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  • was viewing random peoples profiles here on astroweekly cause I was bored and noticed yours and smilingsteph's convo lol I live in lacey just thought it was funny I just happened to stumble onto that :)
    Yeah Lynnhood, err Lynnwood. Right by the Pawn Fathers!
    I am 30, born in 79! good ole 70's.
    I moved from Texas because my husband got a job on the Fire Department here. He loves it. We are originally from Portland Ore. which is not too far off from here. But the area is so different from what we had been used to for 10 years. Just think I spent 1/3rd of my life in El Paso.
    I am looking for a house, but not so sure I want to live in Lynnwood. I am working at Stevens and I dont want to move too far off. Lake Stevens maybe.
    Well contact me if you want to by PM!
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