Are these indigo charts?


Well-known member
Hi everyone

I understand I could be a bit self indulgent bringing up my kids here, but I had never heard of the indigo children until this week. The realization that my two oldest could be Indigo, as they were born in 1992 (the peak year) and 1994, was such a revelation. It would explain so much.They've always seemed "special' to me (I know, every mum thinks so!).

They both have an extreme concentration of planets in a small part of their chart, have the Neptune-Uranus Conjunction, these & quite a prescence of other planets, in Capricorn.

The boy, an Aries and turning 15 soon, was always an "old spirit'. He was never really a baby! Extremely independent, with quiet inner confidence and eyes that see right through to your soul. He was bitten by a deadly snake a few years ago and had to be airlifted to hospital. Although you'd think it was an accident it was more like something of an initiation for him, he loves snakes. So single-minded. He's being treated for ADHD, typical for indigo's as their restlessness doesn't fit in with the norm at school. His chart indicates he could be a leader and authority in his chosen area, casting away defunct systems. So maybe that fits in with the indigo's task.

The girl, 13 year old Aquarian, is quirky and creative. Survived leukemia twice as a toddler. (All good now). Her chart indicates she could be good at councelling, with some intuitive gifts.

They both have major planets in the 12th House and One has jupiter, the other Pluto in Scorpio in eighth. This makes me shudder. My youngest son, a sunny and un-complicated 10 year old Leo, planets scattered happily all over the chart just seem to have chosen a more common destiny than my two oldest.

When I read about indigos and looked at their charts, I thought so many pieces fitted. They've always seemed out of the "norm", however they have never displayed any psychic abilities.

I was just curious if these indeed are typical indigo charts. Also if there is a any way to see if there is a conjunction with Quasar in Astrodienst.

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Well-known member
I actually managed to find the aspects with Quaoar on Astrodienst, number 50 000- I think aspects to this asteroid is what is a collective indicator for Indigos. Please correct me if I'm wrong. It turns out that although all my children have the Neptune/Uranus conjunction in Capricorn it is actually my youngest boy who have the Quaoar conjunction with Pluto and Uranus, he's born in 1995. He must me Chrystal because he's not hyperactive at all and very loving, sensitive & peaceful. With those huge eyes.


Arian Maverick

Well-known member

I cannot seem to open either of the Word documents you have attached; can you post the natal data of your two children here? ;)

Unfortunately, I have not encountered many websites that give specific indications of Indigo consciousness in a natal chart, but it is always interesting to search...

Arian Maverick
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Well-known member
Hi Arian

I'm looking for info, there just seem to be so many of those sites that want to cash in on the parents of these children. Next time down at the spiritual bookshop will be fun though! As it turns out it is actually the youngest boy that has all the indicators for indigo. To say he's gorgeous is an understatement. It's not uncommon to see him with his granny, arms folded behind his back in thoughtful conversation while strolling along. I'll see if I can get the chart links working.

Mats 14 yrs, 26 March 1992, 7.15 am, Perth Australia

Em 13 yrs, 8 Feb 1994 8.10 am, Perth Australia

Geoffrey 11 yrs, 19 Aug 1995 9.15 am, Malmo Sweden
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Arian Maverick

Well-known member
Oh my goodness, it is getting too incredibly difficult to be objective about your youngest Sun's chart when it resembles my own in a few ways! :)

The first thing I noticed about this chart was the yod configuration with the Sun/Venus conjunction as the apex. His angles all occupy a critical degree, and Chiron--the wounded healer--is conjunct his Ascendant and therefore likely a large part of his identity and Lilith is conjunct his Midheaven.

I created a horary chart earlier today asking how one could recognize the chart of an Indigo, and lo and behold, there was a yod configuration--a boomerang, more specifically--with apex Saturn opposite the Sun-Neptune midpoint. I am not exactly sure what this means, yet all of the major angles were in mutable signs.

Arian Maverick

P.S. Although this site mostly explains the attributes of Adult Indigos, I highly recommend reading the articles in The Indigo Files; Starchild also has information that may be of use to you. My favorite article from this site is The Systems Busters : The Way of the Indigo Warrior. Good luck! ;)
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Well-known member
Thanks so much Arian

Much food for thought. These charts will keep me busy for the next 6 months, I'm sure.
