Looking for a few horary tips


Well-known member
If you were to do a horary chart for the question, "Will I be accepted into nursing school this year?", what house would you look to? Since I am the one asking the question, I plan on looking to the 1st house and potentially the 3rd house. I decided on the 3rd house because I would be attending a community college and not a university. I thought about looking to the 6th house, but I decided against it because this question is really about getting accepted into a school. Also does anyone know what planet rules nursing? Would it be the moon or mercury? I am leaning towards not paying attention the ruler of nurses since the question is about school, unless someone has a persuasive argument otherwise, but I thought it would be good to know all the same.


Well-known member
Hi Lillybelle, maybe I can help you here. I have "the Rulership Book" of Rex Bills here and it gives me for nursing: Virgo, the 6th house, Moon, Cancer, the 12th house and Neptune (the 12th house is of course connected with hospitals). For schools he only mentions primary and secondary and science, in general. Probably nursing school falls under the last one. I would look at Mercury, for sure, being ruler of schools and the 6th house and just look at your significator and what sort of aspects it makes to the 3rd house cusp and Mercury initially.After all, it is schooling, whatever sort of schooling it might be. Hope you can find something positive there.


Staff member

Attending any form of advanced education in any particular field is a 9th house matter. The 3rd house stands for either self-taught education, either for primary education (like first 8 grades).

Starlink posted the nursing astrological signature: "Virgo, the 6th house, Moon, Cancer, the 12th house and Neptune" which you would expect to be related in the horary chart with the 9th house of higher learning, such as Virgo or Cancer on the 9th house cusp or the 9th house ruler in the 6th or 12th house - manifesting in this particular horary chart the nursing theme.

Look for dignity, aspects and reception of the 1st house ruler (and the Moon) and the 9th house ruler. The ideal would be to have your significator received by and in applying aspect with the college significator (9th house ruler). Good luck!


Well-known member
Yes, Radu is right of course about the 9th house. I was sort of distracted by you mentioning that it is not a university study but a communal college. A communal college is of course a more advanced learning center from secondary school. Thanks Radu.:)