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  1. Gail

    Where is my white leather jacket?

    I lost my white leather jacket. I asked my sister did she take it? She said no. So where is my beloved jacket. :( Will i find it? Here is the chart :
  2. Gail

    Will he be her Prince Charming?

    Is there anybody to read it? Please 😢🙏🏻 i wanna answer my friends question:/
  3. Gail

    Will he be her Prince Charming?

    Hello guys; My friend asks a horary question about herself and open her chart. But she did not get so i ve decided to post this chart here to ask Recently her love life quite active ( thanks to her Solar Return) She is flirting 3-4 guys at the same time. But she really likes just one guy. I...
  4. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    I know he is mysterious i feel it we ll see what ll happen in the future i definitely update it:) thank you:)
  5. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    Should we consider this chart? Cuz moon is void?! Btw doesnt square aspect give passion? What do you think?
  6. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    I think yeah i am more into you but there is romance too... I wanna believe you:) Moon’s situation makes this chart maybe unacceptable idk :/
  7. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    I ll meet a new guy soon. He must be Jupiter :) He is from another country too... Venus which is this guy will be making moves mmm.. I dont know i ll re consider:) Void of moon makes this chart unacceptable?
  8. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    Than you for all your responds... Moon is void maybe the chart is not acceptable. But anyway maybe i can ask one moretime when everything ll settle more good way or bad way... Thank you soo much :)
  9. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    I wish you could make an explanation:)
  10. Gail

    Will my Okcupid flirt be my Mr Right?

    Hello Everyone, I have in strange situation. Last december i have opened Okcupid Account. I have met a guy who lives in Germany. For 1 month we have talked and tried to know eachother better. Sure We have talked different persons too. But i am into you definitely. We live in different...
  11. Gail

    Will i find my Mr Darcy this year? 🤭

    Hello everyone... Last week i have been 30. But i am still single and my heart was broken many times before. I am wondering this year will i find my soul mate? I have checked my solar return chart and natal +solar return chart. It seems that i ll date a guy who is foreigner. Well i have met...
  12. Gail

    What is Natalie Imbruglias rising sign?

    she looks like me... i am aquarius, moon libra, ascedant cancer... i guess her rising sign is cancer too...
  13. Gail

    Fame Indications

    i wanna be an actress... that's why i go to acting course but i have no idea bout destiny...So i am using astrology...:)
  14. Gail

    Fame Indications

    Hi guys, I am curious about 2 aspects that i will have in 2015; Natal MC conjunct Progressed Sun in 9th house (Pieces) Natal Jupiter conjunct Progressed MC in 10 house (Aries) All of astrogers claim that i will be famous is that why those two aspects? When i glance at my chart there is...
  15. Gail

    How to Recognize Physical Beauty

    What will happen if our aphrodite,Venus and North Node conjunct MC?Especially Venus and Aphrodite?
  16. Gail

    Moon signs and physical appearance

    yes generally my friends are tellin me same thing it's up to cancer rising i guess...but of course aj is the best:)
  17. Gail

    How to Recognize Physical Beauty

    i think Venus square,conjunct or opposite Saturn gives marked bone stracture. Example; Angelina Jolie,Natalie Portman, Gisele Bündchen, Johnny Depp...
  18. Gail

    How to Recognize Physical Beauty

    I 've read an article about midpoints(heliocentric nodes).Venus and ASC midpoints is about to physical beauty too...And We should check Aphrodite,Helena(Helen),Bella,Galatea,Eros,Psyche,Astarte,Innanen, Ishtar,Hathor,Esther,Pan and Nymphe.... Another exceptions are Natalie Portman,Gisele...
  19. Gail

    How to Recognize Physical Beauty

    i am civil engineer but i wanna be an actress you re true...North Node,Venus,part of fortuna and Aphrodite conjunct with my MC..My astrologer says me that i will be an actress in 2015-2016.I do not know but now i am gonna start drama and cinema courses :) My heart tends to be famous actress...
  20. Gail

    How to Recognize Physical Beauty

    @Cypocryphy Here is my photo and my chart...I am wondering your comments cuz my venus has a lot of bad aspects also Venus is my moon sign significator :/