Karmic astrology/synastry


Well-known member
Figured I'd repost this here just in case.

Sun conjunct South Node (and obviously opposing the North node) and the same person has Sun conjunct Saturn with me. That is besides all the rest of the aspects. Would you explain the significance?

This person and I also have:

Our suns are trine.
My Sun opp his Venus
My Venus squ his Mars
My Pluto Conj his Saturn
My Venus trine his Jupiter

These are just a few aspects. I don't know his exact birth time...I just know it was "early." In any case, it would be improper to assume.

There is another person. He and I have the same sun sign (conjunct) and the same venus sign (except his is at 2* and mine at 12*, I doubt that is a conjunction). My sun is conjunct his NN. Significance?

I hear that the degree range is a maximum of 8 for aspecting. Is that so? If not, what is the maximum?


Well-known member
Just a guess from a novice, but the person whose sun is conj your NN is pulling you away from past life concerns and may do so in a way that chafes a bit.He may apply limits or structures which you may or may not accept depending on the rest of the chart.

Anybody else with more knowledge?

Cassie Priam

Well-known member
Judy Hall uses 8 for conj, trines, sq, opp, and quin. 6 for sextile. But she will expand those orbs especially for outer to inner planet interaspects, and if there is a double whammy aspect going on. For example she would go up to 10 if inner and outer planets, if accompanied by a 6 trine and 4 conjunct.

Sun conj the NN indicates that that one of you is going to help the other grow and evolve. The sun conj SN indicates that one of you may pull the other back into old ways of behaving.

Trine suns indicate a harmonious and easy rapport, potential for a lasting relationship. But the sun opp Venus means there will be some differences in values and desires. Mars sq indicates arguments likely.

Double whammy aspects indicate a past life connection, single indicates you are both working on similar issues in this life.