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  1. infest

    book on house rulers throughout the houses?

    Some more info on them i've found on the site atrofix but then it got restricted about how many articles you can view per month was it, and maybe is not all the info anyway. Do you know any books about house rulers throughout the houses, because I don't recall finding any.
  2. infest

    Baby Boomers = Pluto in Leo ??

    leo is cute playful and charming. cats earned to imitate baby cries with their meows. ppl associate babies and kids with being bossy.. the sun is warm and life giving but its warmer to those its close to, tho it can also be vicious and burn. core is the root of courage. core is heart and leo and...
  3. infest

    Generational superiority complexes

    it seemed to me even at school each year was somehow more distinct from other years, and the people above and people below feel superior to each other based on superficial maybe downright just narcissistic reasons. then there's the boomers vs millenials vs gen x (idk who tf is gen x and whos...
  4. infest

    neptune 12th house meaning

    logan paul is aries sun, the narcissist i mentioned is also aries sun, and the pedophile has a pisces sun fwiw. you can view logan paul's chart online if you're concerned about more holistic interpretaiton, tho bc we're flawed and dont see everything we wont understand everything, a natal chart...
  5. infest

    neptune 12th house meaning

    Logan Paul is a celeb with neptune in the 12th a pedophile had it in his 12th and a narcissist too so it says deep empathy and insight. but in the case of the pedophile for example he said he witnessed it and it just became that way for him. some place said its like the floodgates are being...
  6. infest

    Astrological placements and visual identification

    3rd eye starseeds magnus carlsen picture upload sites leonardo dicaprio jack doherty avril lavigne picture upload sites those are libra sun and ascendants faces you can see prominent forehead going over the eyes/the eye area gets pushed in and the jaw sticks out
  7. infest

    Vent/ how do you feel

    it doesnt make sense to me because people "naturally" "know" and "understand" some things other people don't. If He made us flawed, He made us to suffer, is suffering His intention, did He make us ahve to suffer to have better lives in the first place, when it could have been to have made us not...
  8. infest

    Vent/ how do you feel

    there are people i want to help, financially and shelter, but also emotionally, and physically heal them, teach them skills and have them find their purpose. im concerned about some of their health, and the long term ramifications, even if some may lose their lives, and waht about if they get...
  9. infest

    Vent/ how do you feel

    This isn't good - health issues, wanna run away, autism + schizo physical issues cause consrtiction of the cranium, i become psychopathic whenever i try to hyperfocus on something so i can't "learn" in some sense. kind of figured out how it works, but i cant readjust my whole body properly...
  10. infest

    Vent/ how do you feel

    I don't see a venting thread, so i decide to make one.
  11. infest

    Overdosed on november 20th 2023 - only survivor of quadruplets

    ya i know i want to delete the thread or rename it and then reupload, bc the person survived, i prayed for her, idk whats next, the chart may still be interesting to discuss hence i want to rename the post.
  12. infest

    Overdosed on november 20th 2023 - only survivor of quadruplets

    quadruplets born with bacterial infefction. only she survived and needed surgeries to, on her guts. used colostomy bag. toxic family situation, absent father who also died, friends didn't help her because she was worried to invite them and for them to see her in bad situation, bc they'd be too...
  13. infest

    Chart ruler Jupiter in detriment inconjunct ascendant

    can somehow meeting the evil people also give me power or help me transform in positive ways without corrupting me 12th house still signifies places and as it is in sag what else could it mean?
  14. infest

    Chart ruler Jupiter in detriment inconjunct ascendant

    Does pluto in 12th house in sag mean going to church would benefit me? another person with that placement gained spiritual powers after unalive attempts and being taken to facilities.
  15. infest

    Should i cry in public

    horary moon is exact conjunction my natal north node in 7th house cancer
  16. infest

    Astrological signification of nail sensitivity and discomfort (symptom of autism)

    this is interesting but is this T square specifically the cause of anyone who'd have that issue/trait? also does this mean saturn rules hair?
  17. infest

    Astrological signification of nail sensitivity and discomfort (symptom of autism)

    ive read or heard moon square uranus and ceres in angular houses can give healing hands, but what gives nail hypersensitivity? saggittarius has hooves and horses have problems with them in captivity, my parents would forcefully trim them, my mother also had nail sensitivity until i was born, and...
  18. infest

    Guess his Ascendant for me please.

    im really not sure maybe scorpio, or does he have pluto in the 1st house?
  19. infest

    What signifies synesthesia?

    the other preson physically resembels me and we have had similarities in our life and thought patterns, so im not sure what our particular differencse are, but in general ppl with synesthesia have thier own associations so one person may not necessarily make the same assocations between...