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  • Dear AineB,

    Kindly help urgently. I am very worried for my marriage as my husband is having an affair with other girl. Just wanted to know that is there any future in this marriage or not.

    My DOB - 25th April'1984
    Time - 2:30pm
    Place - Delhi

    Husband - DOB - 13th Nov'1982
    Time - 6:50pm
    Place - Delhi

    If there is a slight possibility in saving this marriage then what are the remedies i should do? When all this will get settled. Kindly let me know, it will be of great help.

    Thanks in anticipation.


    S. Sehgal
    Hi Aine
    I hope i am not disturbing you toooo much in your busy life ( from all the interests you have you must be quite busy i guess ).
    I saw on one of your posts that you have used both solar fire and the keplar software packages. I am unsure which one to buy and finding reviews of either is quite difficult. Can you help me with some info. Keplar to me seems the one for me but still am not sure? Ahhhhhh. LOL.
    Best wishes.
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