Which houses and Transits indicate a big move?


Would anyone be kind enough to tell me what I should be looking for in a transit chart to see if a big move is indicated.(One country to another)Also If more than one person is involved i.e my children ,would their charts show similar indications?
I know the 9th house is usually involved and maybe Uranus.
My young son has got involved with drugs and there is NO help where I live now he says he wishes to return to England but i really do not know if this is the answer and I would be uprooting the whole family to return to a place I do not wish to return to.
Bless you all for helping us amateur astrologers to help ourselves.


Don't look back ,there is no future in it....


Well-known member

For moving from the home (now) you look 4th house. For abroad, you look 9th house. Uranus has not much with that to do, as Uranus is ruler of 11th (naturally). There are Mercury (3rd) and Jupiter (9th)
I have seen, if you move overseas (that is England) is also 12th house.

You better look your 4th and 9th house or Solar for the time, you want to move.



Senior Member, Educational board Editor
Another option would be to pose this as a Horary question, such as "Will I move overseas in ....(insert time frame say, 6 months)...and post it on the horary board under the subsection *Relocation*...i agree with Yelena, to look at action (eg Mars) and ninth house...Also fourth...Same for your children's charts, but I would look first at transits to the natals-usually big moves can be seen there. Regarding Uranus, when Uranus transited my friend's fourth house he had to move about 7 times, each time being triggered by a fast planet. He also had other disruptive aspects but now that Uranus is on the cusp of MY fourth, I'm feeling a bit *unsettled*, let's say, in the light of the effect I saw it have on him....so Yes I would check where uranus is and what it is up to....But a horary might be the easiest way to go. Cheers, Lillyjgc