Nice tool, how do I use it?


Just wondering...

Sabian symbols seem to be nice tools. How am I supposed to use them with respect to my chart?

I asked the oracle a question, and this is the answer that I got:

A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.

15º Cancer

Or, more appropiately:

MERRY AND SLUGGISH PEOPLE RESTING AFTER A HUGE FEAST A turning to superficial things for self-strengthening. Self-indulgence in sensations. Unintelligent satiation; dullness.
___*When positive, the degree is an effective and smooth demonstration of human competence, and when negative, a self-disintegrating surrender to appetite.

Still don't get it :? The question I asked was about moving, having my friends back and getting a (real) salary.

I will say this, though: in the beginning, I thought people were talking about Sabian CYMBALS -- the nice and pricey cymbals for drums (which I coincidentally own) :eek:.