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  1. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    Well, JupiterASC. Am i going to make a topic title reading "Need Amateur help" for this matter? Ha ha ha. Try again. If that's the case, we can say the font that you use in all of your posts is deliberately used to steal the spotlight from other posters.
  2. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    well no, don't assume that i'm 'expecting' a instant response. I disagreed to let you know that the solution to my problem has been left unanswered, not to start drama.
  3. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    that's funny because your first post to me sounded like you were almost angered by me disagreeing. But I guess if there's not 'hate'. I would really like to stay on the topic of astrology from now on rather than stray from the subject into useless battles with you.
  4. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    Hmm.. I didn't respond negatively so I don't see where all this hate is coming from. I simply asked for better replies from more astrologers. Wow obviously AstrologyWeekly is not the place to come when one is trying to save their own life. Someone disagreed with you, true. You don't have to be...
  5. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    Culpepper may be an experienced astrologer but I don't think he's right. And yes, I've told you already. I know my chart and I know how sudden death event transits have played out before for other people, i've looked at their returns and aspects between those with their solar...
  6. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    You say you don't think... maybe recheck your sources instead of quickly dismissing my theory. I will post my primary directions then. I would appreciate it if people would actually take the time to look at the charts I posted and even use your own software to come to conclusions rather than...
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    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    attaching my natal as well. My name is Raymond. Please help.
  8. D

    I've predicted my own death. Need professional help please!

    I honestly think that I've predicted my death. I need the help of experienced astrologers please. I came to this conclusion after looking at my Solar Return for 2022. The Uranus/Saturn t square with my natal Scorpio stellium looks extremely difficult as this return is right after a partial...
  9. D

    Hyleg and Alcocoden

    I'm confused. how is Amy Winehouse's moon the hyleg if its in detriment?
  10. D

    Rihanna's natal chart--now Aries rising

    She already has a luminary and personal planet in aries, you could just be confusing this influence as the rising sign. Anyways, I always used to think she was either cancer, aries, or gemini rising
  11. D

    moon as triplicity ruler for water rather than mars?

    Ah I see. I'll have to try and re-edit mine. It's a really old version. Must be stuck on Ptolemy who used Venus (day) Moon (night) for water/earth triplicity.. While Mars is both day/night for water according to Lily. I think I may stick with Ptolemy's method
  12. D

    moon as triplicity ruler for water rather than mars?

  13. D

    what are the trigon lords telling me?

    I have read over them a few times actually, I came to the board to get some insight from REAL PEOPLE.
  14. D

    what are the trigon lords telling me?

    hmm I seldom ever ask for help on these boards, I don't expect anything on a silver platter from anyone here. Never hurts to ask.... I even outlined my own interp first, I didn't just throw a question out completely blind.
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    what are the trigon lords telling me?

    oh please. it was an attack before the admin deleted the previous posts. you are quite rude to those who know less than yourself. mars retro indeed
  16. D

    what are the trigon lords telling me?

    my apologies, haven't logged into this board in months. i've been busy with other things.. looks like this thread is still on the first page and hasn't been bumped down very much since I last visited. :-) I am unsure, that is why I am asking for help on an astrology forum.... sorry I haven't...
  17. D

    what are the trigon lords telling me?

    my question regards the moon and it's aspect pattern's essential dignity moon in triplicity/hayz making mutual receptions with it's term/sign rulers (venus/jupiter). its in 11th house with nocturnal trigon rulers Venus and Mars... I also notice MO/VE=MC and Mars squares MC tightly... Mars...
  18. D

    Sexuality indicators in the chart?

    [deleted attacking comment - Moderator] You check the Progressions/Transits to natal as well, natal on it's own doesn't exactly show how the native metamorphoses throughout life.
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    Mars in Scorpio vs. Mars conjunct Pluto

    to associate mars/pluto with mars in scorpio is a very modern way of thinking.. i try not to think this way, traditionally Mars and only Mars rules Scorpio.
  20. D

    1989 generation -Triple Stellium Saturn-Neptune-Uranus!

    I wonder if this stellium has anything to do with our current state of social mobility in the U.S.. particularly for the people with exalted jupiter opposite the capricorn stellium. Saturn/neptune/uranus are opposite Jupiter in my chart, and this opposition is my sun/moon midpoint..