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  1. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    Thank you so much for the explanation Dr. Farr this makes sense to me ie: taking me out of the question. Sometimes it is confusing who's who in horary. I do believe you have nailed this situation. My intuition tells me that he doesn't love this person.
  2. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    I agree Saturn in the 7th is an issue, but I also believe that all charts contain information ie: there are no accidents. If anyone would look at this and tell me what they see I would really appreciate the help. Thanks. : )
  3. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    The question is not is he cheating on me Bob. Also I was told that Mars was the only planet that did not get "burned" by the Sun.
  4. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    Yes I have a history with him. I did not just meet him.
  5. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    He is a romantic interest that is why I assigned him the 7th house.
  6. G

    I feel obsessed by this person...not love

    I would check the declinations to see if there is a Venus/Pluto linkage there. Would you post your dob's info.
  7. G

    Is he in love with this person?

    I asked if this man was in love with this other person. I am Mars exalted in Capricorn combust Sun in the 10th house which gives me power. I am in his turned 4th house. He is Venus in Sag in the eighth house feeling unfortunate. Saturn in Libra has made an earlier square to Mars (me) not...
  8. G

    Jupiter/Uranus transiting composite Moon

    Anyone good with transits to Composite charts?
  9. G

    Jupiter/Uranus transiting composite Moon

    The Moon in Aries is 2' in a Composite Chart. Transiting Jupiter/Uranus (going into Aries is about to conjunct) What would this mean for the relationship? Simultaneously the progressed Composite Moon is in Capricorn Conjuncting the Composite Ascendant. If anyone has thoughts I would really...
  10. G

    Quick question????

    I pulled a chart and my question was "Where is this person's heart"? Asc Scorp I am Mars and Desc Taurus they are Venus Venus in Sag is in my first house and is opposed by the Moon in Gemini What does it mean that "they(Venus) are in my first house" and the Moon is in the 7th opposing Venus...
  11. G

    Thoughts on Magi Society Synastry Aspects?

    "Parallels / Contraparallels = Most underrated astrological information." Yes, if astrologer cannot read declinations they are only seeing half the birth chart.
  12. G

    Did I scare this person away?

    This is a continuation of the analysis 2 posts above: n horary interpretation there is something called Translation of Light. This is evident in the chart. It brings the 2 significators together, though they otherwise wouldn't aspect, reconnect or join. The faster planet and what it rules...
  13. G

    Thoughts on Magi Society Synastry Aspects?

    Magi Astrology is not so easily "discredited" if you have studied the teachings and read all three of their books and then and only then practice it & keep track of the data. If anyone has actually done this they will understand there is no need to "cover" anything with a blanket. The...
  14. G

    Did I scare this person away?

    Tikana want to give you feedback.... "but otherwise he will be in touch with you" This is ambiguous to me as he did post a comment on a thread I wrote a few days ago (not here in this forum), so I don't take that as responding yet.(it had nothing to do with our correspondences) Clearly he...
  15. G

    Did I scare this person away?

    Someone sent me this synopsis of my question so I am posting for further learning purposes: Moon is in detriment, but angular in MC directing toward the , but not nodal, speaking of destiny. Venus conjunct PoF (Day Formula) 15 intercepted in bad house and sign of fall, but in own terms...
  16. G

    Thoughts on Magi Society Synastry Aspects?

    It seems this thread gets "infiltrated" by "dis-informationists" does David Icke now dabble in Magi Astrology? lol
  17. G

    Venus Pluto aspects in synastry

    Usually the pluto person "wields" the power and determines whether or not the relationship goes forth.
  18. G

    Thoughts on Magi Society Synastry Aspects?

    "I believe civil debate and intelligent discourse within the astrological community is necessary for the advancement of the craft. Blatant Lies and snarky comments only serve to create divisiveness. False statements cheapen the conversation and eliminate any chance of a valuable contribution to...