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  1. NicholasH

    Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas

    finally finished Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas. I would highly recommend it. he goes over the past 2500 years of western civilizations history and ties astrological transits to different epochs in our history. a great read. took a while but worth it. i have my one copy i can send to...
  2. NicholasH

    moon in taurus

    the current moon in taurus is about to aspect every planet and the sun. also aspected to chiron and north node. how does this affect people for the next two and a half days. does more get accomplished (hypothetically)? the moon is or day to day emotions, etc.. and its aspects to other planets...
  3. NicholasH

    neptune transit

    i was reading a book about the different tarot cards and came across the description for the hermit and it seemed very similar to what i've read about neptune transiting a persons natal sun. helped me understand this transit better. transit neptune is conjunct my sun and mercury right now...
  4. NicholasH

    transiting saturn and uranus

    hello i have a friend who has a natal sun at 22 degrees virgo. currently saturn is at 15 degrees virgo and uranus is at 19 degrees picses. how should he handle these trasits/ how will they affect him? i heard saturn transiting the sun means a swift kick in the *** towards responsibility is...
  5. NicholasH

    pluto and the saturn/uranus conj. of '88

    hey i have saturn an uranus conjunct at 29 degrees of sag. and so do alot of my peers. when pluto moved through sag. last year (and my third house), boy did i have a crisis of my mind. people born around 1988 have uranus and saturn conjunct in late sag. and early capricorn. exactly where...
  6. NicholasH

    moon advertising

    i was driving down the road and saw a coors beer billboard and it said look at the moon on the next full (right now). apparently theyre putting a advertisment on the moon somehow. like a billboard almost. what do you people think... good marketing, or a disgrace of the moon? makes me...
  7. NicholasH

    moon advertising

    i was driving down the road and saw a coors beer billboard and it said look at the moon on the next full (right now). apparently theyre putting a advertisment on the moon somehow. like a billboard almost. what do you people think... good marketing, or a disgrace of the moon? makes me...
  8. NicholasH

    pathological liars

    watching dr phil. just wondering what could indicate a pathological liar in someones natal chart. mercury and neptune? i donno. mercury and something, or third house.
  9. NicholasH

    horary help. what to do in 6 months..

    i made a chart for the question, "what should i do with my life in 6 months?" i've been struggling with it for sometime what i should do with my life. go to college, keep working, travel, etc, or something else. i was sitting at my computer today and the question just kind of came to me again...
  10. NicholasH

    planets at 29 degrees in birthchart

    hey i was wondering what it means (if anything) when you have planets at 29 degrees. i have uranus and saturn conjunct at 29 degrees sag. in my natal chart > ( ) what would this mean? thanks nick
  11. NicholasH

    moon conjunct asc.

    i have the moon in libra conjunct my asc. in the same sign, and i am looking for some insight into what it means. i dont have my chart in my profile yet, but i was born February 7, 1988 at 10:05pm in Cortland, NY thanks nick