Movie Opening Charts


Well-known member
This is a website where the astrology interprets charts for
movies opening days.
The one on Wedding Crashers is very cool!
I am watching Corpse Bride, (Tim Burton rules, very Scorpio), and
heres the chart set for noon, the time when theatres show the first screening...Unless someone had a midnight premiere?


First, Jupiter the sig. of legal unions, is in marriagey Libra...Libra is weighing the options, as are the players.
Pluto sextile Jup, appropriate he's the Lord of the Underworld.
In the movie, young Victor & Victoria's stuffy Victorian families are forcing them to marry each other...When she asks, "But what if I dont like him?", they scoff, "Like that has anything to do with marriage!".
Saturn in aristocratic Leo, square Venus, in her weakened sign.

He travels to a forest, practicing his vows, then accidently marrys a corpse bride instead. He stumbles into the fun loving World of Death.
Neptune oppose Saturn - Ideal image of love by him, fighting the parents structure.
Neptune square Venus - Everyone is confused here, Corpse Bride thinks he married her on purpose, Victoria wrongly thinks he's got cold feet to her.

Jupiter & Pluto make a Yod to Mars in Taurus, in fall, just like Venus(the women). Mars represents the problem- material, earthy desires VS the perfect fantasy..finding a way to balance the two.
Mars square Neptune.

Venus in Scorp- Don't want to ruin the movie...But when you find out CB's background, you'll understand how relevant this it.

Sun conj. Mercury, Virgo - Duality of the worlds, Victorian times were very proper, white glove... Victor looks Virgo, slim & a bit reserved, intelligent.


Well-known member

Thanks for the link EvilPixyScorp: I regularily visit a movie blog, and everytime this guy rants in unbelief about how lousy films are a succes (Dukes of Hazzard, Underworld 2), and excellent films don't get any attention at all (Slitter), I have to resist from pointing out the astrological explanation.

I do not yet understand a lot of what is explained.

But one thing that did catch my attention was a review of Minority Report, and a reference to the Pluto/Saturn link (water, drugs, illusions, death...).

I think it's indeed an impressive point as to how much water scenes there were in that film, and they even seemed to have forgotten the bath tub scene.


Well-known member
On movies and astrology:

Here's a question: Paul Verhoeven and Mars?

He made Robocop, Total Recall (takes place on Mars), Basic Instinct (Scorpio?), Showgirls (lead character is definitly a strong Aries type), Starship Troopers (military society), Hollow Man (Mars at its cruelest?)...