Mutual Reception Festival

Summery Joy

Well-known member
Hey you guys,

We all know that Pluto and Jupiter are currently in mutual reception by Sign. Uranus and Npetune are too.

And since the Sun moved into Capricorn, it's been having the same mutual reception with Saturn. This will continue for around a month or two if, like myself, you account for the traditional rulership of Saturn over Aquarius.

It may look like that's all what's going on, but check this out. Mars is currently received by the moon by face and the moon is received by Mars by term, a very short-lasting mutual reception. Venus is also rceived by the moon by triplicity at night and the moon is currently received by Venus by term, which gives us another short lived mutual reception that goes off by day. I don't know if either will last through today though :D And even when they all separate from these mutual receptions, they will go on to form other minor ones.

Seems that Mercury is the only planet that is not in mutual reception, which is too bad because it's in its sign of detriment. But it very soon will enter a minor mutual reception with the moon (one by face and the other term). At least it's in its own term for the time being.

How does this mutual reception festival sound to you? Maybe it's something that happens all the time and I've just learned about it, but I kinda feel it's Heaven's way to cool down the effect of the Rx, debilited, peregrine transits the seem to be hogging this season :D