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  1. N

    Jupiter and what makes us happy

    Mine is in my 5th House in Virgo. So getting attention for being able to help people in a practical way is pretty accurate for my life, along with working really hard at fine-tuning a creative art or job.
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    A Guide for Beginners - How to Get a Basic Interpretation

    Learn about the basics first, like all of the Zodiac signs; then, apply this theoretical knowledge to loyal subjects whom are interested in Astrology, or simply compare what you have learned theoretically to close friends and family to find correlations. This will give you a tangible...
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    Top 10 Don'ts in Astrology

    Don't try to convince a Capricorn the legitimacy of Astrology unless they are already open to it... :pinched:
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    eBook Countdown Promo (May9th-16th)

    Hello again everyone :), I am here to give some updates on my current eBook status and report on my previous free book promotion for Expanding The Zodiac: I successfully sold quite a few copies, and I would like to graciously thank everyone who purchased a free copy, and to those who purchased...
  5. N

    Free eBook (April 24-26)

    Hey Everyone, The ebook entitled Expanding The Zodiac will be free for 3 days this upcoming week. If you're interested in downloading a copy click the link below, or the link to my webpage. Expanding The Zodiac is primarily a rundown of the 12 signs through the 12 houses. Thanks for...
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    Owning your Pluto

    I am surprised others are able to access planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus easily. I feel like they're difficult to grasp. The only reason why I understand Pluto is because it conjuncts my Moon sign. Regardless, I think understanding where Scorpio is in your chart first, and then Pluto...
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    Website Launch (

    Hey Everyone, I am excited to announce that I recently created a website where I plan on jam-packing it full of info on Astrology (and some alternative info too). I do create eBooks that are available exclusive on Amazon, but I plan on releasing A LOT of free content on my site from my current...
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    Your First Saturn Return

  9. N

    Your First Saturn Return

    I'm the worst person to reply since I haven't experienced this yet, but I have seen many other peoples' SR's, and they look pretty rough. My brother, sister, and father are all going through theirs right now, and my brother's revolved around finances, my sister's revolves around...
  10. N

    Do you agree with this? (House Positions = Sign Placements)

    I agree with the thread maker's outlook almost completely. I just see the signs to be the characteristics, while the planets are the resources the signs draw archetypes from in order to develop characteristics, and the houses exist because we are all bound to experience the entirety of the...
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    North Node question

    I actually really love this question as I myself have been wondering it a lot the past few months. I got into the nodes late into my studying of Astrology, though I found it's relevance quite astounding as I attract a lot of people with similar nodes as I: my old friend I lived with a while back...
  12. N

    Taylor Swift

    Someone said that the Capricorn Asc makes her humble...well...I would disagree, and so would this Youtuber lol. her interpretation on Capricorn is really entertaining. That being said, i do think that deep down these people are humble and are forced...
  13. N

    Alyssa Sharpe?

    Her early work was more on the silly side, but she has grown a lot more comfortable and now her work is quite steadfast and pinpointed. She is by far the best astrologer on youtube for describing placements IMO.
  14. N

    venus in the 12th hse.

    Venus is pleasure and romance, and the 12th house is where we exit this reality into another, so your love always feels like it is on the fringe of a separate space. Venus in Pisces is exalted, but when Venus is in Pisces, Venus is the main planet in control, and Pisces is living on that planet...
  15. N

    Is he my soulmate or it's just an illusion?

    GaGa would say it's the latter :wink:
  16. N

    North node in Leo

    This video reminds me of Scorpio people, both ends of the spectrum:
  17. N

    North node in Leo

    It's a very tough cycle! Lol, trust me, I am so aware of myself yet I fall into similar traps time and time again, but if you can bring that awareness with you at all times, you can see the patterns and make the changes more easily. I am glad I was able to help a little bit, and thank you for...
  18. N

    North node in Leo

    Well we're pretty similar then I think, what I really meant was I have a hard time receiving anything positive from anyone because I feel guilty for taking it, but I still get very emotionally moved by everything. I too attract a lot of, lets say, thirsty people, which is to be expected when you...
  19. N

    Can 12th house make you feel Scorpio-like?..

    Oh boy... anytime you talk about water signs things get emotional! haha, well IMO everything is balanced and has a purpose, and there is good and bad to all signs. I said above that Pisces aren't chill to the core, I believe they are adaptable to the core and deeply afraid of having to adapt to...