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  1. E

    Mercury Retrograde - License Issue Date

    Any thoughts if there are retrograde mercury effects / over tones on a License that is dated and issued during a Mercury Retrograde, for example, if the issuance date (mercury retrograde) is on a "new" sales associate real estate license certificate, and the person does not have merc rx natally...
  2. E

    When Will I Recieve My Personal Injury Settlement?

    I'm really not familar how to analyze timing questions. In this case, it's the amount of time before receiving a settlement check on a personal injury claim from an accident. My first instinct is to look at the 1st house, me, but my settlement check would be comng from my attorney via insurance...
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    Chicago Bears to Win the 2011 Superbowl

    I have the Bears winning the Superbowl in Dallas. Out of all the 6 teams playing next weekend, the Chicago Bears were the only team to be and play in Dallas on 9/19/2010, during a mercury retrograde window, the Bears were established in 1920 and their team chart ties into the evene date of...
  4. E

    Will My Case Be Dismissed?

    This pertains to a court case and I'm not sure if I should use the 1st and 7th houses for the question asked. the moon cojoins neptune, would this indicate a yes? also, there are no planets retrograde in the horary chart.
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    Will My Case Go to Trial?

    I'm not sure what house to look at regarding a court case or trial, I would assume it woud be the 7th? and me would be the first house. Therefore, since 1st ruler, Moon (me) opposes 7th ruler, Saturn (court/trial) is it fair to say the court case won't go to trial, or is the 9th house...
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    Trials & Events During Mercury Retrograde

    Is it true that decisions and outcomes usually go to the underdog during mercury retrograde? For example, regarding a legal matter, if a State Attorney's office wants to set a trial against a defendent and it's during a venus retrgrade and the actual trial occurs during a mercury retrograde...
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    Is My Relationship with Mary Over?

    this is weird, my ex girfriend came back to me the night venus went retrograde, and the night it went stationary direct, her demeanor completely changed. So I posed a question if this is over, the there are squares all over this chart, I do not know if it yes or no. Any suggestions?
  8. E

    Venus Retrograde in Scorpio conjunct Natal Venus in Scorpio

    How often does a person experience such a strange coincidence? T venus retro in scorp conjunt the natal venus in scorp?
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    Transit Uranus square Natal Sun

    What effects are known to happen when T Uranus sqaures the Natal Sun? Are there any scenarios or circumstances a person may experience?
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    Will She become divorced within 3 years?

    My apologies, I entered this question in the relational section, it was meant for horary The female married for citizenship in July 2010. Since she is the 7th, Mercury, Would the 1st house indicate Divorce? Or is the 7th, the marriage itself, not sure how his would breakdown It's...
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    Will She become divorced within 3 Years?

    The female married for citizenship in July 2010. Since she is the 7th, Mercury, Would the 1st house indicate Divorce? Or is the 7th, the marriage itself, not sure how his would breakdown It's inevitable that the couple will break, but will it be 3 years from when the question was posed...
  12. E

    Marriage Chart

    This chart has the exact time of the marriage, 2:30pm. As I had a previous post of the time being uncertain. Although the risings are fixed, and could be considered a long term relationship, both significators, mars and venus do not make any aspects to each other, unless you inlclude Pluto...
  13. E

    Will I marry Mary?

    I had a random change meeting today with my ex partner and had a fairly productive talk with her. I posed the question later in tne evening if i will marry mary. the ruler of the 1st and 7th are cojoined in the 6th and the moon makes fav aspects. What aspect do I look for, for the final outcome...
  14. E

    Will Elena Stay Married and Will She Have Problems with Immigration?

    I'm not sure how to address a horary in two questions. I'm asking a question regarding an ex -girlfriend, originally from Peru, who may have married for citizenship. Her husband is also foreign from France, his legal status is unknown
  15. E

    Marriage - By Clerk of the Court

    I'm not sure of the exact time of this marriage, it was probably done between 9:30am - 3:00pm. It's difficult to determine the house placements, but considering the planets and aspects, could one determine how long or how well the marriage will be? the disposition of both the bride & groom...
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    Marriage in Solar Return?

    Starlink has a great guideline breakdown of solar return analysis. I wondered if since I have at least 4 indicators of marriage in my SR if there's a good chance I might get married and when it may occur? or could they be people that I already know that are getting married, like my ex...
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    Pluto as a Significator?

    If Scorpio is either the querent or quisited, is Pluto used as the significator or should mars be used or are both considered?
  18. E

    Mercury Retrograde Marriage

    I really dont know of the determinations when people get married during a merc retrograde, is this the vibration for the couple throughout the life of the marriage or is it only for that day? I know of a couple that got married on 8/28/2010, neither has mercury retrograde in their natal...
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    Signing Contracts / Applications

    I know there are issues related to signing contracts or filling out applications during a retrograde mercury, however, are there any implications if it is done during a sloar eclipse?
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    Yes and No Horary?

    Is there a yes and no technique in Horary? If I'm not mistaken, one can look at the rulers of the 1st and 7th and then it's finally determined by the last aspect of the moon. Unless I misunderstood, I heard this from someone instructing a Horary class.