2014 - any possibility of a new relationship??


Well-known member

Please could someone have a go at reading my chart.

My question is will I start a new relationship this year?

If so, is it possible to say where/when I will meet the man or any qualities about him?

Thank you in advance .


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Well-known member
Hey guys,

I'd be extremely grateful if someone could take a look at my chart.

I've had a crazy few years and 2013 was probably the worst in terms of relationships as my long term relationship suddenly broke apart. So i'm hoping this year will be a fresh start! :)

If you require any background info, I'm happy to share.



Well-known member
Not over ...

Note, I do horary charts a bit differently. The moon indicates question and thus determines whether chart readable. Also, I use whole sign and all planets.

You are Chiron and he is Neptune. You are in his house, so you are very connected with him still. Chiron is opposing the ascendant (you) indicating that your current path is not stable (involved with him I'm assuming).

Chrion has made the angle to Neptune and has moved on. The relationship is pretty much past but, not the clean-up.

Moon, indicating question is in the 12th house at a late degree (but not VOC). Being in 12th house, indicates to me that the situation is still not done, at least mentally.

Moon is in 150 angle to Sun as last angle. Sun rules 12th, again indicating the need for a mental assessment and closure. This should be done before moving on. Also suggestive that maybe the relationship still has some loose ends before it can be "put away".

As for a new relationship,Saturn rules 5th and at first glance, no positive angles but, Venus and Sun in 5th house. Venus, at first glance looks to be moving towards Sun but it is retrograde, so it is moving back - not a positive but, not really a negative .. more like a delay .. things to be resolved.



Well-known member
Thank you Marinka! Your interpretation sounds very accurate to my current situation, we are very much involved in each others life still and i do feel like I still have feelings for him but he has suggested we will only ever be friends :( so I guess thats that.

I feel like i'm caught in a web and can't find the way out of this hence I feel like a fresh start with someone new would put a stop to the past creeping back and hurting me more.

How long do horary predictions apply for? I'm just concerned about the future…I don't want to be alone forever! As well as the issue of him finding someone new before me…I think its more silent heartache waiting to happen :(

Thank you again for your time, it is very much appreciated :)
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You can ask again in about 3 to 6 months. At that time, hopefully your feelings for him would have resolved.


Well-known member
HI Astronewbie

it seems to me you are asking about your ex vs a new person because
technically speaking a new relationship questions hardly ever have a moon sitting in 12th. that tells me something in the past that hasn't been resolved or another question in the back of your mind. How do I know that? Well, that's because last aspect moon made was a square to Lord of 5th house AND there is mutual rejection, so that tells me your xbf is still on your mind! NOW.. since we are dealing with an ex bf that is 1/7 .. we have nothing going on between Merc and Jupiter other than inconjunction - ehhh adjustment of attitude is called here. What is that? Lets' see...... so take a look at what Mars and Sun are doing to your moon and mercury because mars and sun rule men in general. Since Moon is on the verge of changing signs after she touched your 5th house ruler .. her job is done, she is moving into a new life sort of speak. What happens after Moon crosses to Leo? she gains popularity with Jupiter.... I will get back to this .. Let's look at Mercury. Merc will trine Mars - I think the answer to your question is YES you will be dating. 2nd hint that there might be a relationship is with Moon/Jupiter do trine within the orb of their normal moiety but something has to change for the moon. My feeling is you need to let go of your ex.



Well-known member
I don't think there is a new relationship. I do notice inconjuncts - Moon inconjunct Sun, Mercury inconjunct Jupiter. So perhaps there is some closure you need from your ex.

Moon is very weakened in the 12th and Void, shows isolation and self undoing, its generally the case when querent prisons themselves and feel helpless. Do you get out much? Any social interactions?

Venus is chasing Jupiter, but stops and goes forward again, and that's when you will start letting go of the past. Mercury is in detriment of Sun, yet Moon loves Sun. Sun is your ex, his male significator. So it appears more than anything you miss being in a relationship, rather than him specifically. But Moon changes signs and that need to find someone, anyone, will not be as prevalent.

I also notice antiscion of Moon is conjunct south node, which doesn't bode well for this question. Weakens Moon. Plus Mercury is just getting away from antiscia of Saturn that placed restrictions on it.

So I'm afraid there is no relationship right now. You need to get out of that self imposed isolation that you have placed upon yourself. I think people mistakenly believe that after a break up, if they just find new partner, they will finally be happy. It sometimes backfires though. Sometimes being single for a while is what one needs. Maybe you need a relationship with yourself and do things for yourself for a while. Get to know you!

Hope you feel better very soon! :)


Well-known member
Many thanks Tikana and Raefella, they were both great interpretations that I am very much relating to.

At the time of first posting that chart I think feelings were more intense then and are slowly coming to the realisation things have to change now. I have been making an extra effort to get out more but having a full time job it has it's restrictions! But yes I do socialise, my only trouble is that most of the time it's probably not the scene to meet someone new with the majority of my friends being other women (women who are all taken so that need to be in relationship Raefella spoke about comes from this). Since my ex was "my first love" and for 6/7 years I guess he is all I know in terms of relationships so holding on to shreds!

Thank you all again for your time :) hopefully my story will change soon!


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I'd be extremely grateful if someone could take a look at my chart.

I've had a crazy few years and 2013 was probably the worst in terms of relationships as my long term relationship suddenly broke apart. So i'm hoping this year will be a fresh start! :)

If you require any background info, I'm happy to share.


Hello astronewbie,

Can i see SR and the natal + progressions for the year 2013?

I exactly have gone through the same situation in 2013 and i consider 2013 as worst year of my life till now in terms of relationships and everything. Some very long term relationships which i never even thought would break, suddenly broke in this year. For some, i don't even know the reason.

So, it would be interesting to see your chart if that's okay with you.



Well-known member
Hi Sanaqua,

I'm sorry to hear of your troubles, losing special people in your life with no real reason is the worst!

I've attached my chart to this thread…although if its not the right chart you're looking for please let me know! There's just so many options! haha



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