New 12 planet system & rulers


Well-known member
[FONT=&quot]Paneagle presents the POSSIBLE 12 (TO 15*) Planet system - and order of rulers

The actual order of the planet body order is based on the actual distance from the sun.
The key is the Sun, with Earth as our comprehensive center of focus.
But now perhaps we can expand that to a Solar centered focus including Earth.
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Towards proposed relationships of rulers of the houses.
Mercury rules Gemini, Venus Taurus, Earth (from Sun) Leo, Moon Cancer, Mars Aries, Ceres Virgo, Lilith Libra, Chiron Scorpio/Ophiuchus, Jupiter Sagittarius, Saturn Capricorn, Uranus Aquarius, Neptune Pisces.

[/FONT][FONT=&quot] If 12 or 15 Planets in Order from Sun -
1 Mercury 2 Venus 3 Earth(from Sun) 4 Moon (being closest to us) 5 Mars
6 Ceres 7 Lilith 8 Chiron 9 Jupiter 10 Saturn 11 Uranus 12 Neptune
13 Pluto 14 Eris 15 Sedna (these three outermost to or from kuiper belt)
Based on largest and closest plus size as weight mass

This system has a very accurate fit with the accepted sign rulerships and houses, as 9 jupiter for sag, to neptune pisces 12 and the others too, ceres with 6th virgo,, lilith with 7th libra, chiron with 8th scorpio.

As Pluto is now outside the 12 in distance, it presented a concondrum. Death is when the chart is not applicable, so chiron may be transformative 8th, but no death is given exact death, or sign, because it is a non-living aspect. This is my own take for Pluto scorpio 8th, and I hope it is illuminating)

I do see we could place Pluto in 8th and chiron thus ignored, as they do place pluto out of order
in common system. I still choose to follow the distance order here with chiron and here place pluto 13th with the mayans (who did use sacrifice and killed their culture after all) as well as use the 13x20 timing system.

Pluto rules Scorpio but may be ruler over no house or the 8th in a 12 house system. The larger scope could give us 15 signs and planets with Pluto is 13th, and Eris 14th. Sedna with eccentric orbit is 15th.

15 house system is 24 degrees per sign. One may research dating for these (anyone?)
Putting in the river eridanus between aries and taurus, ophiuchus between scorpio and sagittarius, and Bootes the shepherd bear keeper in the fall before scorpio or libra in late summer, or orion in June spring or early summer.

The questions for research of Pluto and Chiron, Scorpio and Ophiuchus?
I tend to think Pluto is over emphasized, and Ophiuchus is ruled by Chiron. Scorpio is the ruled sign of Chiron, lifting it from its purely negative connotations. All planets are positive-negative balance, as are all things in this world.

Pluto suggest 13th ruling Draco, the Dragon, and Chiron is Ophiuchus, the doctor healer. The 15th sign is unnamed. It could be Eridanus, The River between Aries and Taurus as said. Sedna would be the ruler of the River, which is a long constellation. I also edge to Bootes the Shepherd and Arcturus its bright star for the other of the 15th signs. It is prominent constellation on the path. Cygnus the Swan is another that could be favored.

The system of 24 bright stars are aligned with the 24 hours of the day as well.

What reflections have you all? THE DISTANCE FROM SUN - It does make sense!!! ?

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Well-known member
Also...I believe in the 12 Planet theory and have posted on this in some other thread. I'm pretty sure i wrote about this theory in my book too.
The Asteroids were a Planet for one and they still rule Sag. and Pisces...Jupiter is the ruler of Cap. and Aquarius...always was.
Saturn is the higher octave ruler of Leo and Cancer...follow the myths about Chronos and's all there in clues.
Uranus is thus the higher octave ruler of virgo and it is the higher octave of mercury.
Neptune the higher octave rule of Libra and it is the higher octave of Venus.
Pluto ...of the higer octave ruler of Scorpio and Aries.
thus The remaining 4 signs ...Sag. Cap. Aquar. and Pisces infer that there are two more planets.
If you read enough of the esoteric numerology assoc. with astrology you'll find that it is written that 28 is the number of Man. That 888 is the number of Christ and that 666 is the number of the Anti-Christ.
As 28 is the cycle of Saturn and it is explained why it is called the number of man by that esoteric source [of which i won't go into here as i don't have the exact text handy and don't want to mis quote anything]...the rest of the clues infer that there are two planets with cycles of 666 years and 888 years.
Thus the Planet with the 666 year cycle is the higher octave of the asteroids...and this gives a wide eye to the ancient legend that ">>>The asteroids were formerly a Planet that was shattered by Lucifer to confuse mans pysche." [I believe this was in the book "Hamlets Mill"...but I can't quite recall offhand]...thus the Planet with the cycle of 888 is the higher octave of Jupiter...which makes beautiful sense in that Jupiter and Christ go hand in hand and so does the symbolism and qualities found in both Capricorn and Aquarius.
As 666 years and 888 years will always coincide at the same degree of the Zodiac ...i believe that degree to be 1* Libra. This happens every 2400 years and about every 24,000 years with Pluto...thus we get an AVATAR...!!!!!!
This conjunction happened with Pluto in 003 Ad on April 2 ...the day Jesus/Yeshua was born.
Every 666 years some evil befalls mankind...and portions there of...i.e. when ever the cycle brings it to the 1st degree of any of the Cardinal signs.
Every 888 years something good happens....and portions there of.
Examples...669 Ad Mohamed died. ...about twice that there were the executions of the Templars. 3 times that and you get 2001.
[in 333 BC...Alexander the 'Great'...ahem...was conquering...his first rule of order?..."Abolish the Sun cults"...!!!! OH YES...!!!!;;;around 666 BC...I believe that to be when King Hezekiah warned his Hebrew subjects to not change the 'Rites'...and about 1300 the time of Akhenaton...The Sun Pharaoh... worshiped the ATON..and you know what happened to him...!!!]
888 Ad the Treaty of Verdun is signed and the northern European provinces/kingdoms/whatever band together to stem the flow of Roman Catholicism and Islam from going any further.
Twice 888 is 1776...Need I say it?
And....add 222 years to that and you get 2001....Need I say it?
I believe that these outer two planets are of such size and immense ice that when the conj. in the 1st degree of Libra occured ....exactly opposite the Sun for about 2 weeks from late March into April in 003 and created a phenomena that appeared to be a small star newly arrived.
Meditate on this.
Thanks. ptv
.OM Surya Namah OM
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Well-known member
I have some reservations about broadening the system of planets. The rulerships assigned around the zodiac already follow proper order of increasing distance from the Sun, so there's no problem there. I find it interesting that people who supposedly had no heliocentric model of the solar system could put the planets in that order in the first place. That is one reason I am hesitant to expand the system. It seems that the ancients already had the knowledge of how 12 signs should be organised and should relate to each other.

Further, each of the 7 traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) were used to correlate the systems of the stars to the systems of man. Each one represents a sphere of influence and quasi-residence used by man and through which man passes in his sojourns. They represent the tools we need to use to build ourselves. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) correlate more directly to large scale phenomena, such as the behaviour of groups, nations, and even all people on the planet. This view of the outer planets was held by Llewellyn George, a man internationally known as an effective astrologer.

This isn't to say that a 12 or 15 planet system couldn't work. It may be possible to build a parallel system that works according to its own nature and can be proven by its own merits. That isn't what we have here, though. This seems much more like conjecture to me. When you start naming things in order of increasing distance from the Sun, which things do you include and which do you skip? What are the criteria for what a planet is and isn't?


Well-known member
I have some reservations about broadening the system of planets. The rulerships assigned around the zodiac already follow proper order of increasing distance from the Sun, so there's no problem there. I find it interesting that people who supposedly had no heliocentric model of the solar system could put the planets in that order in the first place. That is one reason I am hesitant to expand the system. It seems that the ancients already had the knowledge of how 12 signs should be organized and should relate to each other.
Appreciate your comments. The function of a 12 system is relevant, functional, and vital. That the 12 planets most recognized (as dwarf, asteroid body or real planets) in the order I notice has some backup, for example Ceres and the 6th, plus the old recognized fit so well into the model. Of course there are 12 planets, the Moon does not count as a planet, but for this purposes as a ruler to us on Earth, the moon is clearly closely tied and directed. That Pluto becomes 13th is interesting, maybe to ignore the old mainstay ruler of hate, death and terrible passions. Like the society, it has had a lot of airplay. Maybe it should be devalued.

Chiron is also very much acknowledged in many regards and research. Chiron's relation to the doctor healer and to Scorpio elements as well, acute perception for example, is interesting. Even though Earth is not the center of the universe, it is our center, our location.

Yes agree there is conjecture to a 15 planet system. I do not actually propose that 15 system be take up. It is used for example that we could add 15 planet rulers to signs or houses. This does not propose to ignore the importance of the original 7 - Sun to Saturn, or the outer planets et all. Also, mayhaps we should continue to value the inner system as original, and the new outer system in its place as long term and generational influences, thus more in their rightful places and not make so much of pluto or neptune individually in horoscopes, focus even more on the sun and (sol 60th harmonic) for individuality intentions. That is my take in general.

But the good fit of the planets to ruler signs is very clear. I chose the relative distance plus size (weight and mass) and the accepted weight of astrologers usage of the planets and dwarfs. This would make the system accurate to relative dimensions they are representing.

Any other insights or views?


Well-known member
I have some reservations about broadening the system of planets. The rulerships assigned around the zodiac already follow proper order of increasing distance from the Sun, so there's no problem there. I find it interesting that people who supposedly had no heliocentric model of the solar system could put the planets in that order in the first place. That is one reason I am hesitant to expand the system. It seems that the ancients already had the knowledge of how 12 signs should be organised and should relate to each other.

Further, each of the 7 traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) were used to correlate the systems of the stars to the systems of man. Each one represents a sphere of influence and quasi-residence used by man and through which man passes in his sojourns. They represent the tools we need to use to build ourselves. The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) correlate more directly to large scale phenomena, such as the behaviour of groups, nations, and even all people on the planet. This view of the outer planets was held by Llewellyn George, a man internationally known as an effective astrologer.

This isn't to say that a 12 or 15 planet system couldn't work. It may be possible to build a parallel system that works according to its own nature and can be proven by its own merits. That isn't what we have here, though. This seems much more like conjecture to me. When you start naming things in order of increasing distance from the Sun, which things do you include and which do you skip? What are the criteria for what a planet is and isn't?

...yep, there you went and did just what I said would happen with this sub-forum. You went and used the 'T' word...."Traditional' shore did.
Traditional...[from Wiki.] "Tradition can also refer to beliefs or customs that are Prehistoric, with lost or arcane origins, existing from time immemorial."
...and there's the rub that rubs me wrong...
now lets single out this part of the quote I took form Wiki.
"...lost or arcane origins, existing from time immemorial."...
Now you've got it...that's what I'm talking about...
True and full Astrological understanding occurred at a time when mankind was at one of its' peaks mentally and spiritually...a forgotten time immemorial...the time has been forgotten by most everyone and the knowledge that no longer could be understood gradually became of less and less use to anyone as it was edited, contaminated, mis-interpreted [either deliberately or innocently], much of it lost outright and finally condemned as something taboo and even evil by some.
Traditional Astrology is true Astrology...that is when all the planets are accounted for and confirmed, what they affect, what their effects are, and all other knowledge of the workings of the Zodiac the Ancient Ones knew that are now forgotten.
The Sabian Symbols are part of 'THAT TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE' so is the understanding and knowledge, that of another triplicity of the Zodiac that I've posted on..i.e. that all the signs of the Zodiac are in one of three categories that are; 'Above the Earth', 'On the Earth' and 'Below The Earth'.

Yes, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and any and every planet beyond Pluto are attuned to mass consciousness...but so are the all the planets.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and all planets beyond are Higher I explained and illustrated in the above post.
They have a most direct and deliberate affect on people that are more highly developed spiritually...Rudhyar observed and commented on this. His conclusion to understanding the forces and effects of the more complex matrices and the higher octave planets was; that it would take an Astrologer who has those very same matrices and influences of the higher octave planets in his birth chart to do in: It hadn't been figured out to that date and that "It takes one to know one." I said before...not every one can be a Nikoli Tesla...

..and as to Llewellyn George and his book....
I have a copy...and it makes a decent book-end for all my other Astrology books that I value and's worth its weight in lead.


Well-known member
1. My usage of the term already fits your cited definition of "traditional."
2. His name was Nikola Tesla (I have a complete compendium of every patent he ever filed with the U.S. Patent Office).
3. Lead is actually pretty valuable and useful.



Well-known member
1. My usage of the term already fits your cited definition of "traditional."
2. His name was Nikola Tesla (I have a complete compendium of every patent he ever filed with the U.S. Patent Office).
3. Lead is actually pretty valuable and useful.


...I would much rather prefer that any astrological system of analysis and technique as developed by the European and Islamic astrologers that is presently used and referred to as either 'Traditional' or 'Classic' be called 'Medieval' {comment removed by moderator}
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Well-known member
To keep on topic - this 12 planet system exploration.
defines asteroids and planets not known in ancient (or traditional) times.
this system of rulers (distance from sun) is mercury venus sun moon mars ceres lilith chiron

I find it interesting that chiron entering pisces hit the 150 degree point of the world grid during the recent flooding in australia and uranus at late pisces is near the new zealand (quake this week's quake zone) 174 grid point in late pisces, and also that 30 degree south is 0 pisces if equator is used as 0 aries center. Thus chiron could be part of a plutonian influence as it has been assumed, and maybe chiron working both sides of healing and wounding is symbolic of that polarity as such, the 8th house or sign ruler.

Traditional or not, ceres has associations with virgo, lilith with women and libra, chiron (as above 8th), and pisces neptune with 12th. Mars is often strongly self-expressive, selfish, as in leo, 5th sign. Maybe that should shift too. mercury is movement and mobility, #1 ruler.

Another shift would be using sun for the 3rd house or sign, could back up the many who think number 3 is a key number of the world, and of earth in relation to sun and light as knowledge, aka third house. Not to end the traditional view that pluto is ruler of scorpio, or sun is to leo. For 12 to 12 as in the law of One, 1 to 1 relationship, this system
provides both logic and intuitive (probability of cause).

We are in a shift time, mayan, age of aquarius, etc. Things change. what we accept may be what actually become or what actually is. But belief should have some empirical or real alignment too. This attempt here is about that.

(note - please do not take offense - always find it interesting how astrologers (would be ruled by URANUS AQUARIUS) devalue new (NU) with the earthy saturn capricorn or virgo traits of tradition, disgruntled or accuracy empirically focused (such as exact positions of constellations being suggested and used in some current 13 planet system arguments).

on higher octaves - yes planets have lower and higher octaves. but so do we, soul, individuals. we are not fixed bodies, one life, then done. The inner self and/or called higher self, this is the important body, not the planets. Astrology is only measures of this in our physical life. So it is limited as much as science.

my sol astrology system has the higher octave of each sign and planet,
as neptune is poseidon, pluto is kronos, and signs such as aries is the Hero, perseus. The celestial zodiac. But this new zodiac is far more important than the 12 planet system presented here. It covers the great cycle along the solar path of celestial constellations which our sun passes through in its 26,000 year run. see

best; pan


Well-known member
I have wondered if Eris may be the true ruler of Libra. Eris, because of her name, is associated with strife and disharmony, but I don't think this is the whole story. Eris is currently in Aries, a Cardinal and Fire sign and is so expressing Aries features, but IMO her underlying principle is balance of opposites, and in Aries that means stife, stuggle, and discord from forceful assertion of opposites, Aries, being opposite Libra, would be Eris' detriment.


Well-known member
I have wondered if Eris may be the true ruler of Libra. Eris, because of her name, is associated with strife and disharmony, but I don't think this is the whole story. Eris is currently in Aries, a Cardinal and Fire sign and is so expressing Aries features, but IMO her underlying principle is balance of opposites, and in Aries that means stife, stuggle, and discord from forceful assertion of opposites, Aries, being opposite Libra, would be Eris' detriment.

Thanks for Eris insight. As Eris is a very much large body, and 14th in the order of significance listed - that is twice 7 - could be that is association to libra or as a co-ruler.

I know this seems like conjecture, but we are using the actual distance from sun, or we are using our 'intuitive' concepts. The choice or not is
like the contrast styles of empirical science vs. astrological metaphysical.

I would also suggest Chiron is the 6th, Eris is 7th, Pluto is then ruler 8th.
This system deposes ceres and lilith, although they could be 13,14, 15th with Sedna in that 15 body makeup.

The new 12 system rulers would be (not directly applying as to distance) would be mars 1 venus 2 mercury 3 moon 4 sun 5 chiron 6 eris 7 pluto 8 jupiter 9 saturn 10 uranus 11 neptune 12.
I am going to use this order to project a certain system I am testing)

An answer to Ha HA - yes we should have humor. I hope it was not misunderstood, to be specific, meant we are spiritual beings in the body, will not die (not done), although the body dies, and this life is not our only lifetime. if we look at bodies as living things, we may be correct, but is that accurate. Just as the laughing one stated that the supposition of Eris was a non natural body, - meaning what? that Eris (like chiron or others) were part of a blown up planet from the past? or that eris is an alien controlled craft? (smile) One should be specific so we know what we are referencing. carefully, we may observe the planet system or rulers also for how they are actually depositing or ruling. it may be the system changes too to fit modern times. we did not know neptune until 100 years ago.
so how would the ancient have used them? It's always a question of point of view.
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Well-known member
Aspie - by the way you are a sol sign 60th harmonic sun at 1 virgo.
This is directly conjunct my 1 degree virgo ascendent and near the bright star Regulus in leo. thanks for reply again. Virgo is the sol sign of the shepherd, Bootes, constellation also called the Owl sol sign and the Shariat, which is the wisdom keeper, or as Bootes, aka the bear keeper.

Further 12 sign ruler set - here it is. (No longer Eris, but Lilith is my choice
as it is 7th distant from sun and well known now in astro circles)

1 mars 2 venus 3 mercury 4 moon 5 sun 6 chiron 7 lilith 8 pluto 9 jupiter 10 saturn 11 uranus and 12 neptune.

This one works for me as the 12 ruler sign systems. If you wish, look at your charts and see. for example i have virgo rise and chiron in 5th house. Am very creative and love music movies, and sports prediction.
chiron and mercury are conjunct.


Well-known member
I have wondered if Eris may be the true ruler of Libra. Eris, because of her name, is associated with strife and disharmony, but I don't think this is the whole story. Eris is currently in Aries, a Cardinal and Fire sign and is so expressing Aries features, but IMO her underlying principle is balance of opposites, and in Aries that means stife, stuggle, and discord from forceful assertion of opposites, Aries, being opposite Libra, would be Eris' detriment.
...for reasons I already stated above...including "Eris" in ones chart is'll find that it doesn't come out in the wash after you've worked with it awhile. And I only say "awhile" because there is a predictable margin of placement by luck that may delude you into believing it has some affect.
It's a dead end my friends.


Well-known member
...for reasons I already stated above...including "Eris" in ones chart is'll find that it doesn't come out in the wash after you've worked with it awhile. And I only say "awhile" because there is a predictable margin of placement by luck that may delude you into believing it has some affect.
It's a dead end my friends.
I bet some were saying the same about Pluto in the 30s, And Eris is bigger than Pluto. :wink::sideways::smile:

The whole thing of some planets ruling multiple signs while other planets rule only one offends my sense of balance and symmetry. I think the rulerships are:

Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini
Venus - Taurus
Mars - Aries
Ceres - Virgo
Jupiter - Sagittarius
Saturn - Capricorn
Uranus - Aquarius
Neptune - Pisces
Pluto - Scorpio
Eris - Libra


Well-known member
I bet some were saying the same about Pluto in the 30s, And Eris is bigger than Pluto. :wink::sideways::smile:

The whole thing of some planets ruling multiple signs while other planets rule only one offends my sense of balance and symmetry. I think the rulerships are:

Sun - Leo
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Gemini
Venus - Taurus
Mars - Aries
Ceres - Virgo
Jupiter - Sagittarius
Saturn - Capricorn
Uranus - Aquarius
Neptune - Pisces
Pluto - Scorpio
Eris - Libra, you're not getting it. The object, designated now as Eris, is not 'Natural' I have to draw a picture?
As utterly fantastic as that may sound it is nevertheless the truth of the matter. I just happen to know people that know of such things...I almost wish I didn't know of such... If you want to include it in you Astrological considerations you will only be deluding yourself. Aspie Taurus, if that's what you want to believe and do, nobody is going to stop you...and I'm not going contend the issue with you any further.
But I do have a concern [and obligation, I believe] as to inform as many of you that haven't accepted it as a legitimate or valid astrological influence to date to not do so or at least be highly skeptical and aware and also that I have personally been given every indication,[ knowledge and information wise], to the contrary and I am privy to some information that is not mine to fact I've been advised [if not out right warned] not to discuss what is known about Eris with anyone not already so informed and or aware of the situation.
Just because it orbits the Sun doesn't mean that God put it there or that we should consider it anything other than flotsam or jetsam...Size is not of great importance here...Mercury is only about 3000 miles diameter...thats apprx. 700 miles less than Pluto. Ganymede, one of Jupiters' moons is apprx. 3200 miles in diameter...larger than Mercury.
I have had numerous confirmations of Plutos influence and rightful status as a Planet...I was a bit shocked to see that Mark is one that still states that Uranus is considered to only have affect on Society en masse and/or in general as nowadays there are so many first hand accounts here at the astrologyweekly forums and other astrological forums all over the internet of Uranus' confirmed and validated influence directly upon individual lives both in the natal chart but especially and most conclusively by transit to natal charts.


Well-known member
I agree Eris is not to be included in 12. Lilith is my choice for Libra. It fits the feminine mystique, and a certain aggressive (or stronger if you will) quality I see often in women that is not the likes of stereotypical libra.

thanks for comment on Eris. However, contend you did emphatically.
("do I have to draw you a picture"...could be taken as insulting to anyone)
easy on, please.

I do have a spiritual comment on Eris as 14th distant from sun. 14th initiation may be said to be the highest. It represents the master soul spirit, in that sense the master as completely united with god. That is gods own level or itself with itself. This cannot be comprehended by man or soul, it is quite remarkable compared to any other. 13th is the initiation just before, also a master spirit but not the 14th itself. If we compare this as 14th ultimate as god itself in god's own, the 13th would be the spirit of god, and that which is about its godhead, like its aura perhaps.
This is unfathomable also to any human or spiritual level consciousness that is not that.

the 13th can be compared to a void between the ultimate and the infinite set of worlds below it (the 12 spheres, 12 dimension suspected by physics, and down to our physical dimension - the lower world of the 12 planets and sign systems)

Why I compare it is that pluto is 13th from sun, would reflect the void aspect, void or illusion or dark side (which is also the lower world creation), god as the uncreated world, not manifest, and also to the illusion also which is the lower worlds and all worlds outside of the god worlds. (These worlds are or exist, many mansions, etc). 13 may be the first pure spirit from out of the godhead. (now if you don't believe in such, let it be)

I mean to say Eris and pluto maybe in some courses unfathomable because of this, not able to find good reflection of meaning in human terms.
That you would not speak of it (eris) more clearly perhaps fits
that, but also as in number 9, a number that added to all other numbers is not change the numeric total (1+9=10=1) Therefore, eris of outer realms may be like the long cycle of change, that the one master knows, and slowly it evolved, but so slowly like a slow down relative clock, the second to 12 hours, or a day for a century or a millenium perhaps. We don't in our human life or even as soul have too much reflection of Eris or that beyond the 9th, even less the 13 or 14th.

I don't know what you mean by Eris as you did not or would not say.
semantics can be hard to share, so to this model of 12 rulers, - ceres has relation to 6th, but is not chiron more influential? I choose chiron and lilith at this point. (nothing is set in stone). I do think that 12 as system number is tops and solid, and one sign for one is logical and intuitive, as the law of one remains our best suit. in that sense there is no worlds, separations, and many compatriots to rulers, such as mercury for virgo or venus for libra and probably eris to lilith or 7th. Being now Eris in Aries, this long cycle of eris may suppose a bit of conflict in human relationships, a kind of contradictory or even natural but displaced degree of anger so common in so many people. But aries and eris seem like compatriots also. mankind learning to accept individuality, perhaps. even if different, races, gender, nations, et all, acceptance is a key.

best; pan


Well-known member
Eris is not natural? So you think it is a giant alien spaceship or something? LOL! It's bigger than Pluto, if Pluto counts as an Astrological planet then Eris should.

Oh, and you got your facts messed up, Mercury is larger than Pluto and Eris, both Pluto and Eris are about the size of the Moon.

And I'm an Atheist so I don't believe "God" put anything anywhere. :tongue: Pluto and Eris have their current positions because early in the history of the solar system Neptune, which was originally between Saturn and Uranus, was thrown outward by the gravitational effects of Jupiter and Saturn. Neptune plowed through the Kuiper belt, sucking many KBOs, including Pluto and Eris, into resonant orbits.


Well-known member
Mark said:
The outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) correlate more directly to large scale phenomena, such as the behaviour of groups, nations, and even all people on the planet.
That doesn't mean that the outer planets have no effect on individuals. It only means that the outer planets are more "macro" than "micro" in their influences. These planets also represent realms that can be sojourned, but they most directly represent our "outer parts" (less dense, more energetic), which constantly interact with each other, sort of like an electron cloud.

AspieTaurus: There is no need to accept any stories about a man that lives in the clouds who rewards or punishes people for their choices. The only point I want to make in that context is that God is not as simple as man wishes He was. We have before us one choice that is simple: we can reside in a Living Universe which has meaning and purpose, or we can reside in a dead universe where random things happen. I think the point to realise is that it all depends upon your perception. How can we even think about it in the first place? Have you ever seen a dog watching a sunset with wonder? Or a cow weep at the sound of music? What makes us so different? The awareness of God is internal to us, for we are gods, Children of the One.


Well-known member
Paneagle. I apologize for the remark that you may have found insulting and Aspie T...I'm using an Astronomy book from the 70s'...I guess the data is old...makes little difference to me though as to regarding the topic.

...and here's your picture...I didn't 'draw' it by the way...


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