It seems to indicate that she places high priority on obtaining money-possessions and possibly has a very deep obsession with it.
I have a family member who has a five planet stellium in her 2nd house
A lot of planets in 2nd house - show a person being interested and busy with- first of all - self-protection, setting boundaries, defending own territory and own private space, defending own values and what one sees as worthy, to stay safe and secure and to keep own private doors - completely shut for other's eyes.
Venus ruling this 2nd house in air sign libra - is in 2nd house not the material thinking taurus venus. Venus is in contrary in deep dark emotional passionate waters of fix sign scorpio - and venus decides on all planets in it's 2nd house the house rules- how it has to run.
Venus in scorpio is very secretive and cautious to not tell too much private things to the outside and to others and in public- to not deliver to others the weapons - they afterwards can use against oneself. Venus squares leo pluto in 11th house (social commitment, social media and forums) as ruler of 3rd house - mental mind house, house of own thoughts and communication with others.
But 3rd house is also house of siblings and relationships with siblings. Are you her sister or brother ?
2nd house is also about skills and gifts - one is already born with and one can make use of to save own physical existence and to earn money with.
A full placed 2nd house shows a lot of skills and gifts. Neptune as ruler of 6th house in 2nd house - shows that money mainly comes from own work. Mercury ruling 10th house - money will come from own career and following own vocation.
Mercury ruling 12th house in 2nd house shows a high sensitive sensed born person - able to perceive more also from the invisible world - than others can do.
Venus ruling taurus in spiritual 9th house - an earth grounded higher education is important - to get specialized - venus in scorpio..