then let's discuss how 'servants' ARE often in fact 'slaves'
Lol, got it!
then let's discuss how 'servants' ARE often in fact 'slaves'
So the keyword for the 6th remains 'slaves'/'slavery'
parents who are 'slaves to their children'
the individual when 'enslaved' by various obsessions including drugs, as dr. farr has described
Derived house is very interest and extremely important which we use the same thing in Chinese System as well. One chart shows all the people and matters around one's life. It is through the derived houses you can see your grandparents, and relatives so as everything else in your life.
The relationship of 6th house, as an experiment, I mentioned in the other thread, taking 6th house as the first, 3rd of 6th is 8th house, then 10th would be 5th what 6th house loves and fantasized, status, recognition, authority over others to do that, 6th house will have to learn to sacrifice oneself 12th house, 7th of 6th to achieve the goal.
The original 1st house became the 8th house of 6th, we are in debt to the 6th, or the 6th house is in debt to us? Interesting.
The philosophy of work or philosophy of service and health, will have 2nd house as the 9th, at the end both Wealth and Health are similar, our own possession. While the original 9th house is the home of 6th, perhaps our daily works is built upon the foundation of our high mind and believe system etc.
At last, 5th house will be the 12th house of 6th, when you have too much fun, the 6th house will suffer for health, work, daily tasks will be disordered.
I don't think anything had changed very much in today's world.
One interesting thing though because of the class system, slaves for generation will not able able to climb up to 10th house no matter how much they fancy that status (in the past they do treat their masters as God, in Egypt particularly).
Not much has changed as you say... today's money masters cannot survive living their life of ease without their debt slavesThese days, we have a little more chance to research that status but yet a master is a slave to something else higher than himself and indeed depending on his slaves to survive.
Interested if you would post a fuller explanationWe are all slaves.But we are free to choose our master.
Interested if you would post a fuller explanation
Yes, I suppose that slavery, in a spiritual and economic sense of the word does still exist, but more importantly, actual slavery still exists. There is currently a very lucrative sex slave trafficing industry, and it is estimated that between 20 abd 30 million people live under the binds of slavery today, often in the form of african child soldiers.
NEW 2014 JOHN PILGER DOCUMENTARYUnited States and Australia were both founded upon indentured servitude and prisoner 'chain gang' labor.
The 'Dark Ages' were Europe's way of insuring survival by life-long indebtedness to a protective warrior class.
Similar systems sprang up all over the known world.
In tribal societies, there were war captives whose freedom was in the hands of an owner.
It's depressing to contemplate.
Even with my 12th house 'empty', things supposedly in opposition to my ascendant but in the 6th house still can upset me.
'Human rights' need more universal emphasis.
THE 40-HOUR WEEK AND WHY WE ARE ECONOMIC SLAVES 20th century, esp from the end of WW1 or WW2 (depending on the rise of Soviet communism in Russia and spread out globally) to its decline in the late 1980s or early 90s, was a moral, political and ideological battle between two economic systems: Communism (or socialism) preached the concept of a classless, raceless and genderless social structure ruled by "the people, workers or proles" instead of privately-owned elite corporations and spread globally through imported ideas of revolution vs. Capitalism, mainly under democratic government institutions often ruled by a small very rich billionaire elite on a very monetary-based system requires the 99% to involuntarily work or have employment to keep the 1% in power and privilege.
In the US and most of the world, we have capitalism fueled by money and material wealth, but it requires the majority of underprivileged people to work their butts off to make a few rich off of them. Is this a form of slavery or what? "Wage slavery". We're brought up to get employed and spent most of our waking lives in a routine shift to make others richer. Capitalism feeds off more on conservative, traditional and religious dogma (Puritanism in the US) that promotes the belief we must have money and elites (someone wants to be billionaires by insisting others have to work hard to get them higher) and the average joe/working class are its pawns, now in the 21st century, it seems like nothing has changed in America and the world on our condition.
Oo, oo, I have the answer!
It's people who hold on to an idea or ritual despite it being worthless or being a hindrance.
The trend in the modern has been to push back against physical slavery (though sex trafficking is still a problem)
but people still slave over ideologies to irrational extents and that can make them a slave to any charismatic fast-talker.