From your description I would tend to assign him to your 11th of friends.
His significator Moon is in his 7th, and moves towards an opposition with mars in his 1st.
He seems to have a conflict about where the friendship is heading, and not sure about moving into a relationship.
There is a...
Eris does seem quite descriptive of the OP.
Eris, the "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman" Planet
Possibly it could go both ways.
My reasoning is that he is, yes, foreign, and also just a "communication" friend, however emotional you might feel about him.
If you have never met, this doesn't really seem like a relationship in the sense of the 7th house.
Such interesting takes on this topic.
It's clear why nursing might pop up, there is a virgo/NN sun in the 12th of hospitals.
True, Mars in scorpio is surgeons, but this is the physical party of surgery, the cutting.
Mars in scorpio is also butchers. The caring part is not for the surgeon.
You aren't mistaken on this.
However, it is a trine, which could be seen as a connecting point.
Mars separated from the trine with saturn, while venus applies to it.
Saturn rules 9th, 10th and 11th.
Sorry Scherzy, this sentence isn't very clear. Who are "we"? And "he"?
As written earlier above, you and he are venus and mars, approaching a trine which indicates a coming together, which is a good sign in itself.
Moon leaves the opposition of cold separative saturn.
And mars separates from...
Interesting you inserted Moira asteroid in with the transits.
"asteroid moira 638 comes from the greek word that means the fates, wherever moira is located can indicate what area of life is governed by fate or karma."
"Moira = the 3 Fates, supposedly to decide our exact time of death"...
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