My Career :(


my career


This is the first time i came across something called horarary astrology, this whole concept is new to me, and sounds really interesting. :) start with, i need to know about my career..and this is not a question that just popped up now. This is an issue that is on my mind since quite a few years.

If you can, can you please tell me, have i chosen the right career
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hi mein

well, you have many cuestions, I dont know how old you are.

any carrer could be good, astrology dont tell you what excatly carrer you will have, but it could guide you to decide for one or other carrer acording to your horoscope.

ok, you have gemini on house 2, Libra on house 6 but also there is Jupiter on escorpio, and Acuarius on house 10 but also uranus on pisces.

your economic incomes could come from your ideas, or maybe writing books or conferences.

since Jupiter is the biggest planet, it has more influence, so you could have a lot of work to do, and it requires pasion, energy, but you'll be glad of it

finally, you could have a social projection with philanthropy or for help others.

well, hope it could be helpfull :D



Well-known member
Horary astrology in my understanding is for a particular hour in a persons life, not a general trend. We need to look at your natal chart for transits and progressions plus the influences you were born with. Some things are by free will and some are fated. We need to look at 10th house and its ruler and aspects. 6th house for everyday work and 2nd house for talents and values used to earn income and gain security and possessions.

