Well clearly replacing a therapist with an astrologer is a bad thing. If you are suffering from a mental health issue, an astrologer isn't going to be able to fix it. Depression, Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia and anything else along those lines aren't something you can fix by looking at where Saturn is in your chart. Even if someone had a loaded 6th house with malefics and an astrologer was able to clarify that you had a mental illness because of this, it still wouldn't help that much.
It really bothers me when people consult astrologers as if they're miracle workers. But I guess astrologers are expected to be miracle workers because they are the person's last hope, last shot at getting over the problems in their life.
This woman for this particular article though isn't really a great example. She seems dumb if you ask me.
"The truth is, if the folks running our government actually cared about mental health, and made it more accessible to people like me who struggle to pay their rent every month, I’d been seeing a shrink with regularity."
I don't think this woman actually needs a therapist. I think she's just being weak. And the reason why I say this is because she wants the government to pay for her problems. And I know Waybread and other socialists may disagree with me, but I can garantee, if you want the government to pay for your nonsense, then you're just being selfish and hopelessly entitled and lazy.
The folks in the government aren't responsible for paying every single thing under the sun. The government is supposed to protect your rights. Therapy isn't a right. Neither is housing.
That's your job. If you want something, try making a product that people will pay you for, instead of pursuing some lousy writing career that's clearly failing and using the money that people have actually earned by selling a product that's useful to society.
Also, I think mental illnesses are almost a pseudoscience. Like yes they are real, but people are totally over-exaggerating, self-diagnosing, playing the victim... It's no wonder an astrologer is able to replace her therapist because she doesn't actually have real problems.
A lot of the problems that people have can be solved on their own. So I mean, it's not even replacing an astrologer with a therapist that's the problem. It's people who replace themselves with a therapist that's the problem!
And like what the astrologer said, she's just going through a hard time right now because of Saturn Return. No mental illness, no actual problems, so definitely no government money required.
It sounds like she just needs someone to talk to, and in that case, don't pay (use expect someone else to pay) someone to listen to your problems. Grab a friend instead for support. Or just tough it out because it's your Saturn Return.
So, we need psychologists, but only when we actually have mental problems. Astrologers cannot replace psychologists, or else we're in trouble. But if you don't actually have a problem and you want to replace the unnecessary therapist with an astrologer, then I don't care or see a problem. It's probably better actually because it's cheaper. It's your money and your life. In this lady's case, it was actually better she went to an astrologer because he was able to tell her it was Saturn Return. While a therapist would have no clue why her life is having issues.