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  1. I

    How do you survive Neptune sq. natal Mars?

    Thank you - I am also going through Pluto opp. Sun in Cancer and Saturn opp. Ascendant in Virgo right now so this might also be a culmination of that. It's funny that I don't even really want him back, but emotionally, I feel wrecked and unhinged... I have a desperate need to contact him even...
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    How do you survive Neptune sq. natal Mars?

    Neptune began sq. my Mars in Gemini ~February of this year and it has been an absolute hell getting through it. Now that the retrograde is coming, I'm stuck until December. Not to mention the fact that it's transiting through my 7th house AND is also my 7th house ruler. I've recently got a...
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    Tell me something that you love/hate in my chart

    @IRIS70 Thank you. All of what you've mentioned is in line with my own research/recent reading by an astrologer. I posted this wondering if anything more can be gleaned... but it seems like the Moon-Saturn opposition + Sun-Neptune opposition seem to be the main inner workings for my psyche...
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    Tell me something that you love/hate in my chart

    I've read quite a bit about it and I feel it contributes to me feeling as if I don't understand who I am. I've always deeply identified with the Cancer in me but other people often interpret me as put-together and even cold - though this could relate to my ascendant in Virgo
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    Tell me something that you love/hate in my chart

    I'm quite intrigued with what placements/aspects you see being notable/difficult/strong in my chart.
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    I think relationships with Mars/Saturn in synastry should be avoided.

    This is really interesting and thank you for all of your insight! If you want to see our synastry, it's actually in my other post - to be quite honest, it was not great (lots of squares to each other's personal planets) and the relationship was quite difficult, but utterly magnetic 😅 But yes...
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    Why was this relationship so intense?

    Thank you for this interpretation! The Moon/Chiron conj is actually me, so I appreciate the interpretation of the T-square in my chart. I have to say that it rings true; before him and anyone else, I really had ambivalent feelings over being in a relationship. We actually started casually, and...
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    Why was this relationship so intense?

    Do you mean because of the emotional pain and the way we interact with each other?
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    Why was this relationship so intense?

    I always saw those mutual Neptune contacts as us projecting a fantasy onto each other, which I can certainly feel. I am also surprised that it lasted as long as it did, given his past experiences with relationships, but then again, it was very on-and-off, and I was drawn immensely to the...
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    I think relationships with Mars/Saturn in synastry should be avoided.

    Interesting - I had a relationship with a man where his Saturn in Aries squared my Mars in Gemini. I think that us breaking up was for the best, but I think that this aspect manifested in... unconventional intimate relations with him 🙃 ? It was very hot while it lasted and all consensual, but...
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    Why was this relationship so intense?

    Thank you. I agree that day-to-day, there were struggles, but the mutual obsession and attachment to this relationship was strong. I still struggle to understand my attachment to him despite the troubles. What do you mean by "Neither with you nor without you...?"
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    Hi - my interest in astrology started as a kid reading horoscopes in the back of magazines and buying books on sun sign astrology. I've always deeply identified as a Cancer. Fast forward and I'm starting to take an interest in natal charts, and I've done my own basic research and learning...
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    Why was this relationship so intense?

    We dated on and off for ~7 months, recently broke up. He was quite intense from the beginning and pursued me heavily, which allowed me to open up a lot more. We ended up breaking up mostly because he could not see himself settling down any time soon (despite throwing out a lot of **** that...