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  1. Virgo_Burger

    Anything here to promote longterm compatability?

    Usually you would look to the composite for long-term relationship potential. With the synastry, if you met and there was a spark, if you like each other, and it feels right, then the synastry "works". No need to reverse engineer the thing. Synastry is surface compatibility, granted the themes...
  2. Virgo_Burger

    GoodvsBad aspects

    You might want to check out this nifty checklist if you haven't seen it, for an idea of the weight of some of these aspects. My advice to you would be to discard the juno, even the midpoint stuff for the time being. Just look at the personal planets...
  3. Virgo_Burger

    Composite Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus is aspect to natal charts Midpoints?

    I always look for this personally. Every one of my relationships with women that lasted has had at least one significant connection back to the natal. They say you are supposed to look at where the comp. sun falls in your chart to see how each of you perceive the relationship right; I think...
  4. Virgo_Burger


    Wow. I feel for you here brother. Yod's are very similar to unaspected planets, and can present an ongoing problem in your life, as I'm sure you are aware of (I call it "the middle finger of god"). Your yod encompassing so many planets in tight conjunction is not only difficult to interpret but...
  5. Virgo_Burger

    Guess my sign....

    You need better pictures. Too much altering, or make up, but I'd say capricorn maybe. I see libra, virgo, and maybe pisces though. but people have already said that, so I don't know lol. Didn't we used to have a whole guessing thread like this? ... gotta find that.
  6. Virgo_Burger

    How did this work out?

    Anyone want to give a shot at how this might have worked out between these two. My parents, happily married for over 25 years. They don't have a single harmonizing aspect. The most oppositions I've ever seen. Just thought it would be interesting to post, considering the fatalistic attitude some...
  7. Virgo_Burger

    Experience with Intercepted/Duplicated Signs

    Wow. that's very interesting. It makes sense. So does that mean the 12th house taints the 1st then with this combination? I was never abused, but I guess that depends on how you look at it. I was always teased viciously and felt left out as a kid (I was really shrimpy), and I think I've always...
  8. Virgo_Burger

    Experience with Intercepted/Duplicated Signs

    Hey everyone. I've been doing a bit of reading on intercepted and duplicated signs, I find it really interesting, just wanted to see what everyone's take on them is. A lot of people have them, how do you think they have played out in your life? Any insight in how to overcome the challenges...
  9. Virgo_Burger

    Contradictory Aspects / Mercury

    sorry, i lost track of this thread all together. I didn't think anyone had replied. Looks like you already got the jist of it though without my chart. Except Uranus isn't conjunct Saturn and neptune. Yeah, makes sense, Saturn would be the strongest, with the house and sign positions here, and...
  10. Virgo_Burger

    Contradictory Aspects / Mercury

    I've been struggling with some contradictory interpretations of some aspects in my own natal chart. When two or more planets are conjunct making the same aspect to another planet, how do you interpret your nature? I have Uranus, Saturn, And Neptune all Squaring my Mercury (along with jupiter...
  11. Virgo_Burger

    Developing your ascendant...

    Lately, I have noticed, along with other's feedback, how much I have changed, as I've grown older, particularly the last year or so. I have become much more like my rising sign, scorpio, becoming more stereotypically "scorpio" than a lot of scorp suns that i know. I see this in my siblings, and...
  12. Virgo_Burger

    The Yod in transits

    Hey there, I have actually yet to see the "yod" formation in a natal chart in anyone I know, but I have a lot of sextiles in my chart, and I'm just wondering what effect it might have when planets transit or progress into yods. Has anyone noticed anything notable? Thanks guys
  13. Virgo_Burger

    Synastry & Composite - Interpretations?

    I'm the "he", in here. lol. I am interested in how you deducted this. What aspects are you looking at. I would say that there could be nothing further from the truth, but I want to hear you out here, and I'll keep an open mind. Strong sexual tension, check. But that seems to be, at least thus...
  14. Virgo_Burger

    Synastry & Composite - Interpretations?

    haha. I've tried to quell that habit of being too nit-picky and critical, but yeah, I may have hurt her feelings a few times. I don't know. I think we are both pretty mature, and open minded. It seems to be working out beautifully. We're definitely feeling the venus in 9th. Great conversations...
  15. Virgo_Burger

    Synastry & Composite - Interpretations?

    Synastry - Interpretations? Hey, I would just like to post this again, as I didn't get many responses last time, I wasn't very satisfied. I'd just like someone to throw out some stuff, hopefully something that I haven't spotted or looked into here... I'm on the inside. Thanks alot
  16. Virgo_Burger

    What is it about Virgos?

    Wow. Virgo sun, moon, mars, Scorp Ascendant, Venus in Libra here... :wink: babay. We are pretty darn sexy. I am dating a scorpio, capricorn rising, cancer moon, and I find all of this very interesting. First of all, on a personal note, sticking my virgo nose where it doesn't belong, get over...
  17. Virgo_Burger

    Composite 12th house?

    Hi, so, in a composite chart, the 12th house is supposed to represent how a relationship can end, correct? I've been looking at a lot of relationships, that that really makes sense in, but I can't find any information on Venus in the 12th... What could that mean? The specific chart I'm looking...
  18. Virgo_Burger

    Couple Synastry Q's & Chart

    Haha! Figured it out... Will this do?
  19. Virgo_Burger

    Couple Synastry Q's & Chart

    I've never looked at synastry charts before, but if i've done my homework right, this looks quite promising. Quite a bit of sex in here, but it also looks a little one-sided (?). The outside person seems to be taking a little more initiative, and interest, at least initially, correct? What...
  20. Virgo_Burger

    Textbook chart?

    Yes. Her TOB and info is very accurate. I noticed the zero degree ascendant there, after we got the correct time it knocked her over to cappy, which makes a lot of sense. Checked out the link. Have actually read of all that before, but it's still good to give it another look. I actually do see...