Not over ...
Note, I do horary charts a bit differently. The moon indicates question and thus determines whether chart readable. Also, I use whole sign and all planets.
You are Chiron and he is Neptune. You are in his house, so you are very connected with him still. Chiron is opposing the ascendant (you) indicating that your current path is not stable (involved with him I'm assuming).
Chrion has made the angle to Neptune and has moved on. The relationship is pretty much past but, not the clean-up.
Moon, indicating question is in the 12th house at a late degree (but not VOC). Being in 12th house, indicates to me that the situation is still not done, at least mentally.
Moon is in 150 angle to Sun as last angle. Sun rules 12th, again indicating the need for a mental assessment and closure. This should be done before moving on. Also suggestive that maybe the relationship still has some loose ends before it can be "put away".
As for a new relationship,Saturn rules 5th and at first glance, no positive angles but, Venus and Sun in 5th house. Venus, at first glance looks to be moving towards Sun but it is retrograde, so it is moving back - not a positive but, not really a negative .. more like a delay .. things to be resolved.