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  1. K

    My likely future

    Cool! Thank you so much, I do feel like I could work with music, I've always loved singing
  2. K

    My likely future

    Hi, is there anything you could tell about me from reading either of these charts? I'd be interested in anything you might find interesting about it, about my life or personality. I recently became more interested in north node and life purpose, my north node is in libra 10th house and it...
  3. K

    Favorite sex aspects

    So our Eros/Psyche didn't make any difference? I don't really understand the text, was it about me and the guy?
  4. K

    Favorite sex aspects

    I don't know, I'm the Aries if that enables you to see it though. :)
  5. K

    Read my chart

    Re: Physical Appearance/Sex Appeal in a Natal Chart? I personally think you can't underestimate the sexuality of scorpio, the chart of the woman sounds very appealing, I've seen some girls who have a heavy chart of scorpio though, they DO have a sexual energy! But, I feel like they were a...
  6. K

    Favorite sex aspects

    Thank you very much, so what does this mean for our eros and psyche?
  7. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    I do feel spiritual connection! There is something that really feels like more than a home to me in him. That is so interesting with the 8th and 12th house, it's something I desire so much. Not boring? You mean we will be very loving or have like fun conflicts? Cause I've been in a relationship...
  8. K

    I have venus sextile mars???

    wow, that is really one way to describe me. especially about me not using my talents, i get motivated when people tell me to do something. you're good. yes to everything though.
  9. K

    Favorite sex aspects

    Can anyone be so kind to tell me how to figure out these strange stars or whatever they are :confused: I've wondered for so long. Psyche, amor, eros, lust.... Why haven't I heard of it more? Should it not be of people's general interest? I do need to know where to calculate this though, it...
  10. K

    I have venus sextile mars???

    You made that really easy for me, thank you so much. What if it's 58, would it be -2 degrees?
  11. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    I can't see that, but I'm the Aries/Taurus person :)
  12. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    Oh thank you so much!!! I loved reading that, perfect! Doesn't it say Mars Conjunct Pluto anywhere?
  13. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    Anybody? It's really important to me
  14. K

    Soulmates synastry help

  15. K

    I have venus sextile mars???

    Thank you :joyful: I feel so clueless, I've been into astrology for a few years, I guess I just know the basics. I can help friends, but not quite myself. I don't even know what orb is, or how to value it. I read a lot of astrology but never come across were I can learn these things
  16. K

    I have venus sextile mars???

    Thank you dear, how do you see that?
  17. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    Help me :)
  18. K

    I have venus sextile mars???

    I'm happily surprised. And confused. On I checked a short report called "Short Report - Love, Flirtation, and Sex" It says here that these are my major aspects But then on cafeastrology I get this Do I have them all? Why don't they show the same? And I also was happy to have...
  19. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    Yeah, I really don't understand how to read this at all.
  20. K

    Soulmates synastry help

    I don't know how to read it properly, but I know some of you are good at this and come with really good thoughts. Are there any aspects that you react to as being something extra good or bad? I'd be very happy for all kinds of inputs. So please help me kind souls