Transiting Saturn, Uranus and Pluto and their impact on relationships


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A friend of mine will have a couple of rather intense transits from Saturn, Uranus and Pluto during the next year or so.
  • Transiting Saturn (natal Saturn is in the 10th house, Saturn is the ruler of his 2nd house)
    • Right now transiting Saturn conjuncts his natal Mars and Jupiter in the 9th house (Mars is the ruler of his 5th house, Jupiter is the ruler of his Ascendant)
    • Saturn will then move to an opposition to his natal Moon in the 4th house (Moon is the ruler of his 8th house). At the same time Saturn will also conjunct his MC and square his natal Mercury and Neptune in the 1st house (Mercury is the ruler of his 7th and 10th house, Neptune is the ruler of his 4th house)
    • Finally he'll have his Saturn return, starting in early 2009.
  • Transiting Uranus (natal Uranus is in the 12th house, Uranus is the ruler of his 3rd house)
    • Right now transiting Uranus conjuncts his natal Moon in the 4th house. Uranus also squares his natal Mercury and Neptune.
  • Transiting Pluto (natal Pluto is in his 11th house, Pluto is the ruler of his 12th house) will conjunct his natal Sun in his 2nd house (Sun is the ruler of his 9th house) and square his natal Saturn in early 2009.
My friend has been in a relationship for the past 10 years or so. However, the past 4 years have been somewhat rocky for him and his girlfriend. He cheated on her with another girl, but stayed with her out of a feeling of guilt and responsibility.

Now, looking at those transits, what do you think is going to happen to their relationship??? Will he continue to stay with his girlfriend or will he finally break up with her???

PS: I'm very new to interpreting transits, so I'm grateful for any help I can get with this!!!:39:


Well-known member
Well I only have a few minutes and I think that the saturn transits will open him up to the past lessons he has learned and help him to change the way he was to a newer understanding of who he is truly as a person and who he should be...
Saturn transitting the personal planets can be a rough time, only if you let can bring about change...and hardships that will help him to grow...
Saturn to moon can make him moody and depressed about his situation. Thus bringing about a change within. Saturn to mars, well he needs to remain calm. Saturn on the MC can bring about positive career changes! Saturn to mercury can make him feel depressed, want to isolate from communications with others. He just might want some time alone to reflect and be a little isolated.
Uranus transits to the moon can make him disillusioned when it comes to his true feelings; moody as well.
Pluto to sun, will encourage him to transform and change! This is also what happens during the saturn return! Lots of change. With relationships this opens the eye of the person and lets them see that the relationship is not good; and for this person it is not good to feel guilt and to stay with someone for that reason, as later he will end up resenting his girlfriend because he has these negative feelings holding him to her. He just might free himself of these feelings and want to leave. Just because he made a bad mistake of cheating does not make him responsible for staying! In fact by staying he is doing both of them an injustice! In time he will see things differently.
He might be depressed now, but will soon realize that he will have to do something about it (action) with saturn to mars.
This is very nice that you are helping him and preparing him for the time ahead. He might want to be alone and reflect, be calm, take up things that make him happy. He might be moody and act differently, but your support is encouraging.
Good luck!


Well-known member
Thank you both so much for your help!!!! It is highly appreciated :39:

I have yet to study progressions in more depth ... Right now I don't know enough about them to give a reliable interpretation.

Would it help if I also posted his chart???