Hold On To Your Hats


The market starts to drop(today)like a big roller coaster, on the very day that Jupiter enters Sagittarius and comes within the 8 degree orb of perfect opposition to Uranus's position on the USA's natal chart at 8Gemini. Another contributing factor is that Uranus itself is now squared it's own natal position (8Gem)and by Jan. 20th Jupiter and Uranus will form a T-Sqaure with Uranus's natal position.
This is very likely the start of the next "great depression", and only the first in a series of many market crashing planetary aspects to the USA's most sensitive planetary natal positions, with worse ones than this yet to hit in the next 7 years culminating with the "Grand Cross" to hit the ultra-sensitive spot of 13Can, the Sun's USA natal position. On April 23, 2014 a "grand cross" formation will be in full bloom right on top of the Sun's natal place at 13Can, with Mars at 13Lib, Jupi at 13Can, Uran at 13Sag, and Plut at 13Cap. By that time the USA's economy should be at an all-time low point in history.
Hold onto your hats gentlemen, you are about to witness an "interesting time" in economic, social, and political history that will rival any of the stories that your grandpa told you about. Grandpa remembers having to wipe his butt with corn cobs because he was so poor, well, we won't be able to afford corn cobs by 2014.


Well-known member
Interesting Jake I would like to explore this more.

Is there an event chart that can be created for a great depression. I ask because the great depression of 1930 had actually started in 1929 and not felt until later in 1930. So if one can make a chart to explore this I'm curious where would be the birth point to create the chart?

Or do you want to strictly go by transits to the US birth chart? If so which one do you use because I have seen several different ones used. I myself like the one with the Sag rising at 12 degrees. For me with something as horrific as 9-11 I can see the event clearly on that particular chart. But curious how you view the chart.

Sorry my Taurus like the econimic aspects of astrology. Would love to hear and discuss stock market and economy aspects that might be coming up for the US.

Thanks :)


Hi VenusInAries. I am a disciple of Robert Gover, who is an acclaimed astro-economic researcher/writer and an historian of the astro cycles that corelate to economic depressions and recessions. To learn all about it you can read many of his articles at http://stariq.com he has about 33 different articles there, just type in Robert Gover into the search box. Since no one knows for sure the exact time on July, 4th, 1776 that the USA was born, I don't worry about that, I just use a chart for 12 noon at Philadelphia. Robert is an older gentleman of 77 years old and has spent 35 years researching the astrology of the USA's economic, social and political history. He is a fascinating read, I was hooked after reading just one of his articles. If you are interested in financial astrology, Bill Meridian is another good read, but his books are pretty expensive, whereas Robert Govers articles are free. Another good one is George Bayer, I have several of his books, and they can be bought at Ballantrae reprints, and you can Google that site, they have many old books on financial astrology that were written back in the 1930's that are no longer in print, and can be bought fairly cheap.


Well-known member
Thanks Black and Jake, I am gonna spend some time reading these articles looks super interesting. Yeah on the US chart I've always hesitated because there are 10 different charts http://www.astrodatabank.com/NM/USA.htm

I felt though the economy was gonna take dive because of the democrats taking over the house. No offense to democrats :) just felt there was gonna be a shift in the economy there :)

Okay gonna go spend time reading these articles thanks :)