No!! I love your random ranting... Continue! I love people who love things!!
Was with my cousin from Sunday to recently and it was like a vacation. It's funnier watching people arguing then arguing yourself sometimes. I never thought that family fighted. Oh her dad is annoying!
Only had 4 lessons all together Monday + Tuesday, that's lovely. Still I will have lots of lessons the rest of the week and I HATE the place. It's such a waste of living.
Found out that the cute teacher is quite the slacker (Libra Venus, Taurus Mars - we did not saw that coming!) "I want to make the most money with the least effort". Oh god. He said that Lawyer was the work that least fitted his statement. Ironic.
My ex mentor had me as "missing" even if I where on his lesson; He's such a fuc.kass. Must mail my new to inform about that.
You should continue with the least stressful seedmethod. Sometimes choosing just takes time when you don't really need to be picky. Love hearing from you!