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  1. L

    Fake charts on

    I found this chart of a 'murderer' on, and it was so spectacular I went looking for more info about the life of the so-called 'Charles Shane Halton' -- except there is nothing about him on the internet, like, AT ALL, except a bit of an echo chamber around different astrology sites...
  2. L

    Where is it? (Known answer)

    William Lilly used to 'play horary' by asking his housekeeper to hide something around his house then casting a chart to try and find the object. My children were keen to try this game, so I asked my son to hide a crystal (a chunk of raw, blue sodalite, about fist-sized) somewhere in our house...
  3. L

    Was there someone in my house last night?

    I had a stalker a couple of years ago and I'm worried he's back. A few days ago one of my security cameras went missing from inside the house. I tried to chalk it up to me moving it somewhere and forgetting that I did it. This morning when I woke up, there was a packet of wraps (bread) from...
  4. L

    Out-of-bounds planets in Draconic charts

    What effect would it have to have out-of-bounds planets in the Draconic chart, especially if the native has no OOB planets in the natal? Just an underlying kind-of effect, like other Draconic chart placements? Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about this?
  5. L

    How does he feel towards me?

    This is about an Aqua so you know what that means. He gets close and tells me he loves me then disappears. He is Venus in H9 applying to conjoin me, Mars, in H10. He’s in my fall. We’re in the domicile of each other’s secondary (luminary) significator.. the physical body.. so maybe it’s just...
  6. L

    How to fix lack of aspects in my progressed chart?

    Hi there, I'm feeling pretty stuck in my life, my industry has been shut down due to border closures (teaching international students) and I can't seem to find other work. I'm getting kinda depressed as I can't make enough money. How can I apply a fix? I guess maybe it would be to my Mars and...
  7. L

    Will we win the raffle?

    I entered a raffle for a large prize this morning that my son found in a magazine. I asked whether we would win. The Virgo ascendant gives testimony to a woman and her son as querent. Mercury (me) in H9 (dreaming) Taurus (of wealth and possessions) relates to the question too. It's nearing...
  8. L

    Will I get the job I just applied for?

    This is kind of an event chart and horary... I asked the question the minute I sent the application. Ok so I'm Moon in Cancer in H1 at 29 degrees.. so I'm essentially strong by domicile and house but void, and at 29' something is about to change for me in a big way. I'm heading into Leo where I...
  9. L

    Will I get the job?

    I asked whether I would get the job if I sent the application this evening, and it looked positive so I sent it about 15 minutes after I cast this chart. It's a job working in student services at a university. AC 21'55 Cancer; I'm Moon in Gemini pretty much in the 12th. The job would be L10...
  10. L

    Will investing in this stock be profitable to me? I haven’t done much financial horary so I would love some help with this I’m Moon in H1 Leo, opposite dispositor and L2, Sun. I’m in partile sextile to H11 Gemini North Node conjunct Rigel. AC is on the midpoint between Moon and NN MC ruler Venus is conjunct Part of...
  11. L

    Refranation without reception: still prohibition?

    I’m wondering if reception is important in abscission and refranation. If there’s no reception, does the interference have as strong an effect? For example, in this chart the querent is Moon, asking about a relationship with quesited Saturn. Saturn is in the 7th house but as it’s a...
  12. L

    Is he gonna f— his secretary So this guy I used to see but have been developing a connection with again has just moved his business to a new town, and hasn’t taken all staff but has taken his secretary with him, and has helpfully let her live with him for a couple of months while she finds a place. I...
  13. L

    Should I travel to this country with my friend?

    My friend was assaulted when she was traveling a while ago, and has to go to Europe soon for the trial. She has a travel permit and can take one person; I'm thinking abut trying to rent out my house and go with her as support person for a month. I asked the horary if I should do that... I'm...
  14. L

    How should I turn the chart here?

    Someone I've communicated with for a while online (never met before, just chat about tarot etc.) gave me a horary question about a celebrity. First of all, I considered her as L7, but should she be L11? She's not exactly a 'friend', but it's not a romantic connection.. I considered her like a...
  15. L

    Was that fake account X?

    I think this is a really clear 'yes'. Please tell me if you agree or disagree, but otherwise I'm just interested in what the rest of the chart tells me. These fake accounts were adding me over the last few days and I think I know who it is. I made a fake account with their real name, and added...
  16. L

    Does he love me?

    I'm rx Cap Saturn his H7. (I'm his older ex :biggrin: ) I can also be Venus, in his H1, disposited by Sun.. disposited by Mercury, disposited by Venus.. He's Moon in Gemini in his 12H.. So peregrine in his 12H, he really has nothing to offer me.. but in that chain of dispositors again. He's...
  17. L

    Should I move back to my country?

    Could anyone please help me with this relocation horary. I've brought up my children in this foreign country for 12 years but now with COVID and losing my job, I have no income and no welfare here and I'm thinking of going back to my home country for a year. The children's father has a great job...
  18. L

    Why did he disappear

    Ok so as my last post suggested would happen.. the guy I’ve been getting to know just pulled some kind of Uranian disappearing act and this delightful connection we were having just stopped. We had a plan for a video call on Sunday night and he just didn’t call.. didn’t...
  19. L

    Are we meant to be together?

    I don’t think this was the best way to phrase the question but I mean like ‘is it our fate to eventually come together as life partners?’ So without too much backstory, we met 5 years ago and keep getting in touch and falling out of touch etc.. but I thought, when we first met, that he was...
  20. L

    Who does Jupiter represent from my previous chart

    ... I’m taking Jupiter to be some kind of person, collective, or force that seemed to hunt me and my ex when we were together and would appear to continue to make its displeasure known whenever we have been in contact ______ This time I’m Jupiter, in fall in...