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  1. druex

    Transit Neptune sextile natal Moon

    the pluto to moon-saturn transit has been surprisingly quiet. no intense emotions or outside events. not sure if this is good or bad lol
  2. druex

    Transit Neptune sextile natal Moon

    I know Sextiles are subtle and less intense than the Trine but I was wondering how this transit will play out since it’ll be within orb soon. I also read that Sextiles represent opportunities but you have to take action. Whats the best way I can use this transit to my advantage?
  3. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    not really. i was sure something was gonna happen back in march but nope, nothing. we’ll see this time around
  4. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    hey guys! hope all is well and happy new year. im sure yall know pluto is moving into aquarius on jan 20 and ill be having it on my 0 degree aqua moon from then till sept. definitely will let you guys know how it goes!
  5. druex

    9H Profection Year - Will it be difficult?

    My Timelord, the Moon, is not in the best condition with it being conjunct malefic Saturn & opposite Chiron so I’m just wondering will I deal with some challenges for the upcoming year and if so, what kind? I also included my 2023 Solar Return to see my Timelord’s condition in it - I see a fall...
  6. druex

    2023-2024 Solar Return, Sun or Moon?

    Looking at my SR for this year I see Leo ASC with Sun in the 1H, which I like a lot. Minus the opposition from 7H Saturn. I also see that the SR Scorpio Moon is tightly conjunct my natal ASC so is it a Lunar year for me?
  7. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    hey my aqua moon ppl! so pluto went retrograde @ 0’21 and my aqua moon is 0’24. superrrr tight. here’s what i have to report — nothing LOL. seriously nothing at all. no intense emotions or external experiences. me and my mother are good. i was positive SOMETHING was gonna play out with pluto...
  8. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    so basically just like a small preview of something bigger in the future? interesting and makes sense. how many passes will we experience? 3? i wonder if it’s more for the later degrees
  9. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    condolences ❤️ oddly, i feel fine. two days is probably a bit too early to say but i know a few 0-1 degree aqua suns/moons who expressed the same. i’ll be quiet though, pluto might pimp slap me out the blue
  10. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    we’re here! pluto show me with ya got :cool: i’m so curious how it’s gonna play out for me and the rest of y’all since our moons are hooked up differently. i have moon-saturn, you have moon-venus likeeee
  11. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    well tomorrow pluto moves into aqua and it’ll be right on top of my moon for the next two months. i’ll definitely let you guys know what i experience!
  12. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    1 week left ppl!
  13. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    countdown to the underworld :devilish:
  14. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    i feel this as a moon/saturn person i just avoid the natal descriptions. i’ve read too many times how f’d up the aspect is and how i’ll be pretty much living in saturn’s misery cell the rest of my life if i don’t off myself. they rarely talk about the positive and if they do it’s usually being...
  15. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    i love this lmao that aspect is sweeeet but it being in aqua definitely changes things. maybe your swearing is charming LOL
  16. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    yeah i believe saturn dials it down a lot. i see my moon in the 3h play out as me being a listener and “feeling” out the conversation and know when stuff is off
  17. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    the social aspect of moon in aquarius, especially in the 3h, never really resonated with me. i blame serious saturn conjunct my moon
  18. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    neptune will not like my virgo mars be great!
  19. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

  20. druex

    Aqua Moons ONLY Thread

    my friend calls it “devil sh*t” so when she asked me to look at her boyfriend’s chart i said no :)