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  1. K


    I know I have a difficult chart, but any opinions?
  2. K


    Hello, I haven't posted in a while, hope you are all well.I was wondering about my chart and children. I have a daughter but we are estranged, It is a long story but I tried very hard with her, but she didn't want any rules, he Mother let her drink do drugs and have sex starting at the age of...
  3. K

    Polagamy in my chart?

    Thank you very much everyone...yes I do get dreamy a bit and I have to remind myself children are hard work...The children thing is still up in the air..but the plural relationship itself is coming along, I love my g/f dearly, and am having feelings for this new woman as well. We are all 3 in...
  4. K

    Polagamy in my chart?

    Hello, haven't been here in a while, I hope this doesn't get to long winded, but I have a question I really want to ask. For along time I have embraced the idea of a plural relationship. I have been with my current g/f 5+ yrs and she is in total agreement. She could never have kinds and I do...
  5. K

    Why am I so dreamy?

    LOL, I understand, I have had the same problem all my life. I'm sure there are several reasons...I have learned be who you are, be happy with yourself, we all have negative traits to work on, but take this as a 'gift'. (it will help keep you young)
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    8th house moon

    I have a pisces moon in the 8th house, among other 'difficult' things, my life hasn't been easy, but I'm sure others have it worse. I too look for answers.
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    2 or 3 yod's?

    forgot my chart:
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    2 or 3 yod's?

    Hello, I have been trying to learn to study chart's better, and have taken a close look at mine. I knew I had 2 yod's already in my 5th house (neptune,mars,saturn) and in my 10th house(saturn.uranus,neptune) but looking at how close my venus and mars conj are, would another yod be formed between...
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    Indication of bipolar dissorder, and current depression

    I will agree with R4AVEN on the sensitivity and electrical issues, I know I go through periods of high and low energy, drugs also effect this I'm wired backwards as far as opiate drugs jack me up and give me energy, were as alot of people get sleepy. I had alot of weird out of body experiences...
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    Indication of bipolar dissorder, and current depression

    I was diagnosed with bi-polar in 2000, I have suffered with this for as long as I can remember, I had horrific nightmares as a child, I also heard voices etc...I have been told it was because I was a 'sensitive' to spirits etc...but the medical community terms it bi-polar...what ever you call it...
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    Endometrial/Uterine Cancer Diagnosis

    I wish you the best ! My live in girlfriend is being tested for the same situation as we speak...I pray for both of you to be alright!
  12. K

    Physician Assistant?

    I wanted to be a PA or a RN something in the medical field, but a mistake in my early 20's brought that to a halt, even tried writing the medical licensing board but it was no go, your choice of careers is admirable,(service to others, healing) ....I have made so many mistakes in my life all It...
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    Something's Very Wrong!

    I can't read chart's yet so all I can do is offer medical advice, severe depression can have a profound effect on your physical body, Chronic fatigue syndrome is another very bad situation. I would definitely have a blood test done! Also post your chart so some of the very wise astrologers here...
  14. K

    My Yod--looking for home.

    Thank you for your help, deep down I feel the need to move on often, I have to fight it at times even when I;m in what I would call a very nice relationship, I'm almost always torn in 2 ways...surprise huh...
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    My Yod--looking for home.

    I am pretty positive about my birth's strange I keep a small circle, I have really 1 good friend(the lady I live with) and that may now be in trouble too..I feel like being alone a lot and rarely return friends phone calls, I;m a bad friend in that way...I feel guilty..but I just feel...
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    Suicide and Astrology

    My father committed suicide and I have had terrible bouts of depression (bi-polar) I'm not able to read charts, but I wanted to say somehow hang in there they say "suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem) or something like that...I don't have an extremely happy life but I know I...
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    Family and Group Karma

    I feel like I inherited a lot of my fathers 'problems' and my brother got all the good qualities of my mother(hard working,stable etc...) not trying to cry or ***** about it because it is was it is, but I fell like he definitely got the better hand when it comes to life(things are easier for...
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    Esoteric Soul Progression

    I have always been facinated with nde's thanks for sharing your experience!
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    Pisces and Past Lives

    My moon is in Pisces as well as my 8th house, I believe I have had some pre-cognitive dreams as well as perhaps glimpses of a former existence, I also went through a period in my teens of out of body experiences, which I validated to my then girlfriend in the following way: I was on the phone...
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    Girlfriend's/Roomate(whatever she is) chart

    I really appreciate your 'reading' you were dead on about the fact that she is in my life to heal all of my emotional wounds, and sometimes I feel like she really acts as a motherly figure towards me, the sex is good and open, I've never been good at being monogamous and she understands that...