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  1. F

    Void of Course Moon in Natal Chart

    Just realized tonight that I was born during a VOC moon and it’s kinda blowing my mind. Having only within the past year even learned what the VOC moon is and planning around it (and now being hyper aware of them and things going wrong during them) being born during one just makes so much sense...
  2. F

    Void of Course Moon in Natal Chart

    Really interesting! I’ve been studying astrology for many years and have only within the past 1+ year even learned what a VOC moon was and started planning around it. And then just tonight realized I was born during one! What you said about Hilary is scarily accurate to me so far as well. I feel...
  3. F

    amidst Saturn Return & Neptune/Uranus transit conj Mars/Moon (3x ea!) any thoughts?!

    amidst Saturn Return & Neptune/Uranus transit conj Mars/Moon (3x ea!) any thoughts?! Just wondering if anyone has any input for me :) My Saturn Return has been pretty rough this last year or so, especially with the square to Neptune (conjunct my Natal Mars). Lots of emotional changes with...
  4. F

    Mars in Pisces

    Looks like you got a ton of feedback on this post but I just had to respond because I just signed up today, saw the thread and the chart above, and realized that I have the exact same birthday! Though I am a Leo rising and our Venus is off by 1 degree and the Moon by 5. Knowing the house...
  5. F

    Neptune transit conjunct Natal Mars in Pisces??

    Does anyone else have this aspect or any thoughts/insight about it? I have Mars at 10*19' Pisces and Neptune has already passed over it once, back again due to retrograde, and is finally doing the third pass in I want to say early 2017. My 7th/8th house cusp is at 10 degrees Pisces. I've been...