Hi Pixiequix ,I agree with astrobadhauria, I think to put the focus on the third house, mind, communication,brothers, travel, etc. mars is not ok at piscis, and the sun at third house is opposite saturn and sesqui jupiter. Mercury (the mind) is at piscis too, the trine he receives from jupiter and from uranos helps but they are situated in weak houses, and neptune one of the dispositor of mars , sun and mercury is squaring mercury (the mind).One of ruler of the third house saturn is ok. at virgo is at trigonocracy but uranus the other ruler is at XII,with good aspects has a trine with moon and sextil with venus that helps. How is your comunication with him , how are his thoughts, is he confused about some things or afections because mars rules the fifth house, and is squaring the seventh house, luckily venus goes to his ascendant by antiscia, pixie I would like to help you more, i will see this chart again may be later I see more. Apologizes my english and all the best for you