Very interesting!
Can this technique reveal WHEN in time previous life occurred (approximately)?
No, to the best of my knowledge the time period (historical dates) of the previous life cannot be gleaned from this technique.
Very interesting!
Can this technique reveal WHEN in time previous life occurred (approximately)?
dr. farr
Excellant article you have presented . Vedic astrology says your past life is represented by 5th house in your native chart "Poorva Punya Sthanam" i.e. Poorva means "Previous" and Punyasthanam means "place of deeds")and future life by 9th house.On this basis your 5th house Ascendant in your current chart should be your Ascendant in the plc. Keeping this in mind I worked out the plc using the above method and found plc Asc. as Virgo. I am Tauras and my 5th house is Virgo in my native chart. This means my Ascendant in plc should be Virgo. Surprisingly this tallies. May be this is just one sample. other members can verify this in their charts
This esoteric tradition emphasizes including stars posited with 2 degrees of any PLC angle or planet or node, in the Past Life analysis. This tradition also believe that the PLC 12th house-and anything in it-describes the situation/condition of the incarnating ego during the period between physical incarnations (that is, the "other world" state of the individual prior to their current physical incarnation)