12th / 6th house Axis And 21st Century Slavery But What Exactly IS 'Slavery'?


Premium Member
So the keyword for the 6th remains 'slaves'/'slavery'
parents who are 'slaves to their children'
the individual when 'enslaved' by various obsessions including drugs, as dr. farr has described

I see that a lot at work. Many of our fellow nurses working more than just overtime they often work 6-7 days a week 8-16 hrs a day in more than 2 hospital/nursing home, some due to supporting their extending family oversea, plus 3-4 children, plus more than 1 mortgage and multiple car loans etc.

But then even the local born Aussies, interestingly, even the management level, they are earning very high full time management wage will still go to work in the other hospital as clinical level nurse to earn extra cash. As if their almost $700-1000 a day salary is not enough, I do wonder where they spend their money:surprised:! They even think for my age, with no children, I should be working like them to earn more money. However, I said to them I am not overoptimistic, I know my place and what I am willing to do and afford I never have the need to work more than full time.

It is not uncommon many nurses have a few houses with multiple mortgages despite some never thought nurses get much paid but you can when you are willing to work overtime. However, they all having really red eyes, slave to money with no life, pretty much nothing other than work. Evil but true that I wonder their health status after retirement age if they still have the health to enjoy life. Many are workaholic a lot of Capricorn/Saturn/Virgo characters and 6th house....they actually enjoy to be that busy and enslaved...From their point of views, I am either very lazy and very rich as I never have the need to work like that.


Well-known member
Derived house is very interest and extremely important which we use the same thing in Chinese System as well. One chart shows all the people and matters around one's life. It is through the derived houses you can see your grandparents, and relatives so as everything else in your life.

The relationship of 6th house, as an experiment, I mentioned in the other thread, taking 6th house as the first, 3rd of 6th is 8th house, then 10th would be 5th what 6th house loves and fantasized, status, recognition, authority over others to do that, 6th house will have to learn to sacrifice oneself 12th house, 7th of 6th to achieve the goal.

The original 1st house became the 8th house of 6th, we are in debt to the 6th, or the 6th house is in debt to us? Interesting.

The philosophy of work or philosophy of service and health, will have 2nd house as the 9th, at the end both Wealth and Health are similar, our own possession. While the original 9th house is the home of 6th, perhaps our daily works is built upon the foundation of our high mind and believe system etc.

At last, 5th house will be the 12th house of 6th, when you have too much fun, the 6th house will suffer for health, work, daily tasks will be disordered.


I don't think anything had changed very much in today's world.

One interesting thing though because of the class system, slaves for generation will not able able to climb up to 10th house no matter how much they fancy that status (in the past they do treat their masters as God, in Egypt particularly).

Exactly. Many 'aristocrats'/'royalty' have high status by birth
Celebrities acquire high status because they are wealthy
but Bill Gates or Warren Buffett cannot ever gain the highest status of 'aristocrat'/'royalty'/'member of the ruling class'

These days, we have a little more chance to research that status but yet a master is a slave to something else higher than himself and indeed depending on his slaves to survive.
Not much has changed as you say... today's money masters cannot survive living their life of ease without their debt slaves

By the way,
mentioning God
brings in religion.

9th House of Travel, Higher learning is connected to Religion because long distance travel in the past is connected with the idea of Religious Pilgrimage.

There are many famous examples of slaves to religious cults


Well-known member
We are all slaves.
But we are free to choose our master.
Interested if you would post a fuller explanation :smile:



Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
Interested if you would post a fuller explanation :smile:

Sure, Jupiterasc. :smile:

we are all born into bondage. we all wear the chains. It's part of being human.

Everyone lives within their own means, bound to their place in society.

Do we serve God, our own wants, someone elses? This is the choice that we make; this is the free will that we have.

The choice is in our hearts and rests on what we do to spread truth and love, in our own way.

It's a daily, constant, choice.

Astrologically, I'd say THAT depends on the whole chart. But the part of spiritual service might give a more specific indication.


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Jesse Booth

Well-known member
Yes, I suppose that slavery, in a spiritual and economic sense of the word does still exist, but more importantly, actual slavery still exists. There is currently a very lucrative sex slave trafficing industry, and it is estimated that between 20 abd 30 million people live under the binds of slavery today, often in the form of african child soldiers. :(

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Well-known member
Yes, I suppose that slavery, in a spiritual and economic sense of the word does still exist, but more importantly, actual slavery still exists. There is currently a very lucrative sex slave trafficing industry, and it is estimated that between 20 abd 30 million people live under the binds of slavery today, often in the form of african child soldiers. :(

14 year old Australian, New Zealand and Indian children as well as children in one small region of Africa
are not protected from working 8 hours OR MORE on a school day


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Well-known member
Trafficking, forced labor, slavery "hugely profitable"
U.N. warns


'....GENEVA - Trafficking, forced labor and modern slavery are big business
generating profits estimated at $150 billion a year
the U.N. labor agency said Tuesday.
The report by International Labor Organization finds global profits from involuntary workers
- an estimated 21 million of them -
have more than tripled over the past decade
from its estimate of at least $44 billion in 2005
ILO Director Guy Ryder said his agency's report Tuesday calls attention to
the need "to eradicate this fundamentally evil, but hugely profitable practice as soon as possible."....'


'.....Two-thirds of the profits come from sexual exploitation
one third is the result of "forced economic exploitation" that includes domestic and agricultural workers.
With poorer and less-educated people more vulnerable to exploitation,
Ryder said his agency
"for the first time provides solid evidence for a correlation between forced labor and poverty"
by taking a look at both the supply and demand for workers.
"We need to strengthen social protection floors
to prevent households from sliding into the poverty that pushes people into forced labor....'


'....We need to improve levels of education and literacy
so that household decision-makers can understand their own vulnerability to forced labor
and know their rights as workers.
55 percent of victims are women and girls,
primarily in commercial sexual exploitation and domestic work,
while men and boys were primarily in forced economic exploitation in agriculture, construction and mining.....'


Well-known member
We're coming up with a lot of valid examples of slavery here, but I think the key is the manifestation of slavery in the personal vs. mundane. I don't know a lot about mundane astrology, but how do houses work when looking at dynamics of generations and places vs. individuals?

What would be the difference in the 6th/12th house axis of a person who was exploited as child labor in China or India vs. the chart of a person who barely even acknowledges that kind of slavery but are a "slave to drugs"? Or would those be very similar, but the rest of the chart would fill in those details?

For the more subjective understanding of slavery, because it is so highly personal, what is 'slavery' to one person... being smitten by a woman, for example, may not be seen that way at all by another. Similarly, how to you also distinguish "ignorance" of slavery from a difference of opinion on slavery?

A lot of things have been thrown into the mix, but need some more clarity (lol 12th house and clarity, yeah right!).

Forced labor of prisoners, I think, is the strongest case for the relationship of 12/6th and slavery to me so far. I agree that 2nd house can also indicate slavery, because it concerns material and values. I think another key aspect to slavery is that the person who is in bondage is devalued, along with the activity they perform under duress.


Well-known member
United States and Australia were both founded upon indentured servitude and prisoner 'chain gang' labor. The 'Dark Ages' were Europe's way of insuring survival by life-long indebtedness to a protective warrior class. Similar systems sprang up all over the known world. In tribal societies, there were war captives whose freedom was in the hands of an owner.
It's depressing to contemplate. Even with my 12th house 'empty', things supposedly in opposition to my ascendant but in the 6th house still can upset me.
'Human rights' need more universal emphasis.


Well-known member
United States and Australia were both founded upon indentured servitude and prisoner 'chain gang' labor.
The 'Dark Ages' were Europe's way of insuring survival by life-long indebtedness to a protective warrior class.
Similar systems sprang up all over the known world.
In tribal societies, there were war captives whose freedom was in the hands of an owner.
It's depressing to contemplate.
Even with my 12th house 'empty', things supposedly in opposition to my ascendant but in the 6th house still can upset me.
'Human rights' need more universal emphasis.

provides graphic illustration of the concept of 'Modern Day Slavery'



Well-known member
The 20th century, esp from the end of WW1 or WW2 (depending on the rise of Soviet communism in Russia and spread out globally) to its decline in the late 1980s or early 90s, was a moral, political and ideological battle between two economic systems: Communism (or socialism) preached the concept of a classless, raceless and genderless social structure ruled by "the people, workers or proles" instead of privately-owned elite corporations and spread globally through imported ideas of revolution vs. Capitalism, mainly under democratic government institutions often ruled by a small very rich billionaire elite on a very monetary-based system requires the 99% to involuntarily work or have employment to keep the 1% in power and privilege.

In the US and most of the world, we have capitalism fueled by money and material wealth, but it requires the majority of underprivileged people to work their butts off to make a few rich off of them. Is this a form of slavery or what? "Wage slavery". We're brought up to get employed and spent most of our waking lives in a routine shift to make others richer. Capitalism feeds off more on conservative, traditional and religious dogma (Puritanism in the US) that promotes the belief we must have money and elites (someone wants to be billionaires by insisting others have to work hard to get them higher) and the average joe/working class are its pawns, now in the 21st century, it seems like nothing has changed in America and the world on our condition.


Well-known member
The 20th century, esp from the end of WW1 or WW2 (depending on the rise of Soviet communism in Russia and spread out globally) to its decline in the late 1980s or early 90s, was a moral, political and ideological battle between two economic systems: Communism (or socialism) preached the concept of a classless, raceless and genderless social structure ruled by "the people, workers or proles" instead of privately-owned elite corporations and spread globally through imported ideas of revolution vs. Capitalism, mainly under democratic government institutions often ruled by a small very rich billionaire elite on a very monetary-based system requires the 99% to involuntarily work or have employment to keep the 1% in power and privilege.

In the US and most of the world, we have capitalism fueled by money and material wealth, but it requires the majority of underprivileged people to work their butts off to make a few rich off of them. Is this a form of slavery or what? "Wage slavery". We're brought up to get employed and spent most of our waking lives in a routine shift to make others richer. Capitalism feeds off more on conservative, traditional and religious dogma (Puritanism in the US) that promotes the belief we must have money and elites (someone wants to be billionaires by insisting others have to work hard to get them higher) and the average joe/working class are its pawns, now in the 21st century, it seems like nothing has changed in America and the world on our condition.
THE 40-HOUR WEEK AND WHY WE ARE ECONOMIC SLAVES http://www.disclose.tv/news/the_tru...l&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

'....Economic slavery, or wage slavery, refers to one’s total and immediate dependence on wages to survive.
Although people throughout history have had to work to get by,
we now live in a culture where we are led to believe we have economic freedom,
when unbeknownst to most citizens, we are in fact bound in servitude.
We automatically accept a 40-hour workweek with meager hourly pay as normal :smile:
even though many work overtime and still struggle to survive.
There are also those who make enough to live comfortably but are unable to request less hours
you either work 40 hours a week, or you don’t get to work at all....'

'....We submit when told what to wear, when we have to arrive and depart,
when we’re allowed to eat, and even when we’re allowed to use the restroom.

How is it we have come to allow this?
The 40-hour-work week came about during the Industrial Revolution in Britain
when at one point workers were putting in 10 to 16 hour days and began to protest.
Working situations for Americans began to worsen as well,
and by 1836, labor movement publications were also calling for a 40-hour workweek.
Citizens in both situations were so overworked, an eight-hour day was easily accepted.
This system is unnecessary now, if it ever was,
but we still accept it due to the effects of our capitalist society....'



Oo, oo, I have the answer!
It's people who hold on to an idea or ritual despite it being worthless or being a hindrance. The trend in the modern has been to push back against physical slavery (though sex trafficking is still a problem) but people still slave over ideologies to irrational extents and that can make them a slave to any charismatic fast-talker.


Well-known member
Oo, oo, I have the answer!
It's people who hold on to an idea or ritual despite it being worthless or being a hindrance.
The trend in the modern has been to push back against physical slavery (though sex trafficking is still a problem)
but people still slave over ideologies to irrational extents and that can make them a slave to any charismatic fast-talker.

  • There are an estimated 35.8 million people enslaved in the world. (The Global Slavery Index 2014)
    • There are an estimated 20.9 million people that are victims of forced labor. (ILO)
    • There are more people in slavery today than at any other time in history.
    • It is difficult to know an exact number of people enslaved, as victims are often hidden.
    • Whether they be locked in a house or business, or hidden in plain view,
    • “disguised” as farm workers, prostitutes, or house keepers, modern day slaves are not always easy to identify. :smile:
    • Every 30 seconds, another person becomes a victim of human trafficking. (UN.GIFT)
    • Learn more about human trafficking here.

  • Human trafficking creates approximately $150 billion in illegal revenue annually. (ILO)
    • Even though 90% of the world’s countries have criminalized human trafficking, it is still a thriving business. (UN.GIFT)
    • Human trafficking is estimated to be the second largest criminal industry in the world, behind the illegal drug trade.
    • Organizations fighting human trafficking and slavery only receive an estimated $70-100 million to do their work.
    • Learn more by watching ENDcrowd.com’s “Not a Fair Fight” video.
    • Or back a campaign here.

  • Modern day slavery can come in many forms.
    • Forced Labor
    • Sex trafficking
    • Child trafficking
    • Forced Marriage
    • Bonded Labor
    • Domestic Servitude