Algol during 2022


Well-known member
Keep on track peeps, no use attacking other members who point out that you are breaking the forum rules.

Algol gonna play a big role in the next couple of months.
Algol is just the start, actually. It will be more than a couple of months, but that's something hard to explain. All I can tell you is that a unique "snowfall" will show the beginning of such events and humans will never know about them until it starts.

david starling

Well-known member
I happen to agree with you here. It will.

I based this on the chart you had given us, random or not, from your own head. Horary is usually posted as querants asking from their own heads and hearts.

As for "peeps?" How did YOU know, that was my nickname given to me as a teenager by the local boys in my neighborhood, lol.
Being less then 5 feet tall, brings in a lot of jokes from boys , but that nickname stuck.

Leomoon, can you describe WHAT role(s) Algol will play in the "next couple of months"? So far, the vagueness is high on the vaguenisity scale. :lol:


Well-known member
Looking at the Horary for "war" (assuming for Ukraine) I'd say it's likely.

The Moon is in the ending degree of Pisces, hence; "too late to change the outcome" and is square Mars . How many degrees away from Mars may give us an idea of timing? (days, months years?) if anyone knows how to do the timing ....

:sad:Mars= the traditional planet of war
The Moon = in the ending degrees of the sign

They are in aspect \\

Added NOTE: - I just happened to note, the date of the chart is Feb. 4th, - so I may be wrong, but this particular date and time are worrisome for WAR.

According to Rex Bills "the Rulership Book", Russia is Uranus -& Aquarius
and (Scorpio) pg. 124
The Sun (i.e. Russia) is in Aquarius, hs. 1 conj. Saturn and is square Uranus.

I believe the 12th house planets are telling us, what is going on behind the scenes or open dialogue with Secretary of State. Tony Blinken
I've not read the public dialogue between them, other then heard the Russian counterpart saying Russia has no intention of using aggression.:devil:

We can see by this chart, that is not at all the case.

It's around that date but, again, Neptune clearly hints how it's something not known, yet.

You should look at dates like 21th December (2021), 1th January and 19th February. You may understand why I mentioned Neptune.


Well-known member
Leomoon, can you describe WHAT role(s) Algol will play in the "next couple of months"? So far, the vagueness is high on the vaguenisity scale. :lol:

Basing my reading David, on the "random blackberry chart", which I mis-read as Horary, is still of interest to me considering what I saw in it.

I agree about "vagueness" certainly astrology is an art not a science hard and fixed.

Certainly you know this as you practice your art I'm sure.

Algol is a symbol (in whatever chart we are examining", but as to how that symbol will play out, is guesswork, therefore, the art which comes into play.

I thought the ancients, whether it was Ptolemy or before him, seeing Algol as akin to Jupiter and Saturn says it all. But thats vague too I know.

Try taking what you know already about Jupiter and Saturn, and come up with descriptions or adjectives that fit the chart would be my suggestion.

For me, Jupiter is military as well as a benefic. In the Roman days, Jupiter was the god of war (but then again so was Mars at one time, and Neptune?)

Jupiter then assigned to Algol, I'd see as more militaristic. Either as victim or aggressor. Saturn can also go either way.

BTW, for those who don't know and are reading later, Vivien Robson and his "Fixed Stars book -" did not make this up as all astrologer learn and pass down to each other, so these assignations, go back thousands of year.

Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens. [Robson, p.124.]


Well-known member
Regarding Algol (Jupiter & Saturn like vibrations):

From Wikipedia:

Jupiter was a sky-god who Romans believed oversaw all aspects of life; he is thought to have originated from the Greek god Zeus. Jupiter also concentrated on protecting the Roman state. Military commanders would pay homage to Jupiter at his temple after winning in battle.


The fetials were a college of 20 men devoted to the religious administration of international affairs of state.[33] Their task was to preserve and apply the fetial law (ius fetiale), a complex set of procedures aimed at ensuring the protection of the gods in Rome's relations with foreign states. Iuppiter Lapis is the god under whose protection they act, and whom the chief fetial (pater patratus) invokes in the rite concluding a treaty.[34] If a declaration of war ensues, the fetial calls upon Jupiter and Quirinus, the heavenly, earthly and chthonic gods as witnesses of any potential violation of the ius. He can then declare war within 33 days

For David and others:
Haven't we in thousands of years, as per Freud and certainly Carl Jung, told us we tap into the collective mindset, and therefore, have within us the same "symbols" whether we are conscious or mostly unconscious of these symbols? Thats how I've seen collective unconscious and astrology. And that seems to be the 'why" of astrology.
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Well-known member
Once again, you cannot turn a chart I posted into YOUR horary chart.
Astrology doesn't work that way.:unsure::unsure::unsure:

However, I HAVE, along with the OP, stated that war & rumours of war will prevail but NO way nuclear war will take place.

The White Hats are in total control.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

The NWO/NATO/O'Biden Marxist Regime are pushing for an 'all out war' with Russia coz they've lost. The Patriots have won & the cabal have lost.

It's made them Algol 'crazy' with thoughts of killing thousands of innocent civilians to try to claw their way back into power.

The Algol myths really playing out in their full negative aspects with the vengeance & the thirst for blood by the deep state.

Won't work. :mars::venus: harmonious.

Basing my reading David, on the "random blackberry chart", which I mis-read as Horary, is still of interest to me considering what I saw in it.


Well-known member
blackberry: Some of your ideas are quite good with astrology, as long as you attempt to keep the biased statements out and not confuse subjective biases with the readings.

For example, this is subjective bias: (imo)
The NWO/NATO/O'Biden Marxist Regime are pushing for an 'all out war' with Russia coz they've lost. The Patriots have won & the cabal have lost.

It's made them Algol 'crazy' with thoughts of killing thousands of innocent civilians to try to claw their way back into power.

The Algol myths really playing out in their full negative aspects with the vengeance & the thirst for blood by the deep state.
Perhaps that is why David asked what he did about "vagueness? although only he can answer for him. I do think mixing subjective statements with one's astrology, leads to "confirmation bias" which truly does not have a valid place in the art of Astrology except to confuse others.

(just imo):innocent:

from Google definitions:

confirmation bias

[confirmation bias]NOUN

  1. the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories


Well-known member
Once again, you cannot turn a chart I posted into YOUR horary chart.
Astrology doesn't work that way.:unsure::unsure::unsure:

However, I HAVE, along with the OP, stated that war & rumours of war will prevail but NO way nuclear war will take place.

The White Hats are in total control.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

The NWO/NATO/O'Biden Marxist Regime are pushing for an 'all out war' with Russia coz they've lost. The Patriots have won & the cabal have lost.

It's made them Algol 'crazy' with thoughts of killing thousands of innocent civilians to try to claw their way back into power.

The Algol myths really playing out in their full negative aspects with the vengeance & the thirst for blood by the deep state.

Won't work. :mars::venus: harmonious.
It's not even a war like many means...don't expect it to be like WW1 or WW2; it will be entirely different and one-sided.

But yeah, it will be brutal and destructive in any possible way.


Well-known member
That makes sense, we've been in a war of good v evil for over 5 yrs now so not surprised that the demon star Algol prominent at the very end of it all.

The evil cabal has collapsed; the 'head of the beast' was cut off in 2018.

Their minions are attempting to pour bloodshed on the world; they would kill half the population to gain back their power; they would manifest the worst that Algol represents.

Medusa was violated; the sacred temples were violated, her beautiul hair was turned into serpents & she became a bloodthirsty ghoul.

When the violations are addressed, when the injustices are corrected, then Medusa can return & order be restored.

It's called The Great Awakening.

It's not even a war like many means...don't expect it to be like WW1 or WW2; it will be entirely different and one-sided.

But yeah, it will be brutal and destructive in any possible way.


Well-known member
Bernadette Brady.

"Algol represents a strong consuming passion that may devour you with anger and rage. If one can contain an unconscious compulsion to take revenge, and from that passion return a more productive outcome, Algol is one of the most powerful stars in the sky. Whatever planet it affects in your chart will be charged with strong, intense sexual energy that has the potential to be wonderful, of if repressed, to lead to rage or violence."

david starling

Well-known member
That makes sense, we've been in a war of good v evil for over 5 yrs now so not surprised that the demon star Algol prominent at the very end of it all.

The evil cabal has collapsed; the 'head of the beast' was cut off in 2018.

Their minions are attempting to pour bloodshed on the world; they would kill half the population to gain back their power; they would manifest the worst that Algol represents.

Medusa was violated; the sacred temples were violated, her beautiul hair was turned into serpents & she became a bloodthirsty ghoul.

When the violations are addressed, when the injustices are corrected, then Medusa can return & order be restored.

It's called The Great Awakening.

This is your own personal vision of the future, shared by the personal visions of others, with some personal differences.

Although my own personal vision differs quite a bit, I do see these times as a conflict between the current Power-structure and Individual Rights, and that Individual Rights will win out gradually without a major confrontation or extreme violence.

Algol conjunct the NN is something to focus on for the near future.


Well-known member
The dark comedian, Pete Davidson is dating Kim K. of the "Kardarshians" a family of women who made themselves ultra famous by just being sexy and dressing in that way. Most of them are Scorpio laden charts, many with Scorpio Sun.
Kim K. was married until very recently to "Kanye" West a rapper who has mental issues well known by the public. Besides this however, he is probably worth a billion U.S. dollars or so he says. To follow his ex wife (who he speaks obsessively of in including in his lyrics of his new album ) he insists they must be back together, because they had 4 kids (all very young still)in short order.

Kim to her credit is studying to become a lawyer, and seems to have more on her mind unlike the rest of the family, then making millions and that includes dating Pete Davidson she met on SNL while hosting the show one evening. They hit it off, and have been glued to each other since then.

Bottom Line: Kanye, has since "changed his name to "Ye" .....(god???) or a facsimile of same.

He is extreme egotist (which did fit into the K family well) , and even ran for POTUS to help out his good buddy, the ex POTUS take black people votes from Joe Biden (was the idea) . This was the final straw for Kim so it was reported, and divorced him as it was the "straw that broke the camel's back" as they say.
The mental health issues were very public then during that period of time in 2020. He put down her mother, (a BIG no-no in the Kardashian family) as the mother is all the family's mentor and manager.

He is NOW writing lyrics for his new album, trashing Davidson and speaking of beating him up in the lyrics. Very violent of course. IF I were Davidson, I think I'd be inclined to see a lawyer and not just joke and laugh this threat off with a "stay away" order within so many feet.

"Ye" is quite serious and may even be on a deeper warpath to get his ex back in his lair. Davidson, the comedian, is a serious bloke (isn't he?? with this Natal chart?)

Pluto opposed to Algol , but also conjunct his n. Sun.

Personally speaking, I'd not be laughing at the foibles of the mentally ill "Ye" West while dating his ex wife.

Davidson also said, “Speaking strictly for myself, what Kanye said when we went off the air was one of the worst, most awkward things I have ever seen here and I have seen Chevy Chase talk to an intern.”
At the time,Kanye West claimed he had been bullied in rehearsals about wearing his MAGA hat, which Davidson said was untrue. “I wish I had bullied you,” he said. “I wish I would have suggested that it might offend some people like your wife, or every black person ever.”

note: THIS last statement of Davidson, was not really very smart imo, although quite Scorpion - yet to a very unstable man?

Davidson also quipped, “Kanye, I know you are like, ‘This is the real me, I’m off the meds.’ Take ’em. There is no shame in the medicine game. I’m on ’em, it’s great. There’s nothing wrong with taking them.”
These statements are ones that I believe will very possibly further incite the already unstable "Ye" towards more violence. He has beaten up on a fan just last week who was waiting for an autograph with many others. :w00t:

HERE is something else to consider. "Ye"'s natal chart (Gemini Sun) has his Ruler Mercury "unaspected via Ptolemaic aspects" to fixed star "Algol".

This trio of people are walking in dangerous territory imo.astrologically speaking.,_Kanye,_Kim

With all his riches, "Ye" purchased not only a home last year in Malibu on the beach for $63 Million, BUT more importantly; a home he intends to renovate or tear down, right across the street from the home he shared with Kim K. and their many children. Being wealthy, he paid the seller a half million more then he was asking for to assure the sale was his.

IF I were Kim K. I'd be freakin' out too~ :unsure: Perhaps walking this Algol tightrope for the sake of the kids and keeping peace.

The song also condemned her mother & "loving nannies" instead of being home with "spoiled kids" .
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Premium Member
Why Algol gotta be all fancy, demanding diamonds? lol

It occurs to me that we're talking about justice, vengeance, vindication, karma, and such in this thread started by someone who claims there is no morality. You can't be wronged if there is no right or wrong.

Because she deserved better?!!!🙂 diamonds

As the old saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right.


Premium Member
This is a chart for February 19 2022 at noon in Ottawa, Canada

Algol conjuncting the north node.

Toro apex midpoint of Mars/Venus and Neptune.

Pluto trine Algol.

Chiron apex midpoint of Jupiter Uranus.

Air and earth predominate.

AC/DC 25.20 and MC/IC 26.42

Wow! Ouch.

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Well-known member
Because she deserved better?!!!🙂 diamonds

As the old saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Haha! Yeah, she did. If the potential threat from Algol was strong, it would make sense to use the hardest stone.

I went through a nihilism phase myself, although I always rejected Machiavellianism. Ultimately, choosing to see the negative in everything makes a person unhappy and not much fun at parties. It also doesn't make much sense to believe that distant stars control our fates but there is no moral framework at work.


Premium Member
Haha! Yeah, she did. If the potential threat from Algol was strong, it would make sense to use the hardest stone.

I went through a nihilism phase myself, although I always rejected Machiavellianism. Ultimately, choosing to see the negative in everything makes a person unhappy and not much fun at parties. It also doesn't make much sense to believe that distant stars control our fates but there is no moral framework at work.

Yes, I agree, being happy, involves trying.

The fixed stars and asteroids, hold much more importance, than I had thought. Small orb, but they really tune a chart.


Well-known member
Another thought...for purposes of interpretation, it might be more useful to use the traditional interpretation of the Medusa myth (that she was a monster whose head was used to win a battle). It's impossible for me to view it through any other lens than seeing Medusa as a victim, and so that colors my interpretation, but that is not how the ancients interpreted it.


Premium Member
Another thought...for purposes of interpretation, it might be more useful to use the traditional interpretation of the Medusa myth (that she was a monster whose head was used to win a battle). It's impossible for me to view it through any other lens than seeing Medusa as a victim, and so that colors my interpretation, but that is not how the ancients interpreted it.

A common description traditionally, is “pile of corpses” but whose? The victimizer or the victim? Or both?

The chart I posted, doesn’t look like a great day for either. Mundane speaking, the houses are loaded. Pluto, Mars and Venus 8th.
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Well-known member
This is a chart for February 19 2022 at noon in Ottawa, Canada

Algol conjuncting the north node.

Toro apex midpoint of Mars/Venus and Neptune.

Pluto trine Algol.

Chiron apex midpoint of Jupiter Uranus.

Air and earth predominate.

AC/DC 25.20 and MC/IC 26.42

Wow! Ouch.


You should look Zosma too. If you don't know about it, read this:, also known as Dhur,at 11°20' Virgo.

A common description traditionally, is “pile of corpses” but whose? The victimizer or the victim? Or both?

The chart I posted, doesn’t look like a great day for either. Mundane speaking, the houses are loaded. Pluto, Mars and Venus 8th.

Who will do such have dealt with deep suffering; Algol is that too.

A monster who brings despair...but what is a monster? Where's the line between a victim and a monster? I already mentioned such.