Is Venus in Libra harmed by a conjunction with the Sun (6-degree orb) also in Libra?


Venus would be considered under the Sun's beams. However, Venus is in domicile and the Sun is in fall so she's potentially a lot stronger. The exaltation ruler Saturn is also in domicile in Capricorn but it forms a square to Venus and the Sun.

Does the Sun have the potential to harm Venus?

It's a natal chart:

Thank you.

Edit: Not under the beams but combust, indeed, my bad.
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Well-known member
Venus would be considered under the Sun's beams. However, Venus is in domicile and the Sun is in fall so she's potentially a lot stronger. The exaltation ruler Saturn is also in domicile in Capricorn but it forms a square to Venus and the Sun.

Does the Sun have the potential to harm Venus?

It's a natal chart:

Thank you.
Just my opinion, the answer depends on who you ask zona967 :smile:

Hellenistic astrology says that Venus, although under the Sun's beams is also in her own home aka domicile and is therefore 'in her own chariot' where she has shelter from the scorching heat of the Sun


Well-known member
Venus would be considered under the Sun's beams. However, Venus is in domicile and the Sun is in fall so she's potentially a lot stronger. The exaltation ruler Saturn is also in domicile in Capricorn but it forms a square to Venus and the Sun.

Does the Sun have the potential to harm Venus?

It's a natal chart:

Thank you.

Domiciled planets are thought to be less harmed by the effects of combustion.

Vedic sources also give a similar interpretation to the one JUPITER gives in the post above mine.

As a siderealist I feel I should point out that Venus is very debilitated in Virgo, as well as combust.