What astrological karma means in this case?


Well-known member
I just finished reading through another thread done back in 2006:

I was trying to read it according to one chart I'd seen. There's a little talk about Saturn, and a little about the 12th. However, there's a lot of this chart that all comes at once.

Therefore, I'd like input (hopefully from Miss Saturn if she's available) about what a chart with the following factors means for astrology:

2° max orb trine between 8th house Moon, 4th house anti-culminating Neptune (5°), and a stellium of Venus, Sun, and Jupiter (last 2 on same degree) as the 12th house (Mercury is in there too, but it's less important).

The same chart has Saturn within 9" (minutes) from the Ascendant, with the North node trailing slightly behind (5°).

To me, this chart screams karma, but I don't understand it entirely. Except Mars, Mercury and the Lunar Node, all planets (and Chiron and Juno) are all interacting with each other through a tight (nothing more than 7° off) set of aspects.

So my question is how to interpret this karmically? If I need to post the chart, I will, but I'm actually hoping not to.