to get his ex back in his lair. Davidson, the comedian, is a serious bloke (isn't he?? with this Natal chart?)
Pluto opposed to Algol , but also conjunct his n. Sun.
Personally speaking,
I'd not be laughing at the foibles of the mentally ill "Ye" West while dating his ex wife.
Davidson also said, “Speaking strictly for myself, what Kanye said when we went off the air was one of the worst, most awkward things I have ever seen here and I have seen Chevy Chase talk to an intern.”
At the time,Kanye West claimed he had been bullied in rehearsals about wearing his MAGA hat, which Davidson said was untrue. “I wish I had bullied you,” he said. “I wish I would have suggested that it might offend some people like your wife, or every black person ever.”
note: THIS last statement of Davidson, was not really very smart imo, although quite Scorpion - yet to a very unstable man?
Davidson also quipped, “Kanye, I know you are like, ‘This is the real me, I’m off the meds.’ Take ’em. There is no shame in the medicine game. I’m on ’em, it’s great. There’s nothing wrong with taking them.”
These statements are ones that I believe will very possibly further incite the already unstable "Ye" towards more violence. He has beaten up on a fan just last week who was waiting for an autograph with many others.
HERE is something else to consider. "Ye"'s natal chart (Gemini Sun) has his Ruler
Mercury "unaspected via Ptolemaic aspects" to fixed star "Algol".
This trio of people are walking in
dangerous territory imo.astrologically speaking.,_Kanye,_Kim
With all his riches, "Ye" purchased not only a home last year in Malibu on the beach for $63 Million, BUT more importantly; a home he intends to renovate or tear down
, right across the street from the home he shared with Kim K. and their many children. Being wealthy, he paid the seller a half million more then he was asking for to assure the sale was his.
IF I were Kim K. I'd be freakin' out too~
Perhaps walking this Algol tightrope for the sake of the kids and keeping peace.
The song also condemned her mother & "loving nannies" instead of being home with "spoiled kids" .